answers1: perhaps to introduce people to the word " art ". they get
curious and that leads ttem to visit an Art Gallery, wishful thinking
on my part.
answers2: Im a cook. <br>
People eat with their eyes first. then smell. then taste. <br>
A good presentation will cause the person to desire that food and make
them hungrier. A good presentation also states your skill level and ho
much the food is "worth" <br>
Have you ever saw an ad. with food that made you crave it? what made
you hungry? its all about the presentation of the food. <br>
hope this explains. <br>
answers3: to make the food look good to eat. <br>
if you made the vanilla and chocolate syrup mixed up or half on one
side and half on the other , it wont look as appealing as it on top
with a cherry on top!
answers4: Great cuisine pleases all the senses: Sight, smell and taste... <br>
Besides, it's part of being Human to turn everything we can into art.
That's not a bad thing either... ;)
answers5: When you go out and eat and I'm not talking Long John's or
McDonalds, You are given a "dining experience". <br>
The chef and his/her team are respossibly for that. Basically they're
playing to your senses. It has to smell good it has to taste good and
the texture of the food has to be correct. And it has to be visually
appealing, hence, food into art. Let's face it do you really want to
eat something that looks like it was puked onto your plate? No, that's
why all of these things have to be met. If one thing faulters you will
not enjoy you're meal as much as you can and chefs usually take great
pride in both their kitchen and the meal sent out. <br>
I've actually eaten in places that I sat there and stared at my plate
it was presented so beautifully. When the server asked me if anything
was wrong I laughed and said "Yeah, It looks to good to eat!"
answers6: well... <br>
* the ppl making it(chefs, moms, etc.) think it is fun. <br>
*if it looks good, ppl will want to eat it <br>
*no1 wants plain food
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