Wednesday, 26 August 2020

how to fix the walls on virtual families?

Burt Stoecklin: before you can repair the wall, you have to fix the hose outside in the garden by the wall first.if you haven't fixed the hose yet, this is how you do it:first, you need to wait until the store sells tape (I don't remember if they call it masking tape, duct tape or what, but it's "tape"). put the tape by the hose and then have a family member use the shower or a sink to put water pressure and drop another family member on the hose to fix it. now the hose will work.then, you fill the wall repair compound with water and then you can use it to fix the walls. also, be sure to let one member of the family work on repairing the wall. if you leave the repair compound just laying there, it will harden after a few hours.♣♥♣♥♣♥♣...Show more

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Comment obtenir un permis de port caché Arkansas

Comment obtenir un permis de port caché Arkansas

Faites un chèque pour les frais de demande ou obtenez un mandat à l’ordre de la police de l’État de l’Arkansas. Cela couvre également le coût des vérifications d’antécédents au niveau de l’État et au niveau fédéral. Les frais ne sont pas remboursables.

Suivez un cours de sécurité dans le maniement des armes à feu approuvé par la police d’État et obtenez votre certificat de formation. Vous devez faire preuve de compétence avec une arme de poing sur un champ de tir pour réussir le cours de formation. Faites une recherche sur le site Web de la police d’État pour trouver des instructeurs approuvés dans votre région.

Visitez le site Web de la police de l’État de l’Arkansas à l’adresse http://www.asp.state.ar.us. Téléchargez la demande de permis de port! d’arme de poing dissimulé. D’autres informations sur la licence sont disponibles sur le site web.

Examiner et remplir la demande de permis de port caché de l’Arkansas.

Attendez-vous à ce que la police d’État approuve ou refuse votre permis de port d’arme de poing dissimulé dans les 120 jours.

Envoyez par la poste une trousse comprenant le formulaire de demande de port caché, le paiement, les empreintes digitales et le certificat de formation à l’adresse suivante : Arkansas State Police, CHCL Section, 1 State Police Plaza Drive, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72209.

Être âgé de 21 ans ou plus, citoyen des États-Unis et résidant en Arkansas depuis au moins 90 jours.

Obtenez un jeu complet de vos empreintes digitales auprès d’un technicien expert. Vous pouvez vous faire prendre les empreintes digitales dans un poste de police, dans une entreprise privée avec un technicien qualifié ou pendant votre cours de sécurité dans le ! maniement des armes à feu.

First time gardening? How can I clear the weeds and pick the best flowers?

Carlee Tangaro: i like alot of Sirollerbladers factors. do no longer make your area too huge. Weeding and deadheading flora is a daily/ ongoing chore. What do you decide directly to do with your flora? exciting for exterior? or reducing them for interior? i could decide directly to savour them exterior. reducing flora have a tendency to be tall, and each so often straggly vegetation. sunlight or colour there are stable flora to apply, yet roots and different opposition could nicely be a issue. keep in mind too, as quickly as the summer season gets warm, you will could desire to water your toddlers, or they are going to die. are you able to get a hose there? the extra sunlight, the extra water... attempt a mix of annuals and perennials. Annuals: Begonia, Petunia or Impatiens are stable beginner vegetation Perennials: Cone flower (Echinacea), Pinks (Dianthus), Daylily (Hemerocallis) are stable ones in this type. Drop on by using your community autonomous backyard center or ! nursery, and ask them to help you %. out some common to advance vegetation that bloom in distinctive seasons. Your community keep frequently would be extra valuable and expert than your huge-container keep. i'm hoping that this permits stable success...Show more

Rosella Figliola: You are right to suggest to pull everything out and start fresh. Determining whether if you have full shade or part shade will make all the difference.In full shade ferns, hostas, or mother-in-law tongues will work.In part shade I would use callalilys, marigolds, or any flowering plant for color.I would suggest for easier care for weeds is to use those liners you can cut and shape to fit in your flowering box-you can find those cheap at your nearest Rual King- but don't forget to cut out holes for your plants. And then when its down and set you can decorate any way you want but either laying down stones or pebbles, or you can lay down mulch.Maybe, in August would be too late unless you by a ! plant that is bulb-not seed-grown. The plant that is grown by ! seed, llike a moon flower, will not survive too long and they never come back next season, but bulb plants, like easter lilies(or any lily) will come back twice(double) next season....Show more

Lourie Mcroberts: I live in MN...Also, would planting in August be too late?

