Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Is Philosophy Grand or Just Grandiose?

answers1: to jims: <br>
philosophy is for the most talented intellects - its esoteric, to be
certain. With that said, taking into account the vulgarness of your
answer, i would content (with more than a touch of truth) that perhaps
you were that child being sent to the learning lab on a regular basis.
Thus explaining your obvious disdain for the noblest of arts. A lack
of ability to perform in the realm of the intellectuals must have left
you a little sour. The ignoramus of the social order (which comprises
99.9% of the population - so you are not alone) have an affinity for
tainting the lucid waters of the philosophical fountain with their
dirty hands. That is not the philosophers fault - thats America's
fault. To preach that all men are equal is a lie, just look at what
happens when you monkey men try to comprehend complex ideas ... you
pucker your lips and try, in vain, to insult that which you cannot
answers2: sure, it can be aloof, but there are philosophies that are
much more practical. For instance Nihilism. <br>
I am reading an interesting book right now "The Rise of Scientific
Philo.", right now it's on some early philo. He talks about how some
Greeks were trying to equate morality with geometric proofs, and how
even Kant tried to do the same. <br>
He says something to the effect that these particular philosophers,
while claiming and maybe even thinking that they were pursuing truth,
actually were trying to find moral codes/rules that they could pass
on. This is what led them astray from what humans are to what they
idealized humans should be. <br>
I found that very interesting.
answers3: Grandiose. Philosophy is just big ideas from little people
with big mouths.
answers4: It all depends on how its presented. When Grandiose, the
philosophy itself is usually questionable or someone elses presented
as their own.
answers5: G Read John Rawls and his disciple Rodney Peffer. They are
philosophers and deal with how much of a right we have to use other
populations for our economic advantages.
answers6: Philosophies are like little programs we use to make some
kind of sense to the dream we live in. If you look up the word
"belief" in the Wikipedia you get vary limited information. This is
because you have to "plug in" a philosophy in order to justify any one
belief. Confusion comes when our philosophies overlap and make less
sense then we started out with. <br>
Grandiose is a reflection you see when you plug-in your perspective.
Even the enjoyment you feel is an allowance of your philosophy. Hay!
If you want the "truth" then you should also look this up in
Wikipedia. Sorry, it's my philosophy that if you don't know something
you should look it up.
answers7: Yes, you are right. There is a historical tendency of
philosophers going out of the norms and realities of life while
explaining anything about life of their times. However, in essence,
they are not the only ones who represent true philosophy. There is
another group of philosophers which has always put the reality and
norms of life ahead of any sort of personal or social idealism and
tried to present a view of life which is more understandable,
practical and truly wonderful. <br>

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