Thursday, 30 July 2020

What are some career opportunities in sports and recreation?

Jesse Japak: Need cash?You can make money online at http://tiny.cc/0nlinem0ney - Min age 13- No credit card required- Free forever- 100% realCopy and paste:http://tiny.cc/0nlinem0ney...Show more

Luxury Dental Products?  

Luxury Dental Products?  

answers 0:Just wondering if there is any company/brand that specialize in luxury dental products ie. toothpaste, mouthwash, gum, etc. I am looking for the absolute best and price is not an issue. Thanks.answers 1:No

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

what type or kind of program is use to edit or make game system files in the system folders of an online game?

Corrina Faro: your question is not specific enough, any game coder can make there own 'system' files and put them where ever the game will read them from. every game is different, and very few games use the same files.(with the exception of directx games) online java games usually have all the code in one file, and pull the gfx and snd from a web location.windows games usually put gfx and snd in dll's or in the exe it'self.game saves are coded however the coder figured to do it at that time. the game it'self makes the files, or the install program, or it's already distributed with windows......Show more

Coy Tapley: A file editor is used. Usually game programmers code bespoke applications to help in further development.

Comment pratiquer la chasteté pendant les fréquentations

Comment pratiquer la chasteté pendant les fréquentations

Allez jouer au golf miniature. Le mini-golf est excitant, bon marché et amusant. Vous pouvez toujours avoir une compétition de mini-golf, et l’atmosphère est toujours aventureuse.

Écoutez un groupe local en direct. La musique en direct est toujours agréable à écouter et les groupes locaux ont généralement de la bonne musique.

Chantez un karaoké. Bien que cela puisse être un peu embarrassant parfois, le karaoké peut être amusant en même temps. Vous pouvez montrer à votre rendez-vous que vous n’avez pas peur de faire des choses hors du commun en essayant le karaoké.

Va jouer au bowling. Le jeu de quilles est similaire au mini-golf en ce sens que vous pouvez rivaliser avec votre rendez-vous. Essayer d’obtenir un score plus élevé ou de savoir qui peut obten! ir le plus de grèves ou de pièces de rechange peut être excitant.

Allez au zoo/aquarium. Le zoo ou l’aquarium est divertissant. Tous les animaux sont différents de ceux que vous voyez tous les jours, et ont des choses spéciales pour eux qui les rendent différents et amusants à voir.

Faire du vélo ensemble. Faire du vélo avec votre cavalier vous donne l’occasion de parler et de faire de l’exercice.

Aller à la première d’un film. Voir un film peut parfois mener à des choses inappropriées, mais assister à une première peut vous empêcher d’être tenté à cause des autres personnes.

Va dîner avec moi. Dîner dans un bon restaurant peut toujours être agréable, même en pratiquant la chasteté. Vous n’avez pas à vous sentir sous pression pendant que vous dînez.

Allez faire du patin à glace. Le patinage sur glace est toujours amusant et la plupart du temps, il ne mènera à rien d’inapproprié, à cause de toutes le! s autres personnes autour. Et tu auras plein de vêtements pou! r te tenir au chaud.

Pique-niquer dans le parc. Au printemps, en été ou à l’automne, lorsqu’il fait encore chaud, faire un pique-nique est une excellente idée. Il est agréable d’être dehors tout le temps, et vous pouvez faire d’autres choses dans le parc, comme lancer un frisbee, jouer à la balle avec votre chien ou faire une promenade.

Online website games?

Warren Kotter: get ps3, xbox or try HP games.

Lynn Mctier: http://www.vizzed.com/vizzedboard/retro/They've got thousands of awesome retro online games like Pokemon, Sonic, Mario, Mega Man, Final Fantasy, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Metroid, Donkey Kong, Yu-Gi-Oh, Castlevania, Star Wars, Grand Theft Auto, Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat, etc.Play Game Boy Advance GBA Games Online For Freehttp://www.vizzed.com/vizzedboard/retro/index.php?...Play Nintendo 64 N64 Games Online For Freehttp://www.vizzed.com/vizzedboard/retro/index.php?...Play Super Nintendo SNES Games Online For Freehttp://www.vizzed.com/vizzedboard/retro/index.php?...Play Sega Genesis Games Online For Freehttp://www.vizzed.com/vizzedboard/retro/index.php?...Play Nintendo NES Games Online For Freehttp://www.vizzed.com/vizzedboard/retro/index.php?...Play Turbo Grafx Games Online For Freehttp://www.vizzed.com/vizzedboard/retro/index.php?...Play Sega 32X Games Online For Freehttp://www.vizzed.com/vizzedboard/ret! ro/index.php?...Play Game Boy Color Games Online For Freehttp://www.vizzed.com/vizzedboard/retro/index.php?...Play Game Boy Games Online For Freehttp://www.vizzed.com/vizzedboard/retro/index.php?......Show more

Matt Gerdeman: http://www.missbimbo.com/parrain.php?userId=235077...

Serena Doak: LOVE YOUR PICTURE! And try addictinggames.com or miniclip.com:)

Cordia Fivecoat: I like erepublik, is a very good game!http://www.erepublik.com/br/referrer/ikardos0

Star Gollnick: www.addictinggames.comwww.nick.comwww.nickjr.com

Jayson Brod: Great games here http://gamestrench.com/. Alot of cool dragon ball z games naurto games and dressup for girls

Sherri Drakos: http://coolgamesonline.com/

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Comment définir des fuseaux horaires supplémentaires dans Windows 10

Comment définir des fuseaux horaires supplémentaires dans Windows 10

Accédez aux réglages de la date et de l’heure. Recherchez la date et l’heure et choisissez « Date

Men and video games???

Marcellus Yoshimori: I love playing video games. And sadly in most men it brings out a bad side. This is why I recommend letting him be unless you have skillz or he is playing wii, in which case it is fun for everybody. But let him have time to play Halo or whatever. it helps reduce tension and is just a good time for us guys.

Sook Hershkowitz: well im a guy i would like my gf to join me but she turns it off

Porfirio Gartland: not all the time and I don't try to play with him bc he is a hogger..but on 09/25 that HALO3 game for XBOX306 comes out and well let me tell you he won't even know he has a gf!! and i bet that he will be ignoring me.

Sunshine Holets: Men will always be Kids!I dare him to play with me becoz i'm good with playing video games. But I get bored easily, so on other times, i just leave him alone.

Carlee Tangaro: oh yes yes yes...... Every guy in the world plays them most of the time. I usaully join in if its a game i like, and w! e have fun together, but whens he playing those intense role play games or shoot-em-up types, i cant be bothered! Its good though, cause they can be ocupied while you do all the girly things you want to like read magazines, paint your nails, read a book etc! Its awesome, cause you dont have to look after them or entertain them! Id say try joining in, if you dont find it fun, then grab a good book cause you might be there a while....haha Good luck...Show more

Sook Hershkowitz: Being a guy and a gamer when I hae the time. I would love it if when I am dating someone that they wanted to play with me it Kills boredom time and it is good to have a little rivalry between you and the girl your dating. Plus it shows you have an interest in something he likes to do. But we do like our alone time with games to as long as he is not ignoring you all the time to play games or avoiding doing other things with you I would say it is normal.

Monday, 27 July 2020

Comment battre le plan de deux ans en Anno 2070

Comment battre le plan de deux ans en Anno 2070

p>Lorsque vous démarrez la campagne Anno 2070, vous commencez par la toute première mission, le Plan à deux ans. La mission explique les bases du jeu Anno 2070, y compris l’installation de votre première ville et la création de nouvelles marchandises pour vos travailleurs. Une fois que vous aurez battu la mission, vous serez sur la bonne voie pour conquérir le reste du jeu.

Placez une pêcherie dans votre port. EVE vous demandera de construire une pêcherie sur votre île. Placez-le près de votre entrepôt de quai et reliez-le par une route. Cela complètera les besoins de base dont vous aurez besoin pour poursuivre l’expansion de votre ville.

Remettez la turbine à M. Strindberg pour terminer la mission. Après la construction des nouvelles maisons, M. Strindberg demandera la turbine optimisée. Il vous suffit de cl! iquer sur le bouton « OK » du message pour remettre la nouvelle turbine. Cela terminera la mission et jouera un cutscene montrant l’éclatement du barrage et l’inondation de la ville en contrebas, commençant rapidement la prochaine mission.

Construisez votre tout premier entrepôt. Une fois que vous êtes à côté du rivage de votre nouvelle île, une fenêtre pop-up apparaîtra vous permettant de sélectionner un entrepôt à construire (coûte 300 crédits, 3 modules de construction et 2 outils). L’entrepôt aura un rayon d’influence, indiquant jusqu’où l’entrepôt peut aller pour ramasser les marchandises.

Prenez l’acier à l’entrepôt de M. Strindberg. M. Strindberg vous dira de prendre de l’acier dans son entrepôt du nord-est. Ramassez l’acier et retournez-le à votre entrepôt pour que la construction de la nouvelle turbine puisse commencer.

Construisez une petite ville sur votre nouvelle île. Une fois que vous placez vot! re nouvel entrepôt, EVE (Extended Virtual Entity) vous contac! tera en mentionnant la nécessité de construire une ville sur votre île. Commencez par construire un centre-ville quelque part sur votre île. Le Centre vous coûtera 300 crédits, 5 modules de construction et 3 outils. Il est préférable de le placer là où il y a beaucoup d’espace pour construire des maisons autour du centre-ville.

Lisez le nouveau mail dans votre boîte aux lettres. Vous recevrez un nouveau courrier pour vous montrer comment voir le courrier dans le jeu. Il vous suffit de cliquer sur le message en bas de votre écran pour le lire.

Prise en charge des outils et des modules de construction dans l’entrepôt de Thor Strindberg. M. Strindberg vous demandera d’aller chercher des marchandises dans son entrepôt. Déplacez votre vaisseau vers le nord, vers son entrepôt. Dans le coin supérieur droit de votre écran, une fenêtre contextuelle apparaîtra pour vous demander si vous souhaitez accepter les outils et les modules de construction! . Acceptez la demande afin que le matériel soit chargé sur votre navire.

Acceptez les pièces de turbine de M. Strindberg dans votre entrepôt. M. Strindberg vous contactera pour vous donner des pièces de turbines et vous demander de les améliorer. Cliquez sur le bateau pour recevoir les articles. Ils seront ajoutés à l’entrepôt de votre île.

Construisez 7 casernes d’ouvriers supplémentaires près de votre ville. Vous avez besoin de plus de place pour les travailleurs dans votre ville ! Fabriquez 7 autres baraquements d’ouvriers les reliant à votre centre-ville. N’oubliez pas d’utiliser les routes pour relier ces deux bâtiments, sinon personne ne s’installera dans la nouvelle caserne des travailleurs.

Résoudre le problème d’énergie en construisant une centrale électrique. Pour que votre île fonctionne correctement, vous aurez besoin d’une quantité suffisante d’énergie. EVE vous informe qu’il vous faut construire 1 pell! e mécanique et 1 centrale au charbon. Construire ces deux bâtiments Ã!   proximité d’un entrepôt ou d’un dépôt et les relier par une route.

Envoyez votre vaisseau sur l’île du Sud-Ouest. Après avoir ramassé les matériaux de l’entrepôt de M. Strindberg, dirigez-vous vers le sud-ouest jusqu’à une île sous-développée où vous commencerez à établir votre nouvelle ville. Amenez votre bateau près de la côte de l’île pour commencer à construire un entrepôt.

