Jodie Capella: Diesel cars are faster over hybrid and electric car.
Clay Lipira: Electric motors have very high torque at low RPMs, and nearly all of them accelerate very well. Below is an article showing the Nissan Leaf can do 0-60 in 7 seconds:**And of course, an electric car is unbeatable for fuel economy - ask your utility for an off-peak rate for overnight charging. Your cost-per-mile should be around 2 cents for electricity, which is at least 5 times cheaper than even the most fuel efficient gasoline car.*If money is no object, the cars from Tesla Motors are even better - the Tesla Roadster can out-accelerate a Ferrari....Show more
Stan Conley: My sister in law has a hybrid and it has some giddy up off the gun I drove diesels and they where not fast off the start.
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