Bennie Lantgen: with a belt.and the R-E-S-P-E-C-T song.
Nancy Mansell: Unfortunately respect is something that needs to be earnt. Discipline is different, and the main things are to positively reinforce good behaviour but don't severely punish bad behaviour. Instead try to make them understand WHY what they did was wrong, that they made a bad choice, and stress that you're disappointed. Disappointment hurts worse than punishment.
Alden Soldano: By example. If you go out to a restaurant for instance, say please and thank you to the waitress. Open doors for people with packages. Kids don't listen to what you say, but they see everything you do. Show respect to each other at home, too.
Tyree Allenbrand: starting when they are very young would be the best. just telling them how you should treat them, and how you should and should not talk to people. when they mess up, tell them and keep telling them. not just what they said wrong, but what they should have s! aid instead of what they said.
Adelle Weight: Maybe tell him that he as a child gets only respeced (which allows him to decide little things) when he pays it back.
Andra Oger: Same as a dog, get him/her to know his/her place. Obviously don't smack him/her on the nose every time he/she does something wrong!Don't just allow him/her anything they want without having to "work" for it. Teaches them that nothing is free. Also, try treating them as an adult, maybe to the same level as you would treat your best friend. Don't scold, but tell them why they were wrong. My cousin was spoiled thought his whole life and I wasn't. Don't spoil a child and allow them to walk all over you either. Result? He is a junkie living in a homeless shelter and his parents have given up on him, they were too late to administer discipline. Whereas I was given nothing, had to get a paper round to earn money and value the things I have in life. I am a respectful happy person due to my parents! ... basically giving me nothing!...Show more
Trena Berum! : The best way to teach respect is to be respectful to everyone you encounter in your life. The child will learn that that is the way you should treat people.
Brenton Cornwall: You can start with yes sir and no sir, yes ma'am and no ma'am, please, thank you, and you're welcome.
Joan Stavropoulos: Teach obedience first by rewarding him with a fiver every time he obeys you and others as respect will follow on its own!
Shandi Wedge: Teach by example. :DAnd disipline and reward if necessary. xP
Maurice Breuning: Monkey see, monkey do.Then it's all about rewarding good behaviour and correcting mistakes.
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