Sibyl Siwik: the government will just tax hydrogen.This is what they do to biofuel right now. If your making your own biodiesel and the govt. finds out your will get a fine in the mail for about $4,000.
Gus Leiby: I would almost think a very small tax on your income . Maybe a penny on a dollar or what ever. Maybe they could sell road tax sticker for your car and go by size and weight and you must have one in order to get your license plates every year that way they can estimate how many vehicles are on the road and the average cost for maintenance per year and what to charge for the sticker The only reason i say on your income tax is because roads benefit every one not just the person driving . I know allot of people don't drive and would not want to pay but allot of people don't go to school either but still pay school tax its for the good of all...Show more
Darrel Stele: By taxing the new fuel sources, really it's quite simple.
Whitley Leopold: Alterna! tive forms of taxation, naturally. The most obvious would be to increase taxes on vehicle sales, or products sales (say, hydrogen fuel cell.) Create a specific "highway tax." Or cut pork barrel in other areas to redirect funds. And so on.
Alecia Kaehler: do you really think they are fixing highways off gas taxes?I drove the whole united states this summer,and there werent to many roads that didnt suck
Raul Lushbaugh: New taxation of related things to replace the gas tax (hooray!) or reduced spending of unneeded and useless other programs.... really, that was a simple question.
Leif Serabia: I posted this question twice to see what diversity in answers I would get. So far this group has a better handle on things. Regarding taxing the alternative fuels, I would agree, I bet however that it will be done well after a problem is realized, meaning a lag in funding and a deterioration in our highway system super structure.I don't believe the government will ! levy any tax on income. Property taxes and income taxes are to! o controversial and often are looked at as not fair or as arbitrary. I believe a sales tax of some sort will be levied, as in one on hydrogen....Show more
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