Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Why would a mental health office tell a suicidal person to come back in a month?

Delora Struzzi: These are the people who have terrible home lives. For some reason, these people tend to hurt people to make themselves feel better. I know this sounds funny, but they are probably jealous of you. They do this to you because you won't fight back. I suggest you learn some self defense. Whatever you do, don't let what these people do to you change who you are. I know someone that was picked on a lot and he turned into the biggest hothead ever. Now people don't even want to be around him. Anger management has done him a lot of good....Show more

Derrick Cacioppo: because they don't think you are suicidal

Erin Arron: That hospital needs to be sued! If you are suicidal then you need to get help. Talk to someone in your family NOW!! Or a best friend.

Sunshine Holets: Well, i was just about to kill myself a few hours ago, and then i just ended up on itunes and stuff. I got loads of songs.My theory is that music is food for the soul.Lou! d, Vulgar, heavy metal seems to fulfill me! It must do 'cos i feel fine now, after listening to lyrics such as (do a monster voice) "I will kill you and your dreams tonight..." Fecking fabulously hilarious...Type in 'slayer' into video.google.com and play the song. It might cheer you up- whether you like heavy metal or not, it is funny, trust me.

Andrew Sinatra: Sure u can. :)Also, wrong address. U need a Saviour, not a doctor.

Mandy Mustaro: Their rationale is that people who threaten suicide rarely do it, especially people who keep threatening it. Someone who has presented at the hospital three times threatening suicide would be seen as a low risk. However, this recurrent presentation should be seen for what it is: a cry for help.

Erin Arron: Try somewhere else? Call a hotline and get some help? Why do you leave it up to only one place to help you? http://www.dbsalliance.org/info/suicide.html?gclid...http://suicidehotlines.com/national.htmlhttp://www.sui! cidepreventionlifeline.org/...Show more

May Stands: Well! , the world definitely can't make you happy, because the world doesn't care about you. People can't make you happy, because they are imperfect, and will always disappoint you. What does that leave? God. God's promise for better day's ahead and His love is all that makes me happy. God loves you! Nothing can touch you as long as you are in God's hand!Psalms 43:5 "Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed withing me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my Lord."God Bless, and feel better....Show more

Rodolfo Merel: out of trying to hurt someone else? let's say you are the only person they do this to, its almost a constant, as in there is no letting up. Whenever they see you they will use any opportunity to try to do this?

Horace Escue: She is scared an on my own interior. She needs help from a professional, no count number how scared she is. you'd be doing the right element via taking her to an section which will relive her of her! suffering. I hated my father and mom for taking me to a therapist, yet i'm so satisfied now! It replaced my existence. As her father, the most loving action you could do is supply her the help she needs. You adult men are in my prayers.

Sheldon Lally: Essentially, you need to meet certain criteria to be admitted. You would have to show clincal signs of intent to harm yourself or others and/or be in the act of harming yourself. Unfortunately, hospitals have procedures, and if you don't meet them, you're not going to be admitted. Do remember, many depressed people make gestures of suicide as a way to cry out for help or alert someone to their problems and don't actually mean it as a life ending act. Tell someone close who *knows* you that you are very upset and that you want help. Tell someone who *can* help, like a therapist. You wouldn't be telling people what was going on if you didn't want them to help....Show more

Lillie Yarde: My husband attempted suicide b! y o.d. on pills and vodka. After being discharged from the hospital he ! was sent to the mental health hospital. We begged for him to be able to stay, but they let him out after about 8 hours. He died 1 year later by his .own hand. Please try and get some help. Suicide has devastated my family and it will devastate yours.

Vernon Martorana: Look around and see if there are any other places that can get you in. If not then play it safe. Surround yourself with friends and family. When you find the strength get rid of things that could possibly hurt you. Attempt to stay busy. Staying busy helps more than anything on this earth. Don't put yourself in situations that require you to be alone. Find a close friend or realitve and tell them the truth about what is going on see if they can stay with you and see you through this.There is always a reason to continue fighting. In the past two months I lost my job because I discovered I had heart problems. The doctor's can't figure out what is wrong with me and if they don't fix it then my days ! are simply limited anyway. They put me on paxil for anxiety in hopes that would fix it. It did the exact opposite and within a week I went from being mostly happy and functional to being suicidal and listing the different ways to harm myself. I knew something wasn't right so I went to my doctor and the next few weeks were very difficult but I got through them.I hope you'll find another place that will get you in. If not then please just stay around people. Force your thoughts elsewhere. Start a journal of your hopes and dreams and try to come up with different ways to make them come true. The pain can be great but remember it is an emotion. Emotions change every single day. Don't allow yourself to believe this won't pass. It will. Just hang in there....Show more

Florencia Manolakis: Probably to see it you are for real or not.

