Porfirio Cahall: It's impossible for any horoscope to interpret anyone's life exactly based only on Sun signs because everyone has a unique, personal birth chart. It's better to keep track of the planetary movements and figure out how they might affect you for yourself.
Bethany Blocker: lol scorp and sag that's not a good combination is it. if you don't believe anyway, what are you on about? :S
Hunter Osterberger: My friend is a Sag and has been with a Scorpio for a couple of years. It is hard to say Sag are not into relationships, but he been nothing loyal to Scorpio GF. Don't let horoscopes rule you.
Brittanie Zakutney: Keep going out with her, all the Scorpios ive ever met are very sweet and sags are too dont believe what horoscopes say just go with what your heart says
Raye Tredennick: When I first read my Horoscope my first reaction was "OMG,this is my personality."I'm a scorpio myself,and everytime i read my horoscope,I am still amazed,mostl! y because alot of the things that described my personality are true.I kinda started to think about it,because I was saying "this can't be true"But hey,How did they know that?How did they know all about your personality?Horoscope can't be fake,well atleast that's what i think.Since your a horoscope,ill tell you some of the things about us,(Well im a girl so obviously it might be diffrent,)Were loyal,observant,Passionate,But we have negatives too,Jealousy,Obsessive,Manipulative,Suspicious.And you know what,Scopio and sag are compatible,Because I used to be in a relationship with sag and it lasted for 8 monthes,it was my fault though,i ended it :DBut remember,some things might be true about scorpio,and other signs,but nobody is the same,so dont worry about that....Show more
Curt Broadhead: I'd ask Lulu where she got her data from. Astrology believers do not use statistics. So this maybe just speculation at best. Look at the evidence. Can one person show one area where as! trology (any type) does clearly better than random chance? Or ! better than alternatives that are simpler and more likely? Just one? No, because it must be believed or it does not have a leg to stand on. There are no theories for astrology. It's claims fail all tests. Statistics could be astrology's best evidence, but no statistics will verify it's claims. Also there is the moral problem that gets swept under the rug but won't go away. Astrology is bigoted concept. No other fortune telling method shows such bias. Even against it's fellow believers. If you judge someone because of a fault that no one has control over such as what, when and where you are born, that makes you a bigot. If you judge someone due to race, that makes you a racist. If you judge someone due to sex, that makes you a sexist. Most people will find both of these not acceptable ways to judge others. But, if you judge someone based on the day they are born, that is a bigotry called astrology. Making you no better than a sexist and a racist. Edit: @ Miss S: So is it gra! vity that influences us? If not, what is the force and why can't it be detected and measured. Also you should read up how gravity and tides really work. See links. Unlike astrology, tides are totally predictable....Show more
Coleman Coscia: Horoscopes are general, and if are written by anyone with a background in astrology, will hit on general transit situations for a particular sign. So in some cases, they may have some accuracy. If say 10% of the people reading a monthly horoscope for their sun sign find that pertains to them, they will think the horoscope worked quite well. I don't follow horoscopes, but I have an avid interest in the subject of astrology charts and aspects....Show more
Freeman Rutkin: First off,Astrology. Horoscopes. Two different things. May seem similar to the naked eye, but they're totally different.You are correct about horoscopes being like fortune cookies. To me, the only difference between horoscopes and fortune cookies is that you ca! n't add "in bed" after a horoscope to make it funny. Usually.Listen, no! w you're delving into Astrology, alright? Get a birth chart comparison. Here's a great link for it: http://astro.cafeastrology.com/And remember, love is way more powerful than stars....Show more
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