Monday, 4 May 2020

Why do I get a huge headache when I play shooting video games such as Gears of War 3?

Riley Migl: It sounds like a mild form of motion sickness. Same thing happens to me when I play first-person shooters.

Abraham Ladick: Either motion sickness, playing in the dark will strain your eyes, or long houRs of it!

Michelle Sohre: Its for playing so much. I get the same thing so I play for a little and not a headache or get stuck in my head and that drives me nuts because you cant go to sleep

Ty Kirton: science

Emilie Santmyer: One possibility could be that you are playing in the dark and/or your eyes are straining too much. Many games, especially FPS, use lots of darkness/shadows. Try turning on a light, behind and to the right or left of you (will give light but won't glare, test the angles).Some people get motion sickness because their brains see the movement, even when you are just sitting at your pc. My friend has this problem. Turning on a light helps him, but he still has a problem and usually has to take a break at least once per ! hour (some FPS games cause him to start feeling poorly within 15 minutes). Another thing that has helped him greatly is switching from an LCD to an old-style flat-screen CRT monitor (old-style, but with some searching, you can find new ones). Just to be clear, he doesn't get motion sickness normally, from actual movement, so don't write this possibility off just because you don't normally suffer from it.Another possibility (and the one that I am betting on) is that you are just simply in need of some type of corrective lens (contacts, glasses). You have probably heard of people needing glasses for reading, well you can need glasses for any situation where your eyes are strained. Fast moving high-detail shooters can put alot of strain on eyes. There are many people who get headaches from computer games, or even just looking at a computer screen, and think it is just because using a computer is bad for eyesight. Call up your eye doctor (just search yellowbook for one if you d! on't already have someone) and get a quick consult over the ph! one to see if he/she thinks you should come in. Don't write this one off, even if you already have corrective lenses, as you may need a prescription change or be better off with a different lens type....Show more

Sammy Hatzenbihler: All the intense action and hours of playing, then you stop then you're kinda like wtf and then your heads starts beating and then hurts later

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