Wednesday, 1 April 2020

How much does it cost to rebuild a boat engine?

Annabell Bevier: cost rebuild boat engine: https://bestanswer.im/e17/how-much-does-it-cost-to...

Beau Starcevic: Usually when you are looking at boat in terms of repair items, cost, parts ect,, you need to find out what year and make your motor is.IM assuming you are saying the boat itself is a 1988 19ft Phantom. I dont know of any engines that go by that name.So unless im completely up in the night you should first look for a make, model and horse power of your engine,, that will give you a better idea.A boat and engine built in in the late 80s should still have lots of parts floating around out there,, youll just have to search the net for them.A place I like to look at it www.iboats.com.. it has accessories, parts and even motors,,,But if I were to take a stab at a price for an engine rebuild I would guess around 3-$4,000 depending on if you can reuse your old block and lower unit.Good luck and I hope I was able to help you out.Have a good day and good luck w! ith your boat!...Show more

Eleni Mccier: This Site Might Help You.RE:How much does it cost to rebuild a boat engine?The boat is a 1988 Phantom 190

Lindsey Zanardi: I'd suspect you have a 5.0 GM block that could be Mercruiser or OMC Cobra..... or something similar...... I'd expect a good rebuild job around $5000. there are variables but this would include manifolds and exhaust components. Auto or junk yard engines are a waste of time....to many differences....Short blocks are available...rebuild carb and alt. start. send heads` out for rework! Good Luck!

Spencer Heidtbrink: there is a lot of variables that will determine the whole price.most can be rebuilt anywhere from 2000 to you name it.it all depends on the situation.i had a 1990 200 johnson rebuilt,new pistons, rings, cylinder resized,bearings,gaskets,etc,etc.for just under 3000.maybe that will give you an idea?

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