Tuesday, 31 March 2020

i would like to no about stability in an aircraft?

Jade Ohno: I'm not sure where to help here, especialy with the static or dynamic,Tom, but for starters, when an aircraft in flying in a stable position, all the forces are balanced. One, the lift is balanced with gravity, so it stays level. When the aircraft tips left or right, (like it wants to roll upside down) this is called roll about the longitudanal axis, and is balanced with the ailerons on the wing. When it tips down or up (like it wants to descend or climb), this is the pitch around the lateral axis, and is balanced with the elevators on the tail. When the aircraft points left or right (like it's going off of the compass direction) it's called yaw around the directional axis, and is controlled with the rudder on the tail. My educated guess is that you want to compare how the aircraft is kept in a stable static state, as opposed to one that is changing or dynamic about any of the pitch, roll and yaw motions....Show more

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