Réaliser les bâtiments nécessaires pour commencer à produire des modules de construction. Le module de construction est l’un des biens les plus importants pour une ville ancienne. Il est utilisé dans la construction de pratiquement tout ! Pour commencer la production de ces modules, commencez par construire un concasseur de basalte et une fonderie. Assurez-vous que ces bâtiments sont reliés à un dépôt d’entreposage ou à un entrepôt par la route. Une fois les bâtiments en place, les modules de construction commenceront à être construits! et finiront dans l’entrepôt de votre île.

Where can I buy American made toys?

Launa Weingarten: Here are some links to some sites that sell American made toys, dolls and puzzles.http://shop.vermontteddybear.com/http://www.woodentrain.com/http://www.shopforamerica.com/home.php?cat=86http://www.commissarytoys.com/browse.cfm/2,1377.ht...http://www.turnertoys.com/Folk_Toys/wooden_folk_to...Here is a link to an old list that describes toys made in America.http://www.seanet.com/~bross/usamade.htmFinally, here is a 2003 article posted on CBSnews.com about American made toys.http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/12/23/world/ma...I hope these links prove useful to you....Show more

Sook Hershkowitz: Try http://www.icheaptoys.com

Isaias Badgley: Toys R Us

Tomeka Hameen: Try looking at your local toy store. Be aware most big toy corporations use oversea labor. Here are some links to start you off.

Sunday, 26 July 2020

Comment faire fonctionner un logiciel plus ancien sur Windows Vista

Comment faire fonctionner un logiciel plus ancien sur Windows Vista

Cliquez sur Démarrer (dans le coin inférieur gauche). Cliquez ensuite sur Ordinateur dans la fenêtre qui s’affiche.

Double-cliquez sur « C : » dans la fenêtre qui apparaît.

Installez le dernier Service Pack pour Windows Vista de Microsoft. Le dernier pack en date à partir de 2017 est SP2 (Service Pack 2).

Cliquez avec le bouton droit de la souris sur le fichier.exe. On devrait l’appeler le nom du programme.

Cochez la case « Exécuter ce programme en mode Compatibilité pour : ». Sélectionnez la version de Windows pour laquelle vous souhaitez adapter ce programme.

Dirigez-vous vers le dossier du programme que vous souhaitez exécuter. Il devrait s’appeler le nom du programme.

Sélectionnez « Propriétés » dans le menu qui apparaît et naviguez jusqu’à l’onglet « Compatibilité ».

Exécutez votre programme !

Cliquez une fois sur n’importe quel fichier, puis appuyez sur « P » sur votre clavier. Double-cliquez maintenant sur « Program Files ».

Saturday, 25 July 2020

Does anyone have somegood crafts for kids?

Roni Kurz: Dough and clay are always good things for them, its good for their hands and their imaginations ♥ here are some recipes for you http://www.geocities.com/holidayzone/recipes/dough...

Leif Serabia: You could draw or something.

Dedra Furguson: An online search of 'kid's crafts' brings up a lot of things, but this:http://www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/ has tons of simple crafts for kids. I hope this helped!

Clinton Migliori: permit's see... - you're able to take photos of them (if it particularly is allowed), print them out, and have the youngsters make photograph frames (you may get all of that stuff at Michaels, Joannes, even Wal-Mart). - you're able to deliver paints (finger paints may be particularly solid!) and paper and permit the youngsters paint despite that they had like. - you're able to make Button Beings Prep Time: half-hour or much less What you desire: Buttons Pipe cleaners everlasting markers Craft glue Googly eyes Craft beads! training: a million. collect buttons, pipe cleaners, everlasting markers, craft glue, googly eyes, and craft beads. 2. Then motivate the youngsters to make any creature they are able to think of by using threading the pipe cleaners throughout the buttonholes. 3. Get creative by using linking multiple buttons and by using molding the pipe cleaners into exciting shapes at the same time with tails, antennae, legs, wings, and extra. (keep in mind which you will twist at the same time 2 pipe cleaners for extra length.) 4. as quickly as a physique's accomplished, upload a mouth with a marker and glue on 2 (or 3 or 4!) eyes. - in the event that they have a kitchen for you to use, you're able to make cookies with the youngsters. This teaches them slightly approximately math and chemistry - blending issues at the same time to create something new. you're able to have each and each baby placed one factor into the bowl, so as that all of them sense like they are assisting. Sugar cook! ies are particularly solid because of the fact the youngsters ! can shrink out shapes with the cookie cutters and beautify them. If the shelter does not have a kitchen, you could continuously make the cookies at residing house, and placed across them in with adorning components so the youngsters can beautify their own cookie. - For an interest, you're able to have a expertise teach. you're able to even herald movies of people in expertise shows and enable them to make certain what it particularly is like. then you definately could help them choose what their expertise would be, and could even teach them new abilities. i'm hoping this helps. solid success, and thank you lots for donating lots of your self to assist others....Show more

Charis Deguzman: make playdoh or paper mache (think i spelled it right) here's a nifty site with some fun things... hope it helpswww.craftsolutions.com/

What is the difference between dentistry and dental hygiene coures?  

What is the difference between dentistry and dental hygiene coures?  

answers 0:What is the difference between dentistry and dental hygiene coures?answers 1:A dental hyginist course is a short (18 month) course that prepares someone to work under the supervision of a dentist. It is a "technical" degree.A dentist goes to college and majors in something like Biology. They take a test called the Dental Admissions Test to see if they are qualified to go to dental school which is another 4 years of school. The D.D.S. degree is a "professional" degree and is a doctorate degree, similar to a M.D....answers 2:DENTISTRY IS FOR REPAIRING TEETH AND A HYGIENEST HELPS THE DENTIST, CLEAN TEETH AND STUFF LIKE THAT

Do you feel will established hobbies make interesting persons?

Norma Marsalis: My favorite hobby is stained glass, but I also like to do various crafts including miniatures, dollhouses (love to make my own and see how authentic it can look).I also like macrame', crocheting, cross-stitch, etc.I wish I was a better painter and would love to do glass-blowing.I always wanted to parachute!...Show more

Coy Tapley: My hobbies include all these:-counted cross-stitching-needle & wet felting-writing real letters & emails-listening to music & broadening my CD collection-playing the flute, recorders (5 sizes), tinwhistles (6 sizes) and synthesizer for fun-maintaining 2 international fan clubs for my idols in music-Celtic culture/cultural history/mythologyAll these are equally beloved hobbies for me, so I can't pick up a favourite......Show more

Friday, 24 July 2020

Comment être chrétien Les autres se sentent à l’aise de parler de la foi avec eux

Comment être chrétien Les autres se sentent à l’aise de parler de la foi avec eux

Accentuer le positif. Ne menacez pas les gens de damnation et d’enfer. Vous verrez leurs boucliers se lever à chaque fois. Au lieu de cela, concentrez-vous sur l’explication que la raison pour laquelle vous êtes en paix, que vous êtes confiant et assuré est que vous avez la foi que tout est bien entre les mains de Dieu, et que la foi et l’espérance que vous avez en Lui est ce qui rend votre sérénité possible face aux pires tempêtes dans votre vie. C’est très attirant. Le feu et le soufre ne sont pas avec certaines personnes.

Attendez le moment opportun. Lorsque vous faites partie d’un grand groupe de personnes, par exemple lors d’une fête, ce n’est probablement pas le meilleur moment, à moins que l’on ne vous aborde spécifiquement. La situation la plus agréable est celle d’un petit groupe ou dâ! €™un à un. Même dans ce cas, soyez à l’affût d’une ouverture â€" et reconnaissez que s’il n’y en a pas, vous ne devriez pas être celui qui aborde ce sujet.

Connaissez la Bible et soyez à l’aise avec elle Assurez-vous d’être bien informé au sujet de la Bible. Transportez une Bible de poche (comme celle d’un Gédéon) afin d’avoir un peu de renfort.

Souvenez-vous de votre objectif. Vous n’êtes pas là pour  » gagner  » cet argument. Vous n’êtes pas là pour discuter. Vous êtes là pour présenter la foi chrétienne d’une manière positive qui est assez intéressante pour au moins une autre personne pour que vous ayez le privilège de partager votre foi avec elle. Tu n’es pas meilleur qu’eux parce que tu es chrétien. Vous êtes simplement bénis d’une manière qu’ils ne le sont pas encore. Ne fais pas ça pour toi. Rappelez-vous qui vous êtes â€" vous êtes le visage de Jésus que cette personne voit en ce moment. Assu! rez-vous de bien le présenter.

N’ayez pas peur d’ut! iliser l’humour. Pour l’instant, restez léger. Le sens de l’humour au sujet de Dieu est très attrayant pour beaucoup de gens qui cherchent. Beaucoup de ces personnes sont seules, en quête de sens, mais ne veulent pas être impliquées dans quelque chose qu’elles perçoivent comme restrictif ou limitatif, et elles ne veulent vraiment pas être toutes déprimées. Rappelant aux gens que c’est vraiment Dieu qui a dit : « Hmmm. Voici un… cheval jaune… avec un cou très long et des taches brunes… et des ANTENNAS ! J’aime ça ! On garde ce type ! » peut être très attirant.

Reconnaissez que la foi est un sujet sensible. Soyez prêt à rester calme, amical et accueillant, par opposition à défensif, hostile et supérieur.

Écoutez les points de vue des autres sans les interrompre, s’y opposer ou les corriger. Une fois la discussion commencée, il est très utile de comprendre pourquoi une personne croit autre chose que ce que vous croyez. E! n les entendant parler de leur propre système de croyances, vous pourrez alors, de façon réfléchie et calme, dire : « Je vois, vous savez, je ne pense pas avoir jamais su cela de vous. Tu sais que je suis chrétien, n’est-ce pas ? En général, la croyance chrétienne est ________. » Votre réponse doit être aussi brève que possible.

Mais s’il le faut. Une conversation sur l’enfer est nécessaire pour les gens qui ne savent pas déjà qu’une habitude ou un chemin particulier mène à la destruction et ont besoin ou veulent que quelqu’un s’en soucie assez pour leur rappeler. Le feu et le soufre ne devraient être parlés que lorsque vous savez que votre relation de cÅ"ur se rapprochera avant la tombée de la nuit. AVERTISSEMENT : Vous ne voulez pas leur rendre un mauvais service, à eux et à Christ. En outre, il ne devrait pas seulement être parlé comme « feu et soufre », mais (aussi) plus spécifiquement. Si votre ami boit beaucoup d’alc! ool, il n’est pas confronté à l’endroit où il se dirige à parti! r d’indices subtils de la société et d’amis, et vous avez atteint un stade pour lui en parler, alors seulement faites-lui connaître directement la mauvaise santé, la mauvaise image familiale et le manque de respect de la compagnie qui est probablement devant lui. Rappelez-vous que cela ne devrait se faire qu’avec des personnes avec lesquelles vous avez une relation de longue date et avec lesquelles vous continuerez à avoir une relation de longue date. Plus la relation est courte et faible, plus le « quota d’amour » dans la « banque de grâce » est élevé, plus vous devez d’abord vous rencontrer avant de critiquer de manière constructive.

Résistez à la tentation de citer beaucoup d’Écritures. Parfois, nous sentons que la Parole est l’outil le plus puissant qui existe pour atteindre les non-chrétiens. Ça l’est, sans aucun doute. Mais c’est seulement cet outil puissant quand il est utilisé au bon moment â€" un marteau est un outil p! uissant, aussi, mais il n’est pas beaucoup d’aide en attachant un leurre de pêche de mouche. À ce premier moment, l’outil le plus puissant dont vous disposez est votre propre personnalité charmante. Croyez en vous-même â€" vous êtes une personne gentille, vous savez comment vous voulez être traité dans une conversation. Faites-le pour l’autre personne et parlez avec votre cÅ"ur. Priez pour de l’aide. Il sera là. Il sera là.

