Tuesday, 17 December 2019

What is your definition of beauty?

answers1: Beauty is the looks that make you feel comfortable :)
answers2: One who does good things, thinks good things, feels good,
and is happy. <br>
This will manifest into physical beauty, whatever you consider
physically beautiful is up to you though.
answers3: Beauty is holiness exuding. It is a charm of the face, even
without a smile in the lips and in the eyes, but most of all of the
good-natured attitude of an individual expressed in kindness and
compassion. It is an art which is inborn, a natural one. It may be
expressed in different forms, from poems to theater, to music which
nourishes the soul through its mellow, peace-loving melody. It is
also expressed in visuals, like the still one, which is painting or
slides. But maybe, most of all, because it carries God in his/her
heart, if a person, and in the heart of the art, which is its soul.
Beauty is at par with the ideal, the good, and the true. This is all
I can say for the moment. Beauty can also be found in scents, like
perfumes. It is also felt through touches, especially if I could
touch you with the fingers of my soul...
answers4: My favourite fashioner is the one who fashioned us
answers5: i honestly think it depends on the person's preferences. it
sounds cliche but beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.
answers6: beauty is everything that is good in life.
answers7: Beauty is something that stops me in my tracks in amazement
and wonder. I can never describe it in words and do it justice. It
transcends words' meaning. <br>
Actually, I would say it transcends the physical and communicates with
the soul.
answers8: If you can define it, it aint beauty
answers9: To me, beauty is harmony. <br>
In sounds, harmony creates music, and the most beautiful feelings
arise from inside your soul while the tunes are adjusting your
neurotic system to its beats. <br>
In paintings, mixing agreeable colors and shapes create fantastic
impressions in your mind and soul just by looking at an expressive
work of art. <br>
In engineering, harmonious shapes and designs are awe-inspiring and
emphasize the sense of touch and solid reality. <br>
In Nature, the colors, the breathing of life among the trees and
flowers that are wildly scattered over the mountains, overlooking a
glittering brook giggling down the valley, make you feel alive and
inspired. <br>
In people, harmony of looks and behavior; appearance and signals
coming from inside the person, together they create attraction, which
is the door to appreciating the persons' beauty. <br>
In children, the simplicity of their innocence mixed with their
helplessness and need for your care work together to provoke your
expectations of their future and stir your feeling of tenderness
towards them, is a form of beauty of life creation. <br>
In animals, birds, insects and all living organisms, the order, the
perfection of the live chain of existence is awe-inspiring and creates
the feeling of beauty. <br>
In our souls, the harmony between what we feel and what we see creates
happiness which is the inner beauty. <br>
Harmony is the key, but for the senses it requires colors, shapes and
contents, and for the soul it requires appreciation for positive
vibrations whether emitted from inside out, or flow between you and
the other objects of the outside world, simultaneously. <br>
That is beauty in my opinion.
answers10: Beauty is as beauty DOES.

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