Conrad Puleio: Empty out the whole thing and start with fresh quality potting soil.Herbs should do OK unless you are in TOTAL shade.Here's your first step, research what "zone" you are in. Search gardening zone map, or your state and "gardening zone". This is going to help you determine which plants will survive in your area. Next know that plants are either perennial (meaning they come back year after year) or are annual meaning they generally complete their growth in one year and die (some seed easily). For shade, if your looking for a lot of color and you have moisture there, I would highly recommend impatiens they take care of and seed themselves year after year. If your looking for attr! active foliage I would go with hostas they'll send out nice lavender colored flowers on tall spikes generally as well...both of these would come back year after year and require little to nothing on your part.Herbs are really easy to grow and require little care although they are generally considered to be annuals and die off in Winter. With the exception of rosemary which might make it through a few winters in a container depending upon your climate.Simply search "shade garden" plants. You will be able to determine what is suitable based upon your gardening zone. Good luck, gardening can be really fun and rewarding....Show more

Monday, 24 August 2020

Comment être espiègle

Comment être espiègle

p>Etre espiègle, c’est prendre des risques pour rendre la vie plus amusante. Tout le monde aime connaître quelqu’un qui a une attitude et un état d’esprit ludique et espiègle. Certaines personnes sont naturellement plus spontanées et enjouées que d’autres, mais n’importe qui peut apprendre à pimenter une situation avec un peu de malice. Gardez vos méfaits à l’esprit et évitez les actions illégales ou nuisibles qui pourraient amoindrir le plaisir des gens.

Voyez le potentiel de la farce dans chaque situation. Il n’est pas nécessaire que les méfaits soient de grande envergure. Utilisez votre situation pour créer une farce sans trop d’efforts. Abordez n’importe quelle situation comme une occasion de faire une farce espiègle. Agissez en fonction de vos pensées spontanées lorsqu’elles entrent dans votre esprit. Voici des exemples d’interaction avec ! une situation de la vie de tous les jours :

Évitez d’aller trop loin. Tandis que vous commencez d’abord à vous habituer à agir malicieusement, vous devez faire attention de ne pas aller trop loin. Si jamais vous êtes dans une situation où quelqu’un pourrait être blessé physiquement ou émotionnellement, retirez-vous de la farce. Évitez tout ce qui est illégal, comme les graffitis ou les incendies criminels…

Utilise ta voix. Vous avez envie de faire des bruits étranges ? Choisissez un moment où il n’y a que 2-3 personnes dans une pièce. Dis quelque chose au hasard ou fais un bruit idiot. Fais comme si tu n’avais rien remarqué d’étrange. Vous pouvez aussi chanter une de vos chansons préférées à un moment aléatoire. Faites comme si vous aviez des écouteurs, même si ce n’est pas le cas. Gardez les yeux fermés pour l’effet.

Emballez les affaires de quelqu’un. C’est surtout une bonne farce pour l’environnement de bur! eau ou pour un enseignant. Prenez quelques objets sur leur bur! eau, comme un ordinateur, une agrafeuse, un manuel ou un clavier, et emballez-les. Vous pouvez utiliser du papier d’aluminium, du papier d’emballage de Noël ou même de vieux journaux.

Cherchez des occasions de faire des bêtises. Chaque situation apparemment normale peut être rendue plus amusante et plus intéressante lorsqu’on y ajoute un peu de malice. Changez votre façon de voir la vie quotidienne afin de créer quelque chose de nouveau et d’agir différemment.

Agissez selon vos impulsions. Si une pensée d’action vous vient à l’esprit, allez-y. Essayez d’ajuster le filtre de votre cerveau et agissez plus spontanément sur ce que vous voulez faire. Faites une boule de neige et lancez-la à votre ami si l’idée vous vient à l’esprit. J’ai fait peur à un collègue en me cachant derrière leur porte. Dessinez une moustache sur une affiche sur le bord de la route…

Recherchez des concours. Créer des concours tous les jours entre! vos amis ou vous-même peut améliorer vos journées. Les compétitions peuvent ajouter du plaisir et même un sentiment de danger à une routine typique. Voici quelques exemples de compétitions faciles que vous pouvez essayer :

Prenez la vie moins au sérieux. La prise de risques est un aspect critique de l’espièglerie. Vivez pleinement votre potentiel en ne vous souciant pas trop des conséquences. Si vous avez tendance à être une personne sérieuse, cela peut être difficile. Essayez de remplacer vos sentiments de stress ou d’anxiété par de la légèreté.

