Wednesday, 18 September 2019

does anyone have a Graham history genealogy?

answers1: You don't find out genealogy by a surname, as not everyone
who has the same name are related so many people will have the name
Graham in the family tree but it doesn't mean it is part of the same
family that you are researching. <br>
I have two Graham's in my tree neither are related to each other, I
also know a family who lives down the road from my other home in
Ireland who run several large businesses, they are not related to 'my'
Graham's ...........................................
answers2: I looked the name up on the two biggest free genealogy sites
around. You can follow the links and repeat my search. One of the
people I found may be your ggg grandfather. <br>
The first, <br>
<a href="http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Search/frameset_search.asp"
the free Mormon mega-site, shows <br>
505 <br>
people with it, with the "Advanced" search and "Use exact spelling"
box checked. There would probably be more with varied spellings. <br>
Note 1, they show just the first 25 from each data base, if you search
across all data bases. There could be 300 people in one specific data
base. If you click on a specific data base, they will show you all of
them, 200 at a time. <br>
Note 2, the new and improved site, <br>
<a href="https://www.familysearch.org/"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>https://www.familysearch.org/</a> <br>
may have LOTS more; some records here will show you the image, if you
register. (Registration is free and they don't spam you.) <br>
The second, <br>
<a href="http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi"
(also free) has <br>
486,859 <br>
(Expect lots of duplicates - that's why there are so many, compared to
the LDS site.) <br>
If you look, be careful; the ads at the top sometimes ask for a name
and lead you astray, to a pay site. Also, even if you DO enter the
surname in the right box, not all of the data there is accurate. <br>
On both sites, again, the people are dead, some for as much as 300
years. You won't find many living people on genealogy sites, and if
you do, their names, birth dates and other facts will be hidden. <br>
Note 3, you should have 28 - 32 surnames at the ggg grandparent level,
depending on how many of your third great grandparents married a
cousin. <br>
Here are some Grahams in 1880, from the LDS 1880 census. <br>
Household: <br>
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation
Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace <br>
George GRAHAM Self M Male W 54 PA Farmer PA PA <br>
Mary D. GRAHAM Wife M Female W 50 NY Keeping House NY
MA <br>
William H. GRAHAM Son S Male W 26 MI At Home PA NY <br>
Harry K. GRAHAM Son S Male W 20 MI At Home PA NY <br>
Julia GRAHAM Dau S Female W 16 MI At School PA NY <br>
Addie GRAHAM Dau S Female W 14 MI At School PA NY <br>
Mary GARROW MotherL M Female W 70 MA MA MA <br>
Ella G. HOLMES Sister W Female W 50 PA PA PA <br>
Georgianna HOLMES Niece S Female W 18 OH Music Teacher
OH PA <br>
--------------------------------------... <br>
Source Information: <br>
Census Place Oronoko, Berrien, Michigan
answers3: Here's what the name means, although this won't help you
trace your personal family history- <br>
Graham Name Meaning and History <br>
Scottish and English: habitational name from Grantham in Lincolnshire,
recorded in Domesday Book as Graham (as well as Grantham, Grandham,
and Granham). See also Grantham. <br>
Grantham Name Meaning and History <br>
English: habitational name from Grantham in Lincolnshire, of uncertain
origin. The final element is Old English ham 'homestead'; the first
may be Old English grand 'gravel' or perhaps a personal name Granta,
which probably originated as a byname meaning 'snarler'. See also

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