Une attitude amicale et respectueuse est une attitude qui sera accueillie avec un respect réciproque. Si vous commencez à devenir hostile ou frustré, vous donnerez à l’autre personne l’impression qu’elle n’a PAS droit à ses propres croyances, mais qu’elle est en fait stupide de les avoir. Rien ne vous exclura â€" et le christianisme en général â€" plus vite que pour la personne que vous essayez d’atteindre pour penser que vous pensez qu’elle est (1) stupide, (2) condamnée, (3) malavisée, (4) ignorante. Mêm! e si vous le pensez.

Ne monopolisez pas la discussion. Comme nous! l’avons mentionné, surtout dans un contexte où il y a plus d’une personne avec qui vous discutez, laissez-les parler en premier. Vous répondez.

What is your hobby?

Von Houskeeper: I like to paint...it a satifasciation and calming mood for me right now, but after i get done with painting my work. I'll eventually sale them.

Marcelle Vanlith: sewing & scrapbooking. No, I don't make a profit. I just enjoy it and I sometimes make things for others.

Son Ahlers: Knitting is my hobby. And yes, eventually I would like to make some money off of it. I already sell various yarns on eBay from my stash.

Enriqueta Steffen: Also, Do you/ can you make a profit from your hobby? Or is it or of a self satisfaction thing for you?

Kirk Coolbeth: My hobbies are scrapbooking, sewing, making cards for my family, making creative letters and things for my pen pal, cross stitch, drawing, cooking, writing poems and lots more! The only time I have profited from anything is when I have made fudge and coconut ice to sell at my mothers work. I made a fair bit of money too. My mother is a nurse at a nursing home and most nurses I know have! a sweet tooth!

Fermin Tara: computers, electronics repair

Eva Lichlyter: Vintage electronics: tube based, turntables, etc. microcontrollers: Arduino, PICnixie tube clocks. building bikes. riding bikes. crashing bikes.

Tereasa Sorensen: I love to crochet. I have sold several items I have made....not enough money to live on, but a few extra $$$$ for more craft supplies. I also like plastic canvas, and I do other different crafts....nothing specific....just whatever catches my eye.

Emile Midgley: Knitting, needlepoint, cross stitch, hardanger embroidery, sewing, collecting Haviland China. I don't sell my crafts anymore it turns a hobby into a job. Mostly I give things away. My china collection is becoming very expensive as I try to find more unusual pieces.

Thurman Buege: Beading/ jewelry making. I tried to make money from it but it didn't work. Now it's just a hobby.

Filiberto Amauty: I do enjoy skateboarding, swimming, painting, ! playing volleyball, and collecting carnivorous plants. One of ! my favorites is Pyrography, burning wood. This is much fun, you take a burning wood pen and burn the wood, you can make all sorts of neat designs. I like it because it's like manipulating the earth, and you can burn wooden things like jewelry boxes or chairs and they make unique gifts.

Azzie Trembly: I enjoy coin collecting. My grandfather has always collected coins and I've recently gotten hooked. It doesn't have to cost a lot. I can go to the bank and pick of a box of coin (whichever denomination I'm in the mood for) for exactly face value. A box of cents is $25, a box of nickels is $100, a box of dimes is $250 and boxes of half dollars or quarters are $500.Once I get a box, I go through and pull out the better coins (there are books to help with this or websites). I keep all interesting coins and try to fill holes in my coin books.The coins that I don't want/need can be returned to the bank and put straight back into my account (though it's often better to return t! he coins to a different bank (not just a different branch but a different bank) so that I don't end up searching the same boxes over and over). So most of my money goes back and I can then get another box.Some things to search for: wheat cents, silver dimes, silver quarters, old coins, error coins, coins with an "s" mint mark - they may be proof coins etc. There's always the chance of finding a real treasure!...Show more

Rebeca Mckin: I love to hit the road on my Harley and just drive to anywhere. I don't make money doing this but it sure is fun doing it alone or with friends or sometimes you meet someone on the road and just ride

Damaris Weiler: reading books on positive energy or positive thinkingI think it (my hobbie) does have to do with the job that I do and that I have a better handle on my job when I think positive.....so I don't know if I can make X-tra money..........but I make $

Coleen Carignan: Programming and poker. I hope of making money out o! f poker some day.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Cómo instalar Garry Mod Add Ons

Cómo instalar Garry Mod Add Ons

Una vez que haya elegido el complemento que desea instalar, descárguelo, así como cualquier otro archivo necesario.

Si el(los) archivo(s) viene(n) con el(los) instalador(es), utilice estos programas para instalar el addon sin problemas. Si no es así, normalmente tendrán varios archivos contenidos en una carpeta principal (tenga en cuenta que algunos complementos pueden tener carpetas innecesarias que contengan la carpeta principal, en tal caso deberá eliminar la carpeta principal de las carpetas que la contienen). Extraiga esta carpeta principal a c:program filessteamsteamappsyoursteamnamegarrysmodgarrysmodaddons.

Si los archivos son archivos zip/rar, utilice un programa de extracción de archivos como WinRAR para descomprimirlos; de lo contrario, déjelos en paz.

Comienza eligiendo el addon que t! e gustaría usar en Garry’s Mod. Los complementos se pueden descargar de varios sitios web, el más popular de los cuales es GarrysMods.org.

My younger brother gambles to pay rent?

Stanton Villao: Casinos are set up so the odds are the casino wins. That's inevitable. Your brother just likes gambling and he lies to himself about what he loses and how much he wins. He has a problem.

Codi Manchel: Counting on gambling to pay rent is plain ******* stupid. If he doesn't have enough to pay his bills, then gambling it away is even worse.Honestly, it sounds like he has either a crippling gambling problem & or a crippling sense of immaturity.I genuinely feel bad for his wife and kid, because he sounds like a piece of work. Get a better paying job, or lead a less costly lifestyle. Gambling WITH rent money, FOR rent money is not an acceptable option for grown adult with a family to support.Get him some help....Show more

Jasper Mangel: If making rent is in any way Dependant on winning at the casino, more than one month out of the year, hes obviously not doing something right.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Comment devenir un DJ non hip-hop

Comment devenir un DJ non hip-hop

p>Les tourneurs sont l’épine dorsale du hip-hop, mais ils deviennent aussi très populaires dans le métal, le funk, la pop, le rock and roll, le jazz, et bien d’autres genres et sous-genres de musique. Tous les DJ n’ont pas besoin d’être des têtes du hip-hop pour trouver un public. La plupart des grands DJs ont un amour pour toutes sortes de musiques différentes, il est donc logique qu’ils s’aventurent dans des genres différents. Si vous voulez jouer d’autres genres de musique en tant que DJ, vous pouvez apprendre les compétences de base nécessaires, ainsi que quelques petits trucs qui vous aideront à vous démarquer dans différents genres.

Entraînez-vous à jouer aux clubs. La plupart des DJs font la fête en jouant de la musique de danse aux visiteurs du club. C’est en partie de l’art, en partie des compétences, et tout est amusa! nt. Un bon DJ est un observateur des gens, prêtant une attention particulière à la foule qui écoute. Apprenez à surveiller de près les signes que vous gagnez des danseurs, ou que vous perdez des gens au bar, et adaptez votre plateau en conséquence.

Suivez les tableaux. Encore une fois, même si vous êtes instrumentiste et artiste, il est important de prêter attention à ce qui se passe dans les charts de nos jours, au cas où vous auriez besoin de lâcher des bombes Top 40 sur le dancefloor. Être un DJ de club, c’est de l’art, même si vous jouez de la musique pop commerciale une partie du temps. C’est une compétence essentielle, être familier et à l’aise avec ce genre de musique.

Connaître les classiques. Il est également important d’être aussi bien versé dans Jackson 5, le début de Stevie Wonder, le disco, et plus de musique de danse contemporaine et pop. Les bons DJs devront jouer devant une variété de foules, même ceux qui sont! moins familiers et moins réceptifs à la musique de danse co! ntemporaine. Ces gens apprécieront la musique de danse plus traditionnelle, que vous devriez également construire une bibliothèque considérable de.

Écoutez beaucoup de musique différente qui incorpore un DJ. Beaucoup de groupes intègrent le scratching et d’autres éléments de DJ live dans leurs performances et leur son global. Si vous êtes intéressé par une introduction à l’utilisation des sons DJ dans une variété de styles, jetez un coup d’Å"il aux artistes suivants :

Essayez de faire votre propre musique. Une excellente façon de faire bouger un club avec des airs surprenants est de les faire soi-même. Si vous pensez que vous avez ce qu’il faut pour faire plus que gratter les chansons que les autres font, pensez à construire vos propres chansons et à coller vous-même de la musique de danse et des mélodies. Consultez les articles suivants de wiki pour apprendre les compétences nécessaires pour faire de la musique de danse électroni! que :

Jouez une variété de genres. La plupart des DJs ont tendance à se spécialiser, à filer de la house, du jungle beat ou de la trance principalement, mais beaucoup de DJs se déplacent avec fluidité entre les genres, à filer de nombreux styles de musique différents de manière transparente et à prendre plaisir à être schizophrène en termes de goût. Si vous voulez vous démarquer en tant que DJ non-hip-hop, il est important de vous familiariser avec de nombreux genres de musique.

Faites plaisir à la foule. Même si vous voulez être un artiste, ce bar rempli d’étudiants voudra toujours entendre la toute dernière chanson pop, même si vous ne pouvez pas supporter de l’entendre à nouveau. Un bon DJ veut plaire à la foule et faire bouger les gens, pas jouer des morceaux super obscurs parce qu’ils sont sur votre set-list. Etre un spécialiste peut rendre vos concerts beaucoup plus rares.

Apprenez les compétences de base du DJing. La ! seule différence entre un DJ qui joue du hip-hop et un DJ qui joue dâ€! ™autres genres de musique est de savoir si oui ou non vous avez un MC rapper sur le dessus des sons. Les compétences sont transférables, ce qui signifie que vous devez apprendre à vous lancer comme tout le monde : construire des chansons à partir de break-beats et de samples, jouer des chansons complètes et les mixer à la volée. Vous avez besoin de pratiquer les compétences suivantes, à DJ dans tous les genres :

Obtenez une installation de base de DJ. Si vous voulez être un DJ, vous avez besoin du matériel pour commencer. Quelles que soient vos ambitions professionnelles, assurez-vous d’avoir le matériel nécessaire pour les réaliser :

Collectionnez une grande variété de styles musicaux. Un bon DJ est un collectionneur de musique. Que vous optiez pour l’analogique ou le numérique, vous devez commencer à constituer une collection musicale diversifiée, mettant en vedette toutes sortes d’artistes, de genres et de styles de musique différent! s, de toutes époques. Les bons DJs sont des amateurs de musique, capables d’apprécier les variétés super-bleak du black metal norvégien, ainsi que les enregistrements de guitare flamenco, la musique folk et classique. Commencez à collectionner comme si vous travailliez dans un musée.

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

i wanna start a new card game, suggestions?

