Monday, 2 September 2019

is books or tv better?

answers1: I prefer books
answers2: Books!
answers3: Well it really depends on the books/tv your
reading/watching. Some books (ie, non-fiction and educational) are
really great to read cause they are enjoyable and make you learn
something. Some TV programs are like that to (ie Documentaries). But
just cause a book isn't educational doesn't mean its not amazingly fun
to read, and its the same with tv. I absolutely adore both. I read
mystery/crime/historical fiction/non-fiction/sci-fi books, and I watch
mystery/crime/sci-fi tv programs. Its not like one or the other is bad
for you, unless you make your life based on it. Just remember that not
everything is about books or tv, and to go outside and play once and a
while. <br>
Hope I helped.
answers4: Books all the way. It can be nice to have a little bit of TV
now and again but with books there is so much imagination and hard
work put into them. It is amazing that you can sit down with a book
and get absoloutley glued to it. <br>
Books 100%
answers5: Team Books!
answers6: Yes, yes a book it is.
answers7: They're both good, depending on what you bring to them
and/or want from them. TV give us an instant look into our world, both
good and bad. I think it's crucial for a writer to know what his/her
fellow creatures are doing. <br>
Literary fiction and many PBS programs take us deeply into an
individual's world and maybe gives us insight into how a person deals
with its joys and woes. <br>
Mysteries, thrillers, and sci-fi books and TV let us escape the real
world for a while. <br>
To my mind, the only use for most reality TV is to give the writer an
insight into pathetic cries for recognition--which is also useful
fodder for the writer. Sorry, if you think that's too harsh.
answers8: Books.
answers9: Books!
answers10: I rarely have the tv on, I have too many books I want to read.

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