Monday, 25 May 2020

Special education teachers, please answer?

Ron Keliipio: I just entering special ed- I think most of this is actually rare or at least in my neck of the woods..... Schools are not that dumb and most teachers would sue if they school violated their rights.My biggest issue is that parents WANT their kids in Special Ed and they don't need to be there. Scamming the government for SS checks by claiming their kid is autistic when really the parent isn't feeding them so they can't function. I also have one mom saying her kid can't read because he is retarded and nothing is wrong with him- they have no books in the house, she feeds them fast food every night and parties with her boyfriend- kid never does his homework and lets him stay up all night.... wonder why the kid can't read.Passing thing- major issue in Philadelphia but the problem is these kids get a free lunch and a warm place to hang out in. They don't care and they would stay there until they are 55 if you let them. They have to be passed by the 5-6 year be! cause tax papers can't afford to keep them there and the students don't actually care about learning....Show more

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