Jacques Teri: Magic is a fun game. I have played for more than a decade and it has continued to hold my interest even if I leave it alone for a year or so now and then.Magic is an excellent choice if you have friends that play, or even if you don't because it has such a large following. Also MTGO (Magic online) is an excellent way to learn the rules and the abilities of some of the more common cards.http://www.wizards.com/Magic/TCG/Article.aspx?x=ma...Basic rules should more then enough to get you started.http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/An excellent community with information on any MTG topic....Show more

Jorge Gerrero: If I was a beginner going into MTG, then I would start at the M12 core set or the newest set right now. I would buy a fat pack [$40 to $50] of each and begin from there. If you want planeswalkers, then I suggest getting the duel deck [$20] already made but you get 2 planeswalkers to try out. It may not be standard legal but it does give you easy ac! cess to older cards.As far as learning the game, I suggest playing against other players. You can find them in many local card [gaming] stores. It is a great way to learn the game by playing casually with other players. As you gain experience, you can test your deck in tournaments.A way to begin is to choose the color(s) you like or you can choose the color(s) by the rare cards you open in your packs. MTG is linked to a 5 color pie: blue [control], red [burn], black [graveyard tricks], green [land acceleration], and white [protection]. This is just a generalized statement to help guide you in the correct direction....Show more

Donovan Stallons: magic is interesting

Son Ahlers: Magic would catch your interest, I played yu gi oh for 2 years then switched to magic when I grew up. Alot of different strategies and the best part is is that your deck is only as good as your brain can go. Buy a starter kit from wall mart. It has basic starters stuff and a book with! a layout of the game

Lana Uliano: Magic! I still play Y! ugioh but Magic is my secondary card game.

Alexandria Popik: Yugioh, I used to play it all the time but now I don't have much time for it anymore, which makes me pretty sad... It's a great game though, I used to spend hours and hours hanging out with my friends while playing the game and going to tournaments. Very complex, you have to stay up to date with rulings, new card releases, etc. but it is extremely fun and very strategic.

Blank board game & magazine paper?

Houston Venezia: I was more asking if anyone knows for sure if these places have them or any other places. I don't have one close to me and they never seem to want to answer their phones.

Zulema Baccam: you answered your own question ^__^michaels has about everything when dealing with crafts so they'd probably have a blank board or try calling up your local michaels storeand if not go get a cheap game board, spray paint it to get the original game off and redecorate to your liking or rip off the paper the game was printed on that was glued on the boardthe paper for magazine with that magazine gloss is probably at, yes, staples or any place thats big with office supplies...Show more

Soraya Coodey: TES: Skyrim ...Show more

Monday, 20 July 2020

Comment faire pour être Easy Going

Comment faire pour être Easy Going

La plupart des gens admirent ceux qui gardent leur sang-froid et prennent tout ce qu’on leur lance. Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé comment continuer à sourire dans les moments difficiles ? Peut-être n’êtes-vous pas né avec une attitude décontractée, mais vous pouvez en adopter une en changeant votre façon de percevoir et de réagir au monde qui vous entoure. Apprenez à prendre la vie en main et à développer l’attitude décontractée à laquelle vous aspirez.

Vivez vos passions. Sans aucun doute, une façon garantie de transformer votre état d’esprit est de changer ce que vous faites de vos journées. Vous pouvez vous sentir trop sérieux parce que vous passez vos journées à faire quelque chose que vous n’aimez pas. Peut-être, dans un effort pour devenir plus facile à vivre, découvrirez-vous que ce que vous fait! es ne vous inspire pas à avoir une attitude positive et décontractée.

Suivez le courant. Le fait d’être trop sérieux peut avoir des effets néfastes sur vous si vous espérez devenir plus facile à vivre. Les gens décontractés ont tendance à se déplacer avec la marée plutôt que de la pousser contre elle. Même si vous êtes un adulte avec un emploi important, cela ne veut pas dire que vous devez être tout le temps sérieux. Quand il est nécessaire d’adopter une approche sérieuse, faites-le. Mais pendant les loisirs, prenez l’engagement d’en alléger certains. En faisant cela, vous deviendrez même plus sympathique aux autres.

Assumez la responsabilité personnelle de votre propre bonheur. Assigner à quelqu’un d’autre la tâche de vous garder heureux vous rendra frustré et insatisfait. Vous seul êtes responsable de ce que vous ressentez. Personne ne peut te rendre heureux sans ta permission. Tout comme personne ne peut affecter négat! ivement votre humeur sans votre permission. Il en va de même ! en sens inverse : vous n’êtes pas responsable du bonheur des autres.

Essayez de trouver un terrain d’entente en cas de désaccord. Le conflit n’a pas à augmenter la distance entre deux personnes. Il peut en fait être un point de référence pour rapprocher les gens. En cas de désaccord, essayez de ne pas vous concentrer sur vos différences avec les autres. C’est-à-dire, ce que vous croyez être vrai contre ce qu’ils croient être vrai. Vous pouvez avoir plus d’impact en mettant l’accent sur les intérêts mutuels.

Mettez un terme à l’auto-parler négatif. Une excellente façon de développer des habitudes de pensée plus décontractées est de remarquer quand vous êtes négatif et de lui donner une tournure positive. Après avoir pris conscience d’une mauvaise attitude, vous avez plus de chances de l’attraper de plus en plus à l’avenir et de ne pas la laisser prendre le dessus sur vous.

Arrête de t’inquiéter de ce que pen! sent les autres. Le fait d’être gêné de ce que vous êtes et de ce que vous faites n’aboutira jamais à un mode de vie sans soucis. Les gens faciles à vivre se concentrent sur leurs propres objectifs et leur bonheur, pas sur ce que les autres pensent. Si vous devez vivre votre vie sur la garde de ce que vous dites ou comment vous regardez, vous allez rater toutes les occasions de profiter de l’amour-propre et l’acceptation.

Pratiquez la gratitude pour améliorer votre humeur et vos perspectives. L’un des meilleurs antidotes pour vaincre l’inquiétude est de se concentrer sur le bien. Vous pouvez le faire en prenant du temps chaque jour et en soulignant ce dont vous êtes reconnaissants dans votre vie. Les personnes reconnaissantes guérissent de la maladie plus rapidement, sont plus heureuses et résistent mieux aux problèmes de la vie. De plus, lorsque vous êtes conscient de tout ce pour quoi vous devez être reconnaissant, vous êtes moins suscepti! ble de ruminer sur une mauvaise situation et de vous enliser dans une o! rnière négative.

Trouvez des raisons de rire. Les gens décontractés et heureux sont comme ça parce qu’ils savent s’amuser. Quand il s’agit de s’amuser, avoir le sens de l’humour est un ingrédient essentiel. Le rire procure la détente, stimule le fonctionnement cardiovasculaire et vous rend plus résistant aux maladies.

Demandez-vous si c’est vraiment important. Est-ce vraiment important si vous devez vous pencher et ramasser les papiers que vous avez laissés tomber ? C’est vraiment important si tu rates ton bus ? Je pense que vous verrez que la plupart du temps, cela n’a pas vraiment d’importance. La plupart des problèmes que nous rencontrons quotidiennement semblent importants, mais ils sont vraiment minimes et sans importance.

Passez du temps avec des gens amusants et positifs. Les gens faciles à vivre ont des relations sociales chaleureuses, heureuses et encourageantes. Des interactions sociales positives avec vos amis, vos c! ollègues de travail et votre famille peuvent vous motiver à prendre de meilleures décisions en matière de santé et même à vivre une vie plus longue. La qualité de vos relations compte. Assurez-vous que vos relations comprennent des interactions satisfaisantes avec des gens qui vous aident à vous sentir mieux dans votre peau et dans votre vie.

Considérez s’il y a quelque chose que vous pouvez faire pour remédier à la situation. S’il s’avère que c’est important, assurez-vous de considérer s’il y a quelque chose que vous pouvez faire à ce sujet dès maintenant. Parfois, il se peut que vous vous retrouviez pris dans des circonstances qui sont vraiment hors de votre contrôle. Demandez s’il y a quelque chose que vous pouvez faire. Si c’est le cas, allez-y, faites-le. S’il n’y en a pas, à quoi ça sert de le laisser t’atteindre ?

Faites de l’autogestion de la santé une partie régulière de votre journée. Lorsque vous donnez la ! priorité à vos soins personnels, vous constaterez une amélioration d! e la façon dont vous réagissez aux événements bouleversants de la vie. Vous pouvez vous aider à devenir plus facile en répondant à vos besoins physiques, mentaux, émotionnels et spirituels.

N’intériorisez pas les problèmes. Une personne facile à vivre ne s’enlise pas dans les problèmes de la vie. Les gens qui ont une attitude décontractée ne savent que trop bien que même les pires problèmes sont temporaires. Si vous réagissez souvent de façon excessive face à des problèmes, il est temps de prendre une pilule du lendemain.

Sunday, 19 July 2020

poll:the fair or amusement park?why?

King Bringle: amusment park!Rollercoasters! Wheee

Roni Kurz: amusement parks

Javier Holsonback: amusement parks, more fun rides. :)

Jorge Detlefs: amusement parks ; i like being amused & it sure does a great job of it :)

Comment faire des oeufs brouillés à l’indienne

Comment faire des oeufs brouillés à l’indienne

Ajouter 3 à 4 cuillères à soupe d’huile dans un wok. Chauffer à feu doux.

Ajouter un peu d’oignon haché finement.

Ajouter les Å"ufs, le curcuma et le sel. Ajoutez un peu de poivre ou de chili pour cette touche indienne épicée.

Continuer à remuer l’ail et l’oignon jusqu’à ce que l’odeur crue de l’oignon ait disparu. Cela prendra de une à quatre minutes.

Ajouter une cuillère à café d’ail écrasé. Frire l’ail jusqu’à ce qu’il devienne brun doré.

Ajoutez de la coriandre hachée aux Å"ufs brouillés à l’indienne. Servez et savourez !

Retirer du feu. Une fois que les Å"ufs brouillés sont complètement cuits, le brouillage est généralement sec. A ce stade, éteignez la flamme.

En maintenant la flamme ou la chaleur à feu doux, remuer continuellement les ingrédients pendant environ 5 à 10! minutes. Les oeufs pourraient brûler au fond. Pour éviter que cela ne se produise, continuez à remuer.

What is your favorite at any amusement park and why?

Julienne Poplawski: You should go to six flags magic mountainits the best park and has alot of rides the best is tatsu,goliath,superman,x

Lenard Ginyard: Disneyland has 'Magic Mountain' which is sooo fun,especially when you go into the darkened tunnel and do two loops....crazy!!SixFlaggs in Georgia has the Scream Machine which is an oldy but favorite.Finally, Six Flaggs in Holland is the owner of the Goliath,the largest rollercoaster in Europe!!All I can say is it's huge and scary with so many twists and turns you will stay screaming!! Ok,I'm finished getting my 10 year old on.lol.

Kassie Kay: you should go on it. it is an extremely fun ride. what happens is you go into the "hollywood tower hotel" and its sorta dark and creepy looking. then you walk into the library and watch a short video of a mock episode of "the twilight zone" the man explains that in the glory days of hollywood in 1939 5 people went into an elevator and disappeared to the twilgight zone. t! hen he tells you that its your turn. you then leave the library and walk through the boiler room to get to the service elevators cuz the guest elevators are out of order at the moment. you then sit down and buckle your seat belt and the doors close. you go up a few floors and witness the 5 people disappearing then the doors close again and you go up a few more floors and the elevator leave the shaft and goes down a hallway and goes into a second shaft and the man tells you you are going to the twilight zone. its pitch black and then you fall a few floors then its random and you keep going up and down an unknown number of times. and at least once you go up to the very top and look out the window and then you picture is taken as you fall. here is a video of it if you'd like to view it. pre show:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgAgIkaCNUk

Dick Ovdenk: Valley Fair and The Park at MOA (formerly Camp Snoopy). VF 'cuz there are a wide variety of rides(lots of coasters), bump! er boats, rip cord, mini golf, games, and tons more! The Park ! at MOA cuz there are a ton of fun rides and it is attached to the Mall Of America!! (which i highly recommend!

Rebeca Mckin: I always scream when I am on coasters and that helps me

Florencia Manolakis: Living in the UK, there's only one real choice - give me Nemesis every time!

Elaina Adolfson: Disneyland.

