Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Home school compared to public school.?

Cyndy Grimes: public school is good if you like to talk to other people your age, home school is good if you are a loner

Amina Motzer: i would prefer home school because i like being at home and at public school you get to hang out with friends but i don't like doing that so i prefer home school. It depends about how much you like seeing your friends.

Gregg Hagge: Home schooling and public both have advantages.Public schools allow you to socialize more compared to home, but they usually teach you the regular curriculum that does not compare to the possibilities of home or online schooling.Home or online schooling is by far the better way to go. There are multiple online schools that allow you to learn at your own pace and advanced classes. Although you wont have as much of a social life, you can arrange "get-to-gethers" where you can meet other home schoolers/online schoolers. Online school is a very new experience to most people. In online schools, you can ma! nage your schedule so you can choose which classes to have on which days, or, you can make it so that you can do more throughout the week so you can have 3-day weekends =D. I love this because i can go to school while on vacation. I personally go to an online school (connections academy) and although it can get tough (which school isnt), it is totaly worth it since you can do whatever you want....Show more

Jed Mutone: home

Geraldo Mccalla: I used to be home school and I thought I loved it. But then I started a public school and I loved it it gets you out of the house away from your parents and then you get out in the world and meet new people and have new friends

Lynn Melbourne: I have read few articles about this and I am convinced that home schooling is better. However you need to have a real plan (as you know), if the plan is right, then home schooling is much better.You get more freedom on how you study a subject, so if at school you only have to sit d! own and take notes, at home you have a lot more freedom, and n! othing is 100% strict on timing. an article stoke about a girl that had to leave school for health reasons and started home schooling, and now at the age of 35 she is a performance artist (cant remember here name). In a interview she said that she felt that learning did not have a start or a finish, that she was always learning. Everything she did seemed to be connected togetheras as we tend to think that after 3.30 the school is over, and school starts at 9am, she never felt like thatshe also said that her mom used to take here to galleries and performing concerts, therefore she was given extra learning through seeing these acts live. However, it is very important that you do have a program and that it is really a home schooling rather than a casual study...Show more

Valentine Willinger: Home schooling ruins your social skills. Even if you hate school, it will teach you valuable life lessons that you'll need later in life.

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