Solomon Belback: what kind of things contribute to a happy, successful life? WHAT MAKES PEOPLE HAPPY?Im really depressed right ! now. thanks for any answers. ='(

Toshiko Reimers: welps....the th! ing is that people don't know what to say to make things better cuz they know that u realli can't help a person by words...welps they are rong...to kno that one day what u want might come true think about the people who was there for u to encurage u to go on....and how they are far off worse then u cuz u are not there....don't do it cuz u think of urself don't do it cuz u think of others....

Nikki Sypult: Patrick, I've been where you are. I had no money so had to go to a clinic, and they had a months-long waiting list. I found a therapy group but they were useless. I finally realized that no one else was going to help me...if I was going to survive, I would have to help myself. And I did. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. It is devastating to the ones left behind, who bear the burden of guilt and loss. You are stronger than you think. Forget about depending on others - get an appointment when you can, and meanwhile, choose life. I wish you well!.! ..Show more

Kellie Waycott: Well, I've been a mental health professional for 20+ years before I retired, and I can't remember telling anyone that, but then, I ran an outpatient clinic, and so I might recommend hospitalization, but not every time. There are a lot of reasons an inpatient facility might tell you to "come back in a month", but I won't detail them for you now because it would take a dissertation length paper to tell you in enough detail to help you understand. My recommendation to you, therefore, is to follow their instructions, as crazy as they may seem. There are very clinically valid reasons that time and space prohibit my detailing here. Just follow their prescription. You'll do better than you think. God Bless you....Show more

Alexander Villas: Find something you love to do and do it often and with people you love.

Mark Hovanes: I know the feeling. I work FAR better on my own but if required to work with someone else, I bite the b! ullet and pretend to enjoy it out of respect for the other person. Pus! h yourself to get out of your comfort zone - it makes you a better "you" and you might even end up making a friend out of the deal. Good luck!

Eva Lichlyter: same reason why when u have a baby they send u home in a day 1/2, or u have surgery your out the same day,,,, cause no one gives a sh it about anyone anymore. this world is crazy. they give me the run around about health insur 4 my kids, hello I am an american., pay taxes every year.

Reyes Brunell: stuff my piehole with food,thats why im a slim 525lb

Doreatha Kjellsen: Well, if you were to do something, they could be sued for malpractice.

Betsey Copp: Please don't hurt your self. think of your family and your friends. Sometimes mental health offices are slow. if you are feeling troubled get to your nearist hospital, they can observe your behavior and recommend the right treatments for you. sometimes when i fel depressed i read my favorte poem maybe it will help you. One night I had a drea! m. I dreamed I was walking along the beach with God and across the sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand. One belonged to me and the other to God. When the last scene of my life flashed before us I looked back at the footprints in the sand. I noticed that many times along the path of my life there was only one set of footprints. I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in my life. This really bothered me and I questioned God about it. "God, you said that once I decided to open my heart to you, you would walk with me all the way. But I noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there was only one set of footprints. I don't understand why, in times when I needed you most, you should leave me." Then God replied, "My precious, precious child. I love you and I would never, ever leave you during your times of trial and suffering. When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then ! that I carried you!"I hope this poem lifted your spirits as it lifts mi! ne. peace be with you and i pray you find the help you need....Show more

Anton Waln: to give you something to look forward to!

Pam Rampadarat: wow, sorry to hear that, this must be a bad hospital. So it's better to stay away from them anyways. Is there any other general physician in your area? Just call some Doctors office and tell them it's an emergency. Regular Doctors can prescribe medication which helps and advise you on next steps.Well - besides- killing yourself is a pretty extreme step and I imagine the most difficult thing to do. So...why don't you try other scary things first, which perhaps are easier? Like....if you are truly antisocial perhaps what scares you the most are other people. You could try to play with that fear and go out, go dancing in a club. And if nobody wants to dance with you then dance with yourself and with your life. Hey - it's worth a try. The worst what can happen is that you don't like it. Anyways - never give up never surrend! er !(from "Galalxy Quest" - a cool movie). Sending you my best wishes!...Show more

Serita Hefferon: Go to a different hospital or mental health center. The one you've been seeing is probably too understaffed or undertrained to work with you effectively.Better yet, contact a private psychiatrist and tell him/her that you need help quickly because you're having suicidal thoughts.