Sammy Hatzenbihler: front seateyes wide openhands upscream with enjoymentthat's what I do..FACE YOUR FEAR...Show more

Ronnie Panas: The Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights will be running from November 12, 2007 -January 6, 2008. It is displayed on the "Streets of America" backlot area. Really cool to see.http://allearsnet.com/tp/h_osb.htm

Joni Ziak: I loved Walt Disney World!But if you take the Disney parks out of the running, cause they really are in a league of their own, I would have to say that my favorite park would be Busch Gardens Williamsburg. It is great and so beautiful.

Dionna Doyel: My favorite is probably Ce! dar Point for the rides. They have the most coasters of any park, but they do tend to push down a bit on lapbars. Top Thrill and Magnum and Millenium Force are great.SF Magic Mtn is good as well for rides. Riddler is favorite standup coaster, X is wild, Goliath is fun, Ninja's a fun suspended coaster. If I had to pick on landscape, I'd pick Efteling in Netherlands. Gorgeous park, though Alton Towers in England is totally amazing as well (and might take two days just to walk through!).check out aceonline.org if you're interested in learning more about an awesome coaster club!...Show more

Mee Blumenfeld: Facing your fears head on is the only way to get over them. Start small with a simple roller coaster (one that doesn't go upside down or have huge drops) and work your way up. I too am scared of roller coasters, but only because I am prone to getting sick on them.

Talisha Digrande: Disney is the theme park it doesnt get any better, as soon as you enter your ! in ahh till the last firework goes off at closing

Billie Bratchet! t: cedar point is by far the best amusement park in the world. It was the first amusement park i had ever gone to . My first roller coaster to go on was the raptor. it goes at about 62 mph i think. Theres one roller coaster called the praying mantis or just the mantis. it has a record holding amount of never done spins and turns on one roller coaster. Another roller coaster goes at 120 mph. You shoot strait up at 120 mph and then strait back down. the magnum is like a big long snake. There are so many rides you cant do them all in one day. At night there is a laser show on a giant screen. One other ride is the twister. its either the twister or the bull horn. it looks like bull horns that twist in spirals. you go up one way really fast then you come down backwards and go up the other side. when its windy the "horns" sway in the wind....Show more

Bruno Galasso: amusement parks are gay and work solely to extract all the capitol from ur pockets

Sammy! Kar: It's really not nearly as scary as it looks. You'll go in, sit in an "abandoned" service elevator, and go for a ride. It goes up and down a few times pretty fast, and goes across one room. It's fun, but hardly the most scary ride I've been on. You'll enjoy it.

Mandy Mustaro: Just think about it you won't die.My lifesaver is to close my eyes and to push back on the handlebar it helps ALOT on drops

Randolph Lozoya: The Hurricane at Indiana Beach!I prefer wooden roller coasters over steel, because their's more feeling!

Bell Pasco: I think the best amusement park is MOVIEWORLD! its ao fun, especially the LEATHAL WEAPON!

Ester Bryand: I love theme parks and the idea of roller coasters. I would be an all-out fanatic if it wasn't for that...feeling. Its not a barfing feeling is a turning feeling. Deep down when I go down a drop. I hate it! It has gotten less bad because I have gone on bigger rides. I just need to know what to do! Screaming? Closei! ng/opening my eyes? Holding my breath? Help please! I am not motion sic! k so no pills. Thanks!

Rayford Latz: I have the same problem and I am also afraid of heights.I find if I research the ride and know what to expect it helps.I still hang on for dear life on roller coasters, shut my eyes at the last minute and pray. ( I say the Hail Mary going upthe coaster and coming down isn't as bad), although I stillscream occassionally. The more I do it the easier it gets.I hope this works for you. I am 45 and just starting to enjoyrides....Show more

Rosalia Hibler: Cedar Point in Sandusky Ohio is the greatest ever. They have 14 coasters, and already working on a 15th and it is a great atmosphere. The park is on a peninsula in lake Erie and its was such and expirience, the greatest rides you should try it.

Wally Gower: Cedar point cause i have expirianced the most best roller coasters and thrill rides there.They have the best food.(especially hot dogs) Cedar Point is a place that people don't forget.especially me. that's why cedar poi! nt has been voted best amusement park in the world for at least 7 years in a row.go to cedar point.com.....you'll see

Lou Ravelo: Cedar Point --best coaster in the United States!!!

Newton Fedorko: Oh my gawd!!!!!!!(: Don't close your eyes because you really don't know whats going on. Holding your breath CAN be dangerous. But when your done try just sitting down & relaxing for a good five minutes. Don't look at the rides while doing this. Maybe even drink some water. Also, i doubt this would work but try not thinking about the problems or something. Trust me i have the same EXACT problem. But some of those things i just discovered or didn't work for me but it might work for you!!(: (: Good luck...Show more

Joaquin Dronko: DO IT. Best ride there. You won't regret it.

Monica Voltin: I did it once, but never again. I totally needed to do it though.

Ardath Templer: when u walk in it is like a normal hotel but with dim lighting and cobwebs. they w! ill lead u to a room. it is basically a dark library with a t.v. they ! will show u a mini story of how it became the tower of terror. the mini clip is just a normal family got struck in an elevator and vanished. then they lead u out and u have to wait ( if there is a long line ) to get to the elevators. when u get into the elevators there will be seats for you. when u sit and buckle, it will start moving up like a real elevator, stopping at every floor to show u a creepy room. the room might have cobwebs and some ghosts. then the elevator will rise faster and u go up and down and until u go to the top a window will open and u will see the whole disneyland park or watever. they will take a picture and u drop down quickly and up and down till it ends and u get out to the gift shop!* hope u have fun!!!...Show more

Luke Kosch: I really enjoyed Universal Studios. It has 2 parks, plenty of concessions and lots of shows. Great rides is the best feature. Hoe you have fun where ever you decide to go! Wish I could go!


Logan Bero: Cedar Point by far is the best amusement park on the planet. It has a wide array of full sized roller coasters along with thrill rides like maXair.

Eva Lichlyter: Go on the ride! I am a big chicken when it comes to rides, and I went on the Tower Of Terror at Disney's California Adventure and I am happy I did it. The drop was the scary part for me. It's sort of like a Haunted House theme, watching ghosts and stuff, and then all of a sudden it drops, then drops again, and when you think it's done, it keeps on dropping. The problem is that it drops in total darkness, which means that you can't see anything around you. Also, there are no safety bars to hang onto on the ride you only wear seatbelts. I am a large woman and I was "flying" off the seat a foot and a half with the seatbelt as tight as it could go, with absolutely nothing to hang onto. I screamed the entire ride. It scared the hell o! ut of me. You literally feel like you are falling to your death. My boy! friend (he's 53) loved the ride, but he loves thrill rides. I hate thrill rides, and I literally thought that I was going to die. My heart was racing, my heart was pounding, I was screaming my head off, but in the end I am glad that I conquered my fear and went on the ride. At the end of the ride, there was a place where they took your photos (you should have seen the look on my face, priceless!), we didn't buy the photo, but we took a picture of it with a cell phone camera. Also, in the gift shop we brought great lanyards that said I Survived Twilight Zones Tower Of Terror that had our names on them. For $5 each they were our favorite souveniers from our three day trip at Disneyland. It's a thrill for sure, it will scare you, it will leave you saying OMG what just happened, but you should definately go on it. It's over fast, and you'll either love it and want to go again (like my boyfriend) or hate it and say never again (like me)....Show more

Jacinta Moitoso: X at M! agic Mountain.

Joan Stavropoulos: ****DO IT****I took my son on it for the 1st time when he was 5. He loved it. It's one of his fave rides now. Mine too.The whole twilight part isn't as bad as you think. You are way over thinking it.Go on it and have a blast you will be glad you did

Mayola Sylva: There are many ways to overcome to phobias, mostly done through therapy. Some of the things you listed would be considered normal fears/behaviors unless they constantly affect your everyday life. If these things are constantly interfering with your life and thoughts, then it might be useful to seek therapy to overcome your fears. Often, it doesn't take too long to overcome phobias.

Hubert Jestes: Of course you should. The place is made up to be a dilapidated, abandoned hotel from Hollywood's glory days. You are ushered into a dark room full of people. There is a short introductory film narrated by a Rod Serling imitator (naturally, since this is the "Twilight ! Zone" Tower of Terror after all). Then you get led into the "basement"! of the hotel. Eventually, you make your way to a service elevator. Inside the elevator are a few rows of seats. So you sit down and strap yourself in. Then the elevator turns out to be a car that moves slowly through the building. Inside there is cool hologram of a family of vacationers who have met their doom and been transported into the twilight zone. Then you come to the end of the trail and stop. Then you drop through a shaft which has some openings in it so you can see outside and realize how high up you are. You get dropped repeatedly. Then it's all over and you wind up in a store selling stuff related to the ride....Show more

Jorge Gerrero: Worlds of Fun in Kansas City because i live close to it and it is fun

Hilde Heskett: Cedar Point in Sandusky ohio it has the second most coasters in the country 17

August Hubbard: I've never been afraid of rollercoasters, but Just calm down, you won't die. Swear.Just keep your head back and hold on tig! ht and bring the securing belts as tight as they will. It'll make you feel m9ore secure.normally the bg hill before the drop is the most nerve racking. SO just don't pay attention to how tall it is and close you8r eyes till your over it. GO ON the ride!. No matter what you'll have to go if your already strapped in, and youll be happy you went.=] OR just sing your favorite song at full blast, on the way up., Thats what I do. Or laugh. and make poeople turn around and stare....Show more

Florencia Manolakis: probably disneyland...when i go there i feel like a little kid....i love it

Johnny Sirko: I love the front of the Shivering Timbers at Michigan's Adventure. I also love the ripcord at Michigan's Adventure because I love being really high in the air and falling toward the ground like you are about to hit the ground but you keep going. I can go through the whole shivering timbers without hanging on at all. The wind is wicked though because you are moving at a spe! ed of 65 miles per hour. It is so awesome.

Bethany Blocker: alton! towers is mega - definitely get on nemesisalso ive just been to thorpe park and all the roller coasters there r gr8 as well.

Michal Semple: i had the same fear rite up to a year ago. You know wat i did i Just went on it, i kinda Just went screw it and did it. Now i love roller coaster rides! hehe. Just close ur eyes and relax that is what helped me.

Marcellus Exler: Specific section- I'm certain it's in the Streets of America area. The Osborne lights are just fantastic. And of course they're scheduled to go down the day before we arrive in January. So bummed, it was one of my favorite parts of our last trip.

Amina Motzer: Dollywood, I am a big fan of Dolly Parton.

Perry Deshazior: Despite working at Busch Gardens and Water Country USA, my favorite ride at any park is Space Mountain at Disneyworld. Having a roller coaster indoors in the dark is just plain neato.

Gale Hartt: six flags great adventuretherezz madd rolla coastaaazz

Sharee! Doak: Definitely Disneyland.

Dexter Dingus: Are they all over the park, or are they in a specific section? thanks

Dexter Dingus: The Dragon Coaster at Playland. The coolest coaster ever.

Kimberlee Bowdish: cedar point is the best in sandusky ohio the millemium goes 92 mph and the dragster goes 120 mph and 420 feet high. its the highest in the world.

Sheree Hipwell: I have been to MGM Studios, (Hollywood Studios) Plenty of times before, but always too afraid to ride Tower of Terror.I am a young tween, and I am not afraid of many rides. Please tell me what the whole ride does, from the beginning you walk into the entrance to when you exit to your left. It's not the drop I am scared of, (although it looks freakishly scary) Its the whole "Twilight Zone" and everything.Please help. :D...Show more

Rosalyn Olivera: I love Disney for all the same reasons that it makes me feels like am a kid again with all the Nice's lights and all . However six fl! ags has the excitement and gives you that rush.

