Saturday 19 October 2019

Visual art portfolio help please?

answers1: Again, you need to ask the Unionville visual arts progam
Director to get a real answer for this, but here are some suggestions:
Write the piece's title, size, and mediums used. Then begin describing
the piece. Some help: "What is the theme of the piece aka: what is it
meant to portray or what is the point? (Is it abstract? fine art?) How
was the use of negative space used? What are the color tones and hues
used? How does this add to the overall feel of the piece? Do these
colors make it feel a certain way? Happy? Sad? Melancholy? Active?
What is the focal point? Do you feel that you were successful in
getting your point across? How? Have the mediums you used added to the
overall content of the piece? Why did you pick that medium? etc. <br>
Best of luck to you! You can do it!! Don't forget to ask that
director! That is what will help you the most!

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