answers1: Philosophy isn't real for those who aren't willing to open their mind.
answers2: Philosophy is the original academic subject, from the first
universities of ancient Greece, from which all other subject, through
science, maths, art politics and all other, come from. To have a grasp
of philosophy you have a base understanding off all subjects. <br>
These different discipline's shaped the human history and all of our
understanding. So if philosophy is mumbo jumbo then EVERYTHING is
mumbo jumbo. <br>
(and may be it all is!)
answers3: Is philosophy the only thing available for free in the public library?
answers4: Philosophy is about using reason and evidence to establish
consistent methodologies for coming to logical conclusions. <br>
What is often portrayed as philosophy is not philosophy. If someone
comes to the right conclusion but has no idea what reasons the
conclusion is correct might as well be wrong. The emphasis is on being
capable of being correct, not being correct in and of itself. <br>
An extension of this is called Argumentation Theory where establishing
the premises that lead to the conclusions you've drawn are put forward
so that the validity of the conclusions can be tested. Logical
Fallacies describe common errors in the form of the argument (as
opposed to the content). The form of the argument "Few bees are
insects and all insects have six legs, therefor all bees have six
legs" is wrong in form since it does not follow necessarily in this
formulation that all bess have six legs even though in fact it's true.
Just giving conclusions without reference to reason and/or evidence is
not philosophy. The consistency in thought that connects agreed upon
premises to draw logical conclusions is a fundamental aspect of
philosophy. <br>
Philosophy creates an independence and freedom in people because it
lets people determine things for themselves without being forced into
deferring to an authority. Philosophy creates self esteem as it gives
people the sense that they are capable of understanding reality (if
used properly and consistently). <br>
Unfortunately a lot of philosophical thought today is influenced by, .
. . frankly bullshit. You have these nihilistic and post modern
rationalists that hold completely irrational standards for truth,
reality and ethics imposing conclusions and then rationalizing it
after the fact rather than testing their hypothesis. There is no
logical argument that supports the conclusion that any god's exist,
that there is no such thing as truth, that ethics are subjective or
any of the other stuff you'll hear all the time. <br>
If you are interested in getting into philosophy I would invite you to
have a listen to the largest and most popular philosophical
conversation in the world Freedomain Radio: The Logic of Personal and
Political Freedom. I think it's an extremely important thing for
anyone interested in philosophy to become familiar with. <br>
<a href=""
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b></a> <br>
<a href=""
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b></a> <br>
<a href=""
answers5: If you enjoyed The Matrix for ANY reasons other than the
special effects and martial arts, then you experienced in-your-face
philosophy. The Matrix is actually used in college philosophy courses
to debate serious questions about existence and purpose. <br>
good luck
answers6: i've got merely study 'The Alchemist' by utilising Coelho.
i've got additionally study Plato, Aristotle, Kant, St. Augustine,
Wittgenstein, Nietzsche, Sartre, and so on., Buddhist texts, the
Bible, Koran, sections of the Mahabharata, Confucius, Lao Tsu, and so
on., and so on., so i think of I also have a physique of reference
here. Coelho is a narrative teller. not a actuality seeker. i've got
additionally study Joyce, Proust, Dostoevsky, Nabokov, Dickens,
Kerouac, and so on... Coelho isn't a international classification tale
teller, the two. The Alchemist substitute right into a type of books
that I picked as much as see what the fuss substitute into
approximately. for the comparable reason, I additionally study a
Harlequin romance as quickly as. I enjoyed the Harlequin romance
greater. It substitute into humorous. yet I admit that i'm a snob
approximately what I study. With television and flicks, I merely love
dumb action and monsters - once I take a seat to study a e book, I
assume some substance.
answers7: Do you have an opinion about anything? Yes? That is a
philosophy. At its core, a philosophy of something is simply an
opinion about it. Some opinions are shallow and trivial, while others
are deeply thoughtful and insightful. Everything you hold an opinion
on represents your philosophy of it. The ancient Greek meaning of the
word philosophy is "love of wisdom", so philosophy is the pursuit of
wise opinions. The casual and academic study of philosophy (as a body
of knowledge) can lead you to wiser opinions. Now how do you feel
about it? A whole new perspective, I hope.
answers8: let me tell you a old philosophy theory that will have you
tweaking. its by a chinese philosopher named Zhuangz, he dreamed that
he was a Caterpillar who sprouted into a butterfly. in this dream he
was a Butterfly and then when he woke up he didn't know if he was a
human dreaming of being a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming he was a
human. which goes back to a basic question who do you know that this
is not all just a dream?
answers9: Of course philosophy is real, and its a legitimate study.
Philosophy is questioning why things are the way they are. Wouldn't
you love to know?
answers10: what do you mean is philosophy real? philosphy is life,
it's art, its HUMANITY. heck yeah philosophy is real. IMAGINE the
society today without it
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