Saturday, 18 July 2020

Cómo limpiar el sistema de su computadora

Cómo limpiar el sistema de su computadora

Tanto si está aquí para aprender a «limpiar» un disco duro desordenado o infectado, como para limpiar físicamente las partes de su ordenador, siga leyendo para obtener una guía paso a paso sencilla. Básicamente este artículo le dirá cómo limpiar tanto el software como el componente de hardware de su sistema. Es un hecho conocido que el mantenimiento regular de su sistema puede aumentar significativamente la velocidad y la vida útil de su ordenador. La limpieza de los archivos del sistema es un trabajo de software para sistemas acreditados, software de utilidades que puede adquirir en línea mediante descargas.br>

Reúna suministros. Para limpiar su ordenador de forma segura y eficaz, necesitará algunos elementos de bajo coste. Compre una lata de aire comprimido, para soplar partículas de ár! eas sensibles, en cualquier tienda de computadoras. Compre bastoncillos de algodón (como Q-Tips) y alcohol para frotar en un supermercado o farmacia. Compre destornilladores pequeños o medianos de punta Phillips y punta plana en una ferretería. Tenga a mano toallas de papel, trapos sin pelusas y agua.

Limpie el área de la CPU y alrededor de los discos duros y otros lugares en una computadora de escritorio (que puede tener un ventilador separado y un canal de aire de plástico que se puede abrir o cerrar a presión y cubrir la CPU y el disipador de calor), pero tenga cuidado de no tocar con los dedos ningún cable soldado o desnudo de la electrónica, y tales partes. Asegúrese de tocar el plástico y las estructuras metálicas repetidamente dentro y alrededor del gabinete para igualar la electricidad estática entre sus manos y las áreas seguras para tocar.

Cierre y limpie la caja. Ponga cada parte que haya abierto o retirado en su lugar correcto y vuelva a! cerrar el equipo. Una vez hecho esto, tome un paño seco de m! icrofibra o algunas toallas de papel secas y cepille el polvo y la suciedad de todos los lados de la caja de la computadora. A continuación, sumerja una punta de un bastoncillo de algodón en alcohol para frotar y páselo por todas las costuras y bordes de su máquina. Al terminar una línea, voltee el hisopo y séquelo con el extremo seco.

Apague el equipo. En el caso de los ordenadores de sobremesa, esto significa apagar el ordenador, apagar el protector contra sobretensiones o la regleta de contactos y desenchufar el cable de la parte posterior de la torre (caja del ordenador). Si en cambio tiene una computadora portátil, apáguela completamente, desenchufe los cables de alimentación, póngala boca abajo y retire el paquete de baterías.

Limpie las rejillas de ventilación. Comience con hisopos de algodón o un par de pinzas y retire todos los conejitos de polvo más grandes y otros desechos que vea. A continuación, rocíe aire comprimido para expulsar el! resto del polvo del sistema de ventilación. Rocíelo en cualquier otro lugar que pueda alcanzar, también, teniendo cuidado de mantener la boquilla a unas pocas pulgadas de distancia de los componentes y puertos de E/S (orificios de enchufe para varios cables). No olvide abrir sus unidades ópticas y rociarlas brevemente.

Compruebe si hay adware y malware. El adware y el malware son tipos de programas que pueden comprometer el rendimiento del equipo y crear debilidades de seguridad. Existen programas gratuitos especializados diseñados para encontrar y borrar adware y spyware. Instale y ejecute el programa (es bastante sencillo) para encontrar y eliminar archivos ofensivos.

Termina. Deje que cada parte se seque completamente, luego vuelva a montar la configuración y vuelva a conectar el equipo. No olvide volver a conectar cualquier periférico, como un monitor, que haya quitado durante la limpieza. Cuando esté listo, encienda la computadora como de costumbre! . Repita este régimen de limpieza cada pocos meses o según sea necesa! rio.

Mantenga su ordenador actualizado. Tanto Mac OS como Windows publican actualizaciones periódicas de seguridad y estabilidad para su sistema operativo. Además, han configurado el sistema operativo existente de su equipo para que sepa qué actualizaciones necesita y cómo obtenerlas, lo que le ahorrará la molestia de mantenerse al día, en la mayoría de los casos. Los programas que manejan estas actualizaciones tienen nombres evidentes (Windows Update y Software Update), y están configurados para ejecutarse automáticamente de forma predeterminada. Si ha desactivado las actualizaciones o no está seguro de si se está actualizando el equipo, siga los pasos que se indican a continuación para comprobarlo:

Aspira los conductos de ventilación eternos y luego abre el ordenador. Con el tiempo, el área del ventilador, la ventilación de aire y el disipador de calor de la CPU que ayuda a regular la temperatura del equipo puede atascarse con polvo, conejitos d! e polvo y fibras, lo que provoca el sobrecalentamiento de la CPU y el mal funcionamiento del hardware. Con suerte, no esperará mucho tiempo entre una limpieza y otra. Para limpiar el polvo, deberá abrir la carcasa del equipo.

Limpie el teclado. Empieza volteando el teclado sobre papel de periódico o toallas de papel y sacudiendo todas las migas que puedas. Si está limpiando un portátil, agítelo con mucho cuidado para no dañarlo. Una vez que haya conseguido todas las migas que pueda, apunte con aire comprimido a las grietas y hendiduras para eliminarlas más, y luego vuelva a sacudirlas. Por último, utilice una pequeña cantidad de alcohol para frotar en un bastoncillo de algodón para limpiar la parte superior de las llaves.

Ejecute el mantenimiento de su disco duro. La mayoría de las computadoras fabricadas en los últimos años se encargan de estas tareas automáticamente, pero usted siempre tiene la libertad de ocuparse de ellas usted mismo si lo des! ea. Las herramientas clave son (1) la desfragmentación del disco, que ! organiza los bits de datos mezclados en la unidad para que se puedan encontrar más rápidamente, y (2) la limpieza del disco, que elimina los archivos duplicados y los archivos temporales no utilizados para liberar espacio.

Compruebe la existencia de virus y otras amenazas inmediatas. La mejor manera de defender su equipo contra amenazas realmente maliciosas es con un potente programa antivirus. Tanto los usuarios de Mac como de Windows tienen acceso a buenas opciones gratuitas que funcionan al menos tan bien como las marcas de pago. Instálelos y permita que se ejecuten en segundo plano en todo momento. Cuando los instale por primera vez, o si sospecha que no se ha detectado un virus, también puede ejecutarlos manualmente.

Limpie el monitor. Para pantallas LCD como las que se encuentran en la mayoría de los portátiles, utilice agua corriente en un paño suave y sin pelusas, como la microfibra. Aplique el agua al paño y, a continuación, limpie suavemente e! l paño a través de la pantalla hasta que esté limpio. Para los monitores CRT voluminosos (del tipo que se ve a menudo en los laboratorios de computación), use en su lugar un limpiador de vidrios doméstico. Una vez más, asegúrese de rociar el paño en lugar del monitor en sí.

Borrar datos de Internet. A medida que navega por Internet, su equipo recopila fragmentos de información que, con el tiempo, pueden acumularse hasta el punto de causar problemas de rendimiento, especialmente en equipos más antiguos y lentos. La manera más básica de hacerlo es utilizando las herramientas que vienen con su navegador de Internet preferido. Los usuarios de Microsoft Internet Explorer en Windows pueden borrar todos los datos temporales visitando el elemento del panel de control Opciones de Internet y haciendo clic en el botón Eliminar de la ficha General en el subtítulo Historial de exploración.

Haga una copia de seguridad de su sistema. Una vez que haya limpiado s! u equipo, es hora de conservarlo a tiempo para que pueda volver a una v! ersión limpia en caso de que ocurra algo catastrófico en el futuro. Esto funciona de manera muy diferente dependiendo de si estás usando un Mac o Windows, pero el proceso es sencillo en ambos casos.

Eliminar programas no deseados. Si tiene programas adicionales, puede quitarlos fácilmente en Windows mediante el panel de control Programas y características (más reciente) o Agregar o quitar programas (anterior). Resalte un programa para ver las opciones disponibles y haga clic para desinstalarlo completamente. Esto es preferible a simplemente borrar la aplicación usted mismo, ya que elimina los archivos que el programa puede tener instalados en otro lugar.

How fast can vodka make you drunk?

Luana Carothers: if you want to get wasted within seconds, chug 6-18 ounces of half vodka, half sour apple pucker mix. have fun!

Alexandria Popik: Just suck it up! Take a shot. After that you will be drunk.

Rona Ising: 3 or 4, faster you drink them the faster you get drunk btw

Melissa Lavallie: 4pegs. dat's all. dont get over drunk.

Friday, 17 July 2020

Are private practice doctors cheaper than hospital doctors?  

Are private practice doctors cheaper than hospital doctors?  

answers 0:Cost-wise, who should I see?answers 1:Get estimates because sometimes private doctors will screw you overanswers 2:I do have insurance and I just want a dermatologist to check my skin.By hospital doctor, I mean making an appointment with one, not the emergency room.answers 3:1answers 4:Hi Lumpy, a private practice doctor usually requires some type of insurance, if not, they will tend to be higher cost wise. Not sure what you mean by a hospital doctor? Maybe you are talking about going to a hospital to see one, yet normally you would have to go through ER to do so. This case wil be a lot more than a private doctor w/no insurance (Not sure if that is what you meant by hospital doctor?).So, if you have no insurance, go online and look for urgent care clinics in your area. Call and ! ask what their fee is to see a doctor. They do not require insurance, and will see you same day/no appointment. They usually range between $50.00 and up for an exam (Not including any tests/prescription meds., etc.).If you have no insurance, no money, and need to see a doctor, go to your local county medical facility. Last resort, call 211 from any phone (Home/cell), and thy will help you find a low cost/no cost doctor/dentist, etc. very nice people (You will actually talk to a human), that will just ask where you are, and tell you the closest place to go. Could be in the next nearest city, but they will help.Good luck, and take care!N.B. In no way was I assuming you have no money or insurance, just wanted to cover all bases for you....

Does fast food taste better than home cooked food?

Lita Thammorongsa: Home cooked meal, but it's good to have fast food sometimes.

Ulrike Hert: Fast food sucks.

Katheryn Skrobacki: Depends who's cookin the food. Fast food us very unhealthy then I nice homemade cooked meal.

Nannie Kasee: Home cooked food is much healthier; but as you might not have fast food as often it will taste much nicer as it it also very unhealthy :)

Rivka Killmer: Hell no! Most fast food all tastes like the same plastic garbage that it is.

Whitney Saborido: No. You can make the same things at home with fresher ingredients. I make better hamburgers, breakfast sandwiches, and refried beans and rice, than do most fast food restaurants. But at least once a year, there's an itch that says "quarter-pounder with cheese". And since most homes don't feed their families the foods that you find at a drive-thru, you have little to compare them to....Show more

Loise Mausser: Mother and cook of over 25 years speaking here.....! .I must admit that every so often I like a fast food burger but its the not having it so often which makes it special (no washing up).Okay, having said that, you can make anything from a fast food place at home and providing the cook is a good one make it taste better. You also will get more food for your dollar value.So....ask your mum to whip you up 2 allbeefpattiesspecialsaucelettucecheesepicklesonionsonasesameseedbun with chips. I'm sure she won't mind (I'm joking, friend)....Show more

Darcie Peraha: ok tbh fast food tastes better .but home food is healthier.but still you can eat fast food once a week.and like play sports and you would stay healthythats what i do :Dburgerrrrr kingg is the best :P...Show more

Foster Koopmann: Yes, I would agree with your mom, because when you make food at home it always has a lot more Blessings .... believe me. Fast food is what everybody eats all the time, it is not special ....

