Friday, 4 October 2019

Why isn't philosophy required in schools?

answers1: You have precisely answered your own question. The power
structure protects itself by harnessing its constituents ability to
think for themselves.
answers2: Who's philosophy would you want them to be adopting?
Sociology and Psychology are both taught in high schools and frankly
I'm not impressed with the idea that because someone is thought well
of now because of being persecuted in a certain era that his or her
ideas are more relevant than my own. Each person should adopt their
own philosophy. You don't need a standardized test to do that.
answers3: It is required if you attend a private liberal arts college.
Thank goodness for that!
answers4: Because to much crap is being required and there is no time
to take anything you actually like. If you like philosophy take one in
college or as an elective.
answers5: philosophy requires the comparative study of religions, the
study of the mind and it is open to each to form their own opinions,
to reach beyond bible and earthly soil. this goes against the
government involvement in our schools, and there are way way too many
people out in the world whose minds are too closed to ever consider
letting little Johnny and Jenny white bread the power to choose for
themselves which philosophy they wish to take to the heart and live
by, or to {gasp} form their own beliefs and morals based on a
combination of philosophy's. American schools don't produce thinkers,
they produce robots, victims, drop outs and illiterates...
answers6: lol no our govt. does not want the general population to be
thinkers, they like mindless consumers who will do whatever they tell
us to. If the general population would just stop and think once in a
awhile we would be in ALOT better shape.
answers7: Why not adult skills, basic economics, basic decision making
and basic cooking. <br>
Most HS grads don't know how wealth is created, how a business runs,
how to prepare a meal from scratch or how to decide on a career.
answers8: They do learn philosophy. The entire curriculum of modern
education revolves around philosophy. It could be said that TOO much
emphasis is placed in philosophy. Allow me to elaborate. <br>
In the days of ancient Greece and ancient Rome, philosophy, Rhetoric,
and Literature were the three major topics in school. <br>
Philosophy in those days included science, mathematics, theology,
engineering, and logic. <br>
Those topics are still considered aspects of philosophy, though we as
a modern society have made enough advancements in them that they are
distinguished as separate fields. That is where the phrase "Ph.D"
comes from, as it means "Doctor of Philosophy". So in a way, students
are learning philosophy. <br>
Of course, advances in metaphysics has distinguished religion from
science, and religion can be gleamed from churches, the leaders of
whom typically spend years studying theology. <br>
Perhaps you are refering to what today is refered to as philosophy.
The plain truth is that those are incredibly abstract concepts, far
detached from more practical philosophies like mathematics. They are
an extremely specialized field of knowledge, a student in high school
has much better uses for his time than to study such a field,
especially because its abstract qualities would make teaching it a
painful process. Teaching it also requires an extensive pedigree in
the field, pedigrees which would be wasted trying to teach high
schoolers, as a background in education is also required to teach
people of that age. <br>
High School is not a place where people are expected to learn their
trade. It is a generalization period that prepares them for their
future, be it in college, tech school, or their career. Few people
need such knowledge, even fewer desire such. Its place in the
universities, where it is pursued by those who have an active passion
in it, is far desirable. Teaching excellently to the few who want it
is preferable to teaching poorly to many who do not.
answers9: of direction. classic works in all genres would desire to be
studied. From Mein Kampf and The Little purple e book to The
Confessions of Saint Augustine and Theaetetus. and advantageous, we
can throw The Communist Manifesto in for reliable degree. Public
colleges are quite lacking in examining the super Books and different
works that have impacted the worldwide, for reliable or ill.
answers10: Because Philosophy is the most important thing in the
world, people have to be in denial about it in order to preserve their
feeling of certainty. <br>
It does happen, as with the "Philosophy For Children" movement, and
there are classes in critical thinking in some schools.

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