Sunday, 8 September 2019

How hard is it to be a author?

answers1: it can be really easy. self publishing is simple, but
getting properly published takes years. age doesn't matter though,
it's your writing that's important. please read my prologue <br>
<a href="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AvqnvoPIJMchXZF8oIREXYjsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20091017161234AAUvM7k"class=Clr-b>http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...</a>
answers2: easy, you already are..
answers3: first you have to have a great desire to share information
about something you know well. You have to know a lot about it
because well a book is maybe 300 pages and you'd have to write more
than 900 pages initially (and then cut it down leaving the important
stuff). You'd need someone to correct your spelling and sentence
structure and to type it up. It's difficult to find someone who would
type it up from a tape recording, and difficult to find someone to
type it from notes so you may end up typing it up yourself. So why
not sit down at the typewriter and just begin to compose. The best
I'd say would be to write several short stories. <br>
Then you choose what picture you want for the cover and what
information you want on the back. You choose the pictures for the
inside or if the book is an easy read and holds your attention and is
a paperback then it's ok not to have pictures. Putting the book into
chapters I found was difficult to do. And I did my book myself so did
several copies by xerox thinking that I'd make money but each cost me
about $13 (this was back around 1990 or so) but to pay for everything
else involved I had to charge $25. I was told at that time that I'd
have to choose the 100 copies for $1,000 by a nearby book printer (yes
they are around and you can find them on the net). They hadn't seen
the pictures yet so didn't include those in the price and then it got
pricey so that's why I chose to xerox. It took a lot of personal
effort to get out the first 25 books and save the money to get this
accomplished. Then there were the advertising costs and the
"expectance" that people would buy. Once your book starts to sell you
can consider yourself an author. You have to pay to have your book
advertised like on tv and radio and in magazines and on websites and
getting the first book off the ground is the most difficult. The
second time it goes easier for you and you use what you earned on the
first book to start the second book. Usually people work all their
lives and then have something to write about and some income from the
past to use toward being an author. <br>
As an afterthought I'd think that your education right now would be
more important than being an author and taking up your study time.
Writing does really take up a lot of time.
answers4: Just get a book out even if it doesn't sell one copy and
your an author
answers5: Well, if you want to be an English one then you need to use
the word 'an' in your question. <br>
Only you can tell your own story and what you have to do is make it
interesting enough for people to want to read it to the end. So you'd
pick an issue that worries people, especially a lifestyle issue, and
emphasise it so that people imagine they really do need to read what
you have to say in case they might find an answer or sympathy for
their own condition. Then start to drive the story via a series of
twists, turns and the odd dead end across the contemporary landscape.
It's not easy to get published unless you have something new and
potentially popular to say. Even then the publishers won't notice you
unless maybe you go via one of their agents. So it's hard, just like
being a top athlete. 50% talent, 50% training, and one without the
other seldom gets far.
answers6: When you are a kid author it is probably hard. plus you
don't know all the proper grammer.
answers7: No offense, but good grammar would help. You've got at
least three grammatical errors in your question. Learning to write
properly would be the first step.
answers8: it can take years to get a book published but you can just
write stories now. anyone can be an author as long as they have a good
imagination. and use better grammar. : )
answers9: How hard is it to be an author? <br>
You have to be willing to sit for hours on end working and working to
make nothing tangible - only a story that you pull from the deepest
corners of your psyche. You have to have the mental toughness to
withstand the inner voices that ask you why you aren't doing something
that financially makes more sense, why you keep working when you're
sure everything you've ever written sucks, and why you've never gotten
anything published yet. You have to have the strength to ignore all
the people asking when you're going to get a "real job." You have to
have the drive and the discipline to see a project through to the end,
to be critical of yourself while believing you have something worth
saying, to write the best thing you can. <br>
That's only the beginning. Then you have to have the courage to put
what you've written - little pieces of your soul, in essence - out
into the world for anyone to read. You're stripping yourself naked and
showing yourself to total strangers who will probably tell you you are
worthless as a writer and would be better off flipping burgers at
McDonald's. You are going to let your parents read the sex scenes, you
are going to let your significant other read the passages where your
character is unhappy with a relationship, you are going to let the
world read all the little bits of you that seep into your writing, and
you are going to be judged by them. You have to be able to stand up to
that. <br>
You have to love writing so much that you don't care that working at a
fast-food place makes more financial sense. You have to love writing
so much that even when the going is tough and each word feels like
pulling teeth, you sit at your keyboard and you keep working. You have
to love writing so much that you discipline yourself to finish things
by your deadlines, and you have to accept the fact that you may never
be published, and you have to keep writing anyways. <br>
And you have to clean up your grammar and spelling.
answers10: You become an author by getting a book published. <br>
And it can be quite difficult to do that.

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