Lashawn Zabarkes: No they don't.Fast foo! d uses a lot of chemicals to preserve food and deflect the rea! l taste of their foods.Besides, from what we know, mcdonals burgers do not rot.You think that is more delicious than home cooked meals?

Thursday, 16 July 2020

Vegan benefits......?

Codi Manchel: u become a smexy beast XD lol seriously thoughwhats not good about it? yea ur healthier and ur helping the enviroment and the animalsand u get to try new yummy foods and veggieshahahah alot things are good i cant really find a bad thing about iti wasnt kidding about the becoming a smexy beast ;)...Show more

Renita Sefton: There are at least 50 health benefits for those tenacious enough to pursue a vegan diet.

Alexandria Popik: based upon your metabolic demands, you will possibly have problems with some proteins, that are extra mandatory in some people than others. you will choose extra helpings of a few calcium-bearing vegetables. you will additionally might desire to bear in mind that the omega-3 bearing meals at the instant are not an identical, close yet not an identical, as a results of fact the animal variations regularly cutting-edge in fish oils. back, very own susceptibility is a controversy and that may not completely predictable. otherw! ise, there is merely about each and every thing you decide on in flora which you additionally can get from animal meats and fat. yet you will might desire to consume a brilliant number of grains, legumes, end result, nuts, and leafy/flowery (think of broccoli) meals. good success....Show more

Gregory Dilg: youll start to look very attractive because of the nutrients in the food you are eating

Marya Fehn: also check this link about your health...http://kitchenquzin.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Cómo hacer un globo de palabras para cómics y manga en MS Paint

Cómo hacer un globo de palabras para cómics y manga en MS Paint

Ajuste la herramienta de línea a un grosor medio y seleccione Dibujar polígonos.

Seleccione entre escáner o cámara.

Abre la puerta.

A continuación, abra MS Paint.

Ponga el texto y ya está listo para empezar!

Dibuje un cono que sale de la boca de la persona que habla, luego forme una burbuja al final.

Escanea tu cómic.

Primero haz una tira cómica.

can vegans wear animal or what is vegan?

Chris Wilczewski: vegetarian is the diet, Vegan is the lifestyle

Anton Waln: Yes anyone is able. Whether you go cold turkey or slowly is up to you - do what will help you stick with it. Just don't be too hard on yourself at first or you will get frustrated and maybe give up, at least that's what happens to some people.

Donny Bankson: Well the definition of "Vegan" is a person who does not eat or use animal products. This would include eating animals products and wearing animal products (leather,wool) Although there are vegans who wear leather. There is no "type" of vegan. I myself wear leatherl, but i am still vegan.

Charissa Bichsel: That's why I don't. Honey is made by the bees, for the bees. Same with meat. I don't care if they raised the cows as angels. You're still taking their life. If it's not necessary, I don't consume it.

Marita Stadick: I eat honey. It is not unethicalAnd like ALL vegans (including those that pretend not to use animal p! roducts) I depend on captive "slave" honeybees to pollinate the produce that I eat.

Bethany Blocker: Hi, A vegan is someone who does not consume any animal products. This includes meat, dairy, eggs, typically honey, and animal byproducts (gelatin, whey, casein, rennet.) In addition with not consuming animal products, they do not buy any clothing articles that are made from animals, buy any animal tested products or products with animal ingredients, and they do not support places which make money off of animal exploitation, such as Rodeos, SeaWorld, Zoos, etc.Many people choose to go vegan because they are concerned about how animals are treated on factory farms. Animals live in very tight spaces (even worse for chickens as they live 5 to a cage) and many are often mistreated by workers, given inadequate care, and have their necks slit while still being conscious. Some people choose to "eat" vegan for the environmental issues involved with said factory farms, such as a! nimal waste runoff into local water or how there is more energ! y loss the higher up the food chain one eats. These people we would call "strict vegetarians" because they do not follow the vegan philosophy about abstaining from supporting "animal exploitation." Even if they do not wear leather or use animal tested products, if they are not vegan FOR the "animals", they are simply strict vegetarian.Others "eat" vegan for the betterment of their health as there is overall less fat and more nutritious plant foods that one eats. People who only eat vegan "food," we would prefer to call strict vegetarians because they do not follow the vegan lifestyle, and many may still wear leather or use animal tested products.The great thing about veganism is it is about all of those things. Your reason for going vegan is about the animals, but you can also be glad that there is less environmental stress involved with your diet and that you will have no problems with cholesterol when you get older.I hope that helps! You can learn more about veganism atww! w.chooseveg.comwww.compassionoverkilling.comwww.mercyforanimals.comwww.veganoutreach.comTo read about how to stay health on a vegan diet check out these great websites.http://www.veganhealth.org/http://www.vegan.org/FAQs/index.htmlhttp://www.chooseveg.com/vegan-food-pyramid.asp...Show more

Coleman Ocegueda: I did it slowly and I haven't touched meat in more than 8 years. For some people, going "cold turkey" works well, too. You have to really want it, either way.I cut out meat just a few days a week, then most of the week, then most days a month, then it turned into every day and I just stopped. I can't pinpoint the exact date I stopped eating meat for good, but it worked for me and I'll never go back to eating meat. I used a little reward system for myself to get over the meat-eating thoughts. I was 13, so stickers and lip gloss worked well XD If it's hard for you, do some research and find out WHY you want to be a vegetarian. Once you know that, you'll know what you! r weakness is and it'll be a piece o' cake. ^_^...Show more

Flore! ncia Manolakis: it's good.i was vegetarian for 7 yrs. now i'm vegan.i am a vegan and went vegetarian because i love animals. and believe they deserve to be treated ethically right. i don't want to be milked, or shoved in small cages, or get slaughtered.... so why should i subject another living being to that?

Amina Motzer: Vegans do not eat honey any more than vegetarians eat fish.

Verena Koop: Wear Animals

Idell Dufort: Vegans don't eat honey. Vegans don't eat or use animal products. Bees are animals. Bees are highly evolved social creatures. The issue here isn't - is it right to eat honey, the issue is by definition vegans do not eat honey. So asking for answers from vegans who eat honey just doesn't make sense. It's like asking a question to 'vegans who wear leather' or 'vegans who eat beef'.'Vegans' who eat honey are the same as 'vegetarians' who eat fish.EDIT - Look - bees make honey to feed other bees - humans steal it. "To produce one ounce o! f honey, bees travel an average of 1600 round trips of up to 6 miles per trip. Bees travel a distance equal to 4 times around the earth in order to produce just 2 pounds of honey. A worker bee will produce only 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in the course of her entire lifetime. It takes thirty-five pounds of honey to provide enough energy for a small colony of bees to survive the winter."Large scale bee-keeping involves killing the queen every two years to prevent the hive from becoming too hostile. The queens are artificially (and therefore forcibly) inseminated and shipped in from suppliers through the usual mail channels which is pretty harsh and often results in injury.In both large and small scale bee keeping it is normal for bees to be crushed between frames and underfoot as well. As well as that, many bees die by stinging the bee-keeper to defend their hive. And some of you guys think this is a vegan product?...Show more

Ronald Moehr: Aw, crud, I meant to say ! DON'T eat honey. Although anyone that does is welcome to answer too.

Lahoma Beadell: I am vegan and only eat honey from bees that my grandparents raise organically. Sorry, I don't understand the ethics either.

Galen Gowers: Leather isn't bi-product, someone mentioned this and I disagree ENTIRELY. A lot of leather is made in india, where cows ironically are sacred, (the labour is cheap) but because of this, the meat often goes completely to waste, which means the only thing the cow is being reared and killed for is it's hide. It's as bad as fur. I know that wasn't what you were asking, but I do avoid silk because it involves killing something with nerve endings. I'm pretty sure there are cruelty free silks available, but they're very expensive and I wouldn't be able to tell you where to buy them from. As for conventionally produced silk, the silk worms are boiled to kill them, I certainly wouldn't want to die this way, so I avoid buying and wearing it. Although, I agree with the person that said something along the lines of; 'If the! animal died, you might as well give the death a purpose' kind of thing. But personally I wouldn't feel comfortable with it against my skin, matter of choice really. :)...Show more

Hyo Hardell: Why would you become vegitarian?why would'nt you?and if you are, why?

Sibyl Siwik: I've been thinking about becoming a vegetarian lately, though I don't know if I could do that. Is it possible to cold-turkey the meat eating, or would I need to slowly advance at it? What would you do with the meat-desired thoughts!? Ahh! TIA for your answers.

Saran Stealy: Please stop worrying about what a "vegan" does and do what you feel is comfortable then find a label for yourself.

Bo Perham: The raising of animals for food is the number one contributor to global warming; it creates more greenhouse gases than all forms of transportation combined.Animals raised for food are given feed laced with pesticides, and are injected with huge amounts of hormones and antibiotics. The! se substances can be found in all cuts of meat and have been linked to ! compromised immune systems and certain cancers.Meat eaters also have higher rates of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, colon cancer and all digestive disorders....Show more

Elden Bardach: I think it is great that you are doing this. I can't help you much, because I have always been a vegetarian. I have never had any meat-desired thoughts. (Well, not that kind lol) Just try and see. What ever works for you. You may need to cut back or stopping all together may work.There are some great foods that are vegetarian. Many ethnic foods too.Were you planning lacto/ovo (dairy & eggs) or vegan (Just fruits, grains, nuts &veggies). Vegan is really hard! I suggest including dairy & eggs to begin with. Good luck. E-mail me if you need any help with meal suggestions....Show more

Daria Verfaillie: Unfortunately, recently bees have begun to suffer from many bee diseases (ccd, varroa mite, hive beetle, etc.). Bees in man-made hives can be somewhat effectively medicated to prevent ! and treat these problems. Wild bees on the other hand have almost entirely been wipped out.Because of this there are next to no wild bees left, only the beekeeper's bees. The crops grown all around the world rely on the beekeepers for pollination seeing that there are no wild bees left to do it. According to a lot of vegans beekeeping is unethical and should come to an end. If beekeeping came to an end there would be no crops successfully grown. By buying an form of produce, vegans are supporting the beekeeping they are so against. The vegans rely on the farmers to grow their food, the farmers rely on the beekeepers for pollination, and the beekeepers rely on the honey industry....Show more

Otto Lingafelt: By definition, someone who is vegan would not eat honey. Bees are often killed during the process of honey removal from the hives especially in the mass commercial bee farms. A vegan who eats honey but not any animal byproducts (or meat obviously) is technically a ! vegetarian with a vegan-esque lifestyle. Personally I think you're doin! g pretty good if honey is your only downfall.

Star Gollnick: Just like I've answered ten thousand other times in this section. I became a vegetarian because I could no longer spend the life of an animal on my whim and desire. The 15 minutes of pleasure I get from eating a cheeseburger does not outweigh a cow's life and pain and suffering and death.My views on the vegEtarian way of life? I think it's great. If everyone did it, and managed crops wisely, there would be no more famine. If everyone gave thought to life before snuffing it out, there would be less violence in the WORLD. In general, it's healthier for 99.999% of the population. The ozone layer would not be depleting as rapidly (methane gas from cow farts).

Violette Vanek: It depends you your personality, some people choose to go cold turkey, but others like to edge into it gradually. Get the Vegetarian Starter Kit from - Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicinehttp://www.pcrm.org/health/vegi! nfo/vsk/A couple cookbooks you may find interesting -Becoming Vegetarian: The Complete Guide to Adopting a Healthy Vegetarian Diet - Vesanto Melina & Brenda DavisThe Meat-Lover's Vegetarian Cookbook - Tanya Petrovna...Show more

Donald Caravalho: I went cold turkey at first and almost a year and a half into it, I got sic, and had to stay overnight in the hospital. Everyone's different though. Anyways, the second time, I gradually decreased how much meat I ate a week until I didn't eat any at all. Although it's slower than what you'd like it to be, it's a lot better for your body in the long run. Don't forget to eat a lot of protein filled foods too. (:

Armando Somes: Not all beekeepers use chemicals to keep their bees safe from the latest threats. Actually, the beekeeper I get my honey from told me the other day that the big commercial bee keepers in the area are experiencing the exact same level of hive loss as he is, and he is not treating his hives.

