Monday, 16 December 2019

sleeping beauty.....?

answers1: I have asked this same question several times, and haven't
got a good answer
answers2: Don't be a moron and touch sharp objects? <br>
...I don't think the story 'Sleeping Beauty' has any apples in it
guys. That's 'Snow White'.
answers3: what are you? 9?
answers4: that if you're a beautiful princess you can have a lovely
little nap while a handsome chap, who has no problem kissing someone
who is unconsious, finds you. while the rest of us have to work our
butts off to pay the rent.
answers5: There's no moral
answers6: Sleeping Beauty has no moral, and it is NOT a tale for kids.
The original Sleeping Beauty - if one can talk of an original, since
it was a tale passed by mouth for generations - was written on a
compilation of tales by Jacques Perrault for the amusement of the
French royal court. It is not quite as the Disney version of the tale
made it , and it has details like Sleeping Beauty's skin was very
stiff, because she was way old, she was always dressing out of
fashion, she had a daughter and a son with the prince, but they
couldn't live with them because the mother of the prince, an ogre,
wanted to eat them all the time, and so on. You should read it.
answers7: Nice face is sleeping beauty.
answers8: Wow, Idk. <br>
Hahaa. :] <br>
Never really thought about that onee. <br>
Maybe you need to sleep? <br>
answers9: to always invite evil witches to your parties..even if you
think theyre dead
answers10: I thought Snow White was the one with the apple! <br>
In Sleeping Beauty, I thought that the parents snubbed the Evil Lady
so lesson #1 is: Karma is a *****. <br>
The Three Fairies did their best to help her by stating that it could
be broken by her 16th birthday if she got a kiss from her true love so
the lesson #2 is: no matter how long you have to wait and be cautious,
there's always a solution out there for your problem, usually given by
the kindness of others <br>
Her parents kept as many spinning wheels away as they possibly could
but there was still one left. Lesson #3 is: you can't protect
yourself or your children from something that is supposed to happen to
them because they will always find a way to rebel or someone will
always find a way to take advantage of their naivity <br>
She passed out and so did everyone else and everything got overgrown
and grew up around the castle. Lesson #4: When one person screws up,
it effects everyone - especially those close to them, so take that
into account when you make decisions <br>
The price came by, fought his way into the castle, and then stilled by
her beauty, kissed her awake. Lesson #5: Despite having to ride
through an overgrown and neglected woods, despite having to chop away
thorns, despite having to walk through a neglected and rotting castle,
and despite having to kiss her horrible morning breath, he still found
absolute beauty in her <br>
Main Lesson: true, unconditional love brings everything right back to
where it should be

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