Sena Highman: It sounds stupid I know, but I get really uncomfortable, because I'm always the last one to find someone or I dont find anyone at all. Plus I work faaaaar better alone people just irritate me. I've been having anxiety about this for a month school hasn't even started. Btw I'm in college!! What do you think?

Monica Voltin: Get back to the basics. Over thinking too much about things can't be a good thing, I do it plenty myself. You could try to develop a closer relationship with God somehow. But there are tools at our disposal if we chose to find and use them. Check out ! some of Wayne dyers books where he talks a lot about finding happiness.!

Darcie Peraha: Go to the emergency room at your local hospital.

Bob Pucella: I would rather work alone too. I would just rather get things done on my own and not have to rely on others for stuff like that. Especially if your graded as a group. But don't drop out becuase of it. Just stick with it.

James Langmyer: Try calling your local suicide hotline instead of the hospital.

Roselee Mczeal: Thought control is the highest form of prayer, therefore think only on good things and righteousness. Dwell not in negativity and darkness. And even in moments when things look bleak-especially in those moments. See only perfection, express only gratefulness and then imagine only what manifestation of perfection you choose next. Whatever, you choose to change, First change your perspective. Then get a new thought. One that will change whatever....

Jen Maday: Well.... my dear...That's very easy, honey...Just watch some documentaries on TV about the suf! fering children in the "Third-world-countries", how they're struggling to get..."a hand full of rice"...-the poor kids in Africa, who are nothing but "skin & bones"....straving to death...the MILLIONS of AIDS victims....-shall I go on listing all the "zillions" of underpriviledged children in the world....-suffering- day by day ??? When I see all the misery & distress in the world....Ibecome real HUMBLE ...-and- ..."count my blessings". You'll be amazed, how thankful one gets, when he/she compares his/her life with the suffering all over the world !!!Another "cure" for the way you may feel at present is....when you take a look inside a mental institution...-or- at a hospital ward for the terminally ill cancer patients....-and- then...you learn to appreciate : your HEALTH !!! You see, honey, your HEALTH is the most precious good !!! And once you've got your health, you can accomplish...ANYTHING you put your mind on !!! That alone should make you happy & content !!! Just be t! hankful for what you've got ! There are a "zillion" of underpriviledged! , who would love to "trade" with you, believe you me, baby !!And... I am sure, there are many people, who love & care for you...This fact alone should make you grateful & content, so that there is NO reason in the world, you should feel depressed about...as long as you have people, who care about you !!!Wishing you all the bets for the future with much contentment ! Greetings from Germany with all my loive & care... Annette***

Felipa Nosis: Well, my idea of a happy life is living in simplicity. Not a lot of t.v. or computer. Mostly reading, listening to music (any), sitting next to a lake with your pet (any kind, for me a dog), living in a nice quite town with friendly people, peacefully writing my stories to sell. That's my idea of a happy life for myself.To get over depression, I take my ipod, plug it into the radio and blast the music to feel better. OR... I take a nap, because when you wake up, you feel refreshed (that's good for if you're mad).

Hye Caulley! : I had to go to councilling after my partner took his own life and I had a few different ones. They all said the same thing to me, when I said I had no clue that this was going to happen they all said people that talk about it dont do it, if someone is going to do it, know one will know until it is too late, so they dont take people that talk about it seriously. This is a text book reaction and I'm sure it doesnt apply to all cases, but it may explain why they have told you to come back, cause according to text book, you are talking about it, so you will still be here in a month.......Show more

Zelma Casebier: Patrick the best advice I can give you is that you may need to find a church.You may not believe in God but he believes in you. Not to offend you. Just a little advice. I don't attend church regularly. But I know that when I go I feel at peace. Peace is what you need. Also find you a support group. Hospitals can only take you so far. Stay strong !

Fermin ! Tara: Hell im very very nearly constantly chuffed. From working through! out song practice to wonderful out with my pals after wards. eating a Smoothie ( Gotta delight in the little issues too :P) ending my homework enjoying video games Waking up Going to mattress Going skating finding a advised photograph making cyber web content going to college wonderful out with pals after college getting something above a "B" on an task that's lots recently hell i will save going and going, existence is basically reliable all around to those fortunate adequate to work out it around them

Nedra Oltz: They do it everywhere... A local man was turned away from a clinic saying that he didn't feel right and that something really bad is going to happen. He was turned away and killed 2 women the next day. I would go from town to town around you and find a clinic that will help you... you don't need medicine to keep from being suicidal... they probably think you are "seeking drugs."

Rickey Vrieze: what city do you live in I don't want to go there

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