Suns! hine Holets: I am a vegetarian because i love animals. Another reason i! s that I don't need. it isn't a neccesity. People make meat out to be really important in our diet, but you don't need meat to live at all(soy and beans work just as well, probably better) Evertime that I think about it or see it in the store I am completely grossed out.I don't need meat and I don't want it.

Lourie Mcroberts: It depends on the vegan.A true vegan is one who thinks of veganism as a lifestyle, not a diet. One who cares about animals.A person who eats a vegan diet to lose weight or for health reasons, often will still wear and use animals and animal tested products. They also therefore sometimes will use products containing animal byproducts, such as soap or toothpaste....Show more

Wally Perrien: I know "vegan" is just a label, but the actual definition of the word is a person who does not use animals in any way, believing that they were not put here for the convenience of humans. So, even if every other aspect of a person's life falls within the v! egan definition but they eat honey, then they're not vegans, they're vegetarians. Sounds pedantic, but that is the accepted definition.However, each person's commitment is different and there are many who see the relationship between the bee and the human to be mutually beneficial, but a strict vegan would not see it that way because of the use of the bees' labour for the benefit of humans....Show more

Roxane Leathers: I am a vegetarian for a couple reasons. Here's what happened. About three years ago I was preparing chicken in my kitchen and I was going through the usual routine of being completely grossed out by the whole process. I finally had to ask myself, "if it bothers you so much to think about what you are handling, then why are you eating it?" So I stopped. Over the last few years I have found that I don't actually NEED to consume animals, so why not save a few lives. It's pretty amazing to look at the actual number of animals consumed by an average person ! in the United States every year. Some would argue "Well, it's already d! ead and in the store, why let it go to waste?" To that I say if you don't buy it, then the demand for lowers and thus the supply. One person really does make a difference here. More benefits to being vegetarian? I'm thinner, I eat less crappy junk food, I rarely ever have fast food, I have better sex (HA! scientifically proven just recently, google it), and it's less expensive.

Ramona Pago: There are two types of vegans:Ethical Vegans - don't purchase any animal products (clothes, etc)Diet Vegans - don't eat any animals foods.

Rodolfo Merel: I have dedicated my life to helping abused and neglected animals. By far the worst case of animal abuse and neglect in this country is the farming industry. So it certainly wouldn't make sense for me to go home and eat the thing that I work so hard to defend. I also believe animals are sentient beings, capable thought and emotion, love and companionship, and humans are selfish pricks for taking that away from them.

Ma! urice Breuning: I decided to be a vegetarian after I went to my friend's farmhouse and we were watching/ holding little chicks and she said that when they got older they would kill them for food (like, to sell). I want one for a pet so bad.I I'm also a vegetarian to be healthier.

Norris Rosener: Whatever works best for you. You're the one who knows yourself best, so only you can decide whether to do it cold turkey or gradually. Different approaches works better for different people. Just stopping works if you already don't eat a lot, or if you think that cutting out gradually would cause you to stretch it out longer than it needed to be. For some people, doing it gradually doesn't work because they continue eating meat with the "Yes, yes, one day, soon..." idea. If you have a deadline for a transition, that might work. (ei. cut out red meat *now*, then give up poultry next monday, then fish the week after, then gelatin the week after that.) As for craving meat, rememb! er where it came from and what had to happen for it to go from a living! , breathing animal to a lump of cooked flesh on a plate. You can also look into meat substitutes, some of them taste quite similar to real meat, I recommend the Tofurky brand....Show more

Micah Schwarcz: Vegans are people who do not embrace handling or consuming animal products. This involves, obviously, their diet which excludes meat, dairy, seafood,and other animal-based foods. People are usually Vegan for health concerns or because they believe that animals' lives are very valuable. So, if you are Vegan, you are expected not to wear or own any product made from an animal. Besides, that animal had to be KILLED to make that pair of boots or bag.

Cedric Grimstead: Vegans purely do not use anything animal related, including consuming. So, no. You could not. I quit being a vegan because I love chicken and sushi!

Rickey Vrieze: I stopped eating meat all at once. it may seem hard, but after the first week or so, its the easiest thing. if you give up meat slowl! y its going to take you FOREVER to become vegetarian. and as to "meat-desired thoughts", I had those for about the first month, then they went away. now I'm totally disgusted and cant believe that I ever ate meat.

Antwan Schrum: I even have been a vegitarian for 4 years, after 11 eating meat. i grow to be continuously an animal lover. it began whilst we've been given those 2 lobsters fro our friends and my mothers and fathers have been approximately to prepare dinner them. I made them placed the lobsters back interior the sea (LOL) and ever on condition that i've got no longer been eaing meat. I have no objective of protesting against meat eaters, i'm going to enable PETA look after that. yet i'm no longer approximately to consume an animal who has as plenty precise to this planet as we do. incredibly after the 1st week or 2 you only grow to be familiar with no longer eating meat. If I have been to have a huge piece of steak precise now i could throw it up because of ! fact it incredibly is been see you later on condition that i've got eat! en it. Being a veggie is relaxing and that i could advise attempting it. Haha, yet heavily, you should attempt it out....Show more

Ulrike Hert: I did it in steps, first stopped eating all pork products, because that was the easiest for me to give up. Then about a year later stopped all beef products, then eventually gave up poultry & seafood together. Worked out fine for me, just use meat substitutes! I started my transition to vegetarianism when I was 11 or 12.

Leticia Laiben: I've just answered a question about vegan for Lent. Hold on and I'll copy the relevant bit......."Do you realise that becoming a vegan isn't just about not eating any animal product, but is a lifestyle choice which governs what clothes you wear (no wool, silk or leather), what cosmetics you use (nothing with animal products or that has been tested on animals), how you clean your house (nothing tested on animals again), or what medicines you use (nothing with gelatin capsules and you'd ! only take it knowing that it had been tested on animals or contained an animal by-produce if a vegan alternative wasn't available)?"So you'd probably be more a strict vegetarian, although most vegetarians try to avoid animal products if they can. After all, it's a bit hypocritical not to eat a cow, but be happy to have a leather wallet....Show more

Anton Waln: I'm just curious, please no hate.I read recently that it's estimated that nearly 90% of the world's population of bees are now kept by people who use them for harvesting honey. This same place mentioned that this is mostly because the wild bees are being killed off by not only mites, but some mysterious disease that just kills the hive very quickly, possibly overnight, and human-kept bees have some protection from that. From the mites, anyway.So, presuming this to be entirely true, which I'll admit it's possible it isn't, but if we take this as true for now, is it still unethical to not eat honey? Yes, true, we ! could continue to keep bees, and just not harvest their honey, I suppos! e. But any knowledgeable beekeeper knows you don't take more honey than the hive can spare, because you don't want any of your bees to die over the winter that don't have to.I guess I just don't quite get why honey would even be considered unethical in the first place....Show more

Margart Stimpert: whatever floats your boat.i'm all for saving the animals and all of that, but i won't stop eating them because i like my burgers too much. =)

Tomeka Hameen: There is only one kind of vegan:"The word 'veganism' denotes a philosophy and way of living which seeks to end the idea of animals as property and exclude all forms of intentional exploitation of, use of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing, research or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, including people and the environment.In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or part! ly from animals."Anyone who says they are vegan but they wear leather or use products tested on animals or go to zoos or circuses or anything like are NOT vegan! There is one definition or at least one meaning expressed through different definitions but they all end out the same no exploitation of animals for any reason. The definition I have provided above is probably the best as it traces it's lineage back to Donald Watson's original definition and goes up through the Vegan Society and was more recently edited to provide clarity and bring it into more modern thought.There is no partial vegan you either are on the path of veganism or you aren't there yet. However anyone can live vegan and there is nothing that is stopping anyone from living vegan. People still doing things that exploit animals and calling themselves vegans are selfish and hurtful towards veganism and we don't need that. Veganism has always been about the animals and not exploiting them and while veganism c! an be great for health and the environment those are not a reason to li! ve vegan as many things we do aren't bad for health or the environment but harm animals and that is the focus. This should give you the info to help start off veganism a lot easier:Here is a list of animal ingredients to avoid:http://www.happycow.net/health-animal-ingredients....More things to avoid:Animals as clothes:Leather, skins, furs, wool, silk, down, feathers...Animals as entertainment:Circuses, rodeos, zoos, aquariums, animal fights, animal races, hunting...Companies that DO NOT test on animals(however CHECK INGREDIENTS they only verify testing not ingredients):http://www.leapingbunny.org/indexcus.phpVegan products:http://www.veganstore.com/ (I know them well and they aren't doing as well in this economy but they are a great source for awesome hard to find stuff and they are very friendly and giving even if they really don't have much if anything to give)http://gentleworld.org/vegan-evolution/products/Vegan recipes: http://vegweb.com/More info on veganism:http://ani! mal-rights.com/http://www.vegetus.org/honey/honey.htm (I get the honey question a lot)http://www.youcanhelpstopthis.com/...Show more

Blythe Noreiga: There is the basic Vegan that has the philosophy of not wearing animal and not eating meat or honey but there there are those who not knowing about the general philosophy do not eat meat so they call themselves vegan. I am not vegan just vegetarian and am not opposed to eating honey or eggs. if someone gave me leather I would wear it but there are always the fanatics that do not allow you to have the liberty to choose for yourself and have even damaged a fir coat with paint or paint spray. Some just do not understand that you have the same right to do what you do as they to not do what they do. Conscience....Show more

Jodie Capella: Well, if you really love animals, you will wanna become a vegetarian. Two words animal cruelty, these will help make you a vegetarian. I've been vegetarian my whole life! It think it's e! asy as I have never tasted meat before.

Betsey Muehlbach: Hey Var! doom I'm not hating at all, but coming to a place where vegetarians congregate and saying their militant wierdos is just so silly. Please, practice your kindness and take your hate outside.OP, I don't know about honey. I don't eat it, don't like the taste, I really hate animals of any kind being squashed, cut u, shoved aside. Honestly, I didn't start not eating animals for the animal love- it's just I can't agree to rudely shoving humans or animals aside to further your agenda.Not physically. ANd bees are shoved, swiped, crushed, sliced into. I agree about the death of bees worldwide being a terrible plight. It's a good source of energy and food, but it entails going into a bee hive, which can kill you if allergic, to pull the honey put. I guess I just don't think it's necessary to even eat it at all. I have no issue with people who do,, I just don't think an insect or any animal is worse than any human, but humans frequently show how cruel they are, how aggressive, by doin! g stuff to animals consciously, which are often harmful. I'm somewhat on the fence about beekeeping- bees live in a ahive in a tree, which can be picked of honey without disturbing the bees. Farming and industrial beekeeping makes bees and kills them too. As I don't like honey, I easiy live without it, and since it CAN harm and force animals to provide a service they didn't sign up for, I think I'll err on the side of not eating it anyway....Show more

Jesusita Dykhoff: 1. It's better for my cholesterol and fat level,2. i hate killing an animal so cute to eat it, if others do it i certainly don't want to add to the pain of animals being slaughtered just so they become a persons food,3. my sisters became vegetarians which influenced me,4. It's better for the enviorment without all the pollution of dead animals being cast away into dumps and lakes and all that stuff. You can compost potatoes and lettuce but you can't composte beef or ham.