Ne perdez pas de temps. Dans la culture actuelle de la satisfaction instantanée, ralentir peut en fait être malicieux. Ralentir dans certains aspects de votre vie peut avoir des effets positifs sur votre santé mentale. Si on vous demande de parler pour une présentation, commencez par gagner du temps en faisant une blague. Il peut être plus efficace pour le public et pour vous-même de gagner! du temps pour le confort.

Avoir des modèles espiègles. Il peut! y avoir quelqu’un dans votre groupe d’amis, en classe ou au travail qui est considéré comme espiègle. Observez comment ils font des blagues ou jouent des blagues pratiques pour s’amuser. Il n’est pas nécessaire de rechercher les personnes qui vandalisent les biens publics. Ces gens ne sont pas espiègles, ils sont juste des imbéciles.

Utilisez un klaxon à air. Il n’y a rien de plus ennuyeux et d’attirant l’attention. Utilisez du ruban adhésif en toile pour coller la base d’un avertisseur sonore sur un butoir de porte. Assurez-vous que le klaxon est dirigé vers la porte. Quand quelqu’un entre dans la pièce, il sera choqué par le son du klaxon.

Écoutez de la musique forte. Augmentez le volume de votre haut-parleur à 7, au lieu de 3, et balancez. L’une des meilleures sensations est de jouer votre musique préférée l’été avec les fenêtres ouvertes. Vous pouvez irriter ceux qui vous entourent en faisant sortir de la musique de ! votre voiture.

Sois désordonné. Ne vivez pas une vie désordonnée, mais n’ayez pas peur de créer un désordre. Bien que ce soit votre rituel de faire votre lit tous les matins, essayez de le laisser défait un jour. Enlevez vos chaussures et laissez vos chaussettes au milieu du sol. Allez voir un film au lieu de faire votre lessive ou de faire la vaisselle.

Jure-le. Le serment n’est pas approprié dans de nombreuses situations et peut même vous mettre à la terre. L’acte de jurer peut être considéré comme un trait commun à être espiègle. Lorsque vous vous sentez agité et que vous ne savez pas vers qui vous tourner, dites un  » mauvais  » mot. Le serment permet aux gens de libérer la douleur ou la colère en activant les circuits du cerveau qui sont liés aux émotions.

Couvrez la chambre de quelqu’un avec des photos de célébrités. Vous pouvez faire cette farce à un membre de la famille ou à un collègue de bureau. Imprimez une! douzaine de photos différentes de la même célébrité. Collez ensui! te les images sur les murs de leur chambre ou de leur bureau. Utilisez une célébrité que cette personne est ennuyée, comme Justin Beaver ou Martin Shkreli.

Sunday, 23 August 2020

Cómo usar Linux desde un lápiz USB

Cómo usar Linux desde un lápiz USB

Obtenga una memoria USB con capacidad suficiente para la imagen de disco del sistema operativo que desea instalar. Los tamaños típicos de las imágenes de disco promedian entre 700 MB y 4,7 GB, dependiendo de la distribución y de la versión que descargue (¡importa! una imagen de un sistema operativo de 64 bits es algo más grande que la de una versión de 32 bits) â€" consulte la página de descarga del sistema operativo en cuestión.

Los usuarios de Windows pueden instalar las siguientes distribuciones de Linux en la memoria USB desde un entorno Windows;

Asegúrese de que su PC es lo suficientemente nuevo como para tener un BIOS que pueda arrancar desde USB.

Los usuarios que no son usuarios de Windows pueden tener que usar un PC con una unidad de CD o DVD y luego instalar Linux en la memoria ! USB. Las siguientes distribuciones de Linux pueden instalarse en USB desde el entorno de Live CD;

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Staten Island Botanical Garden ?

Ismael Sixon: make google search using, Botanical Garden in Staten Island AND OR Chinese Scholar's Garden as the key words .You will get a lot of information . If you click on images in the search then you will get a lot of photos as well for the concerned topics .

Coy Tapley: i just want pics :)

do u think i have a thyroid problem?  

do u think i have a thyroid problem?  

answers 0:i'm tired all the time, have severe insomnia, and sloing lots