Saturday, 7 March 2020

What is YOUR definition of true beauty

Edwina Fu: Beauty starts with the heart.If you don't believe your beautiful than no one is going to believe in your beauty.No matter what people think of you just remember you were born beautiful.The beauty is in the inside not in the outside.

Roni Kurz: Definitely your inside emotions and feelings are what count! outside beauty is only a helping hand. :)

Terrell Voltz: someones whose face and eyes glow and light up when they're happy. someone who can smile through almost anything and realizes they aren't perfect. someone who is caressing and graceful and careful with their body and hands. it doesnt mean a pretty face (although it does help to be attractive as vain as that sounds). someone who is naturally very pretty. no fake hair, nails, tan, boobs. that is NOT attractive.

Chris Rosenkranz: My definition of true beauty is:When you can look in the mirror and just know that you are beautiful no matter what.You just sparkle inside and out.And do not care ! what anybody else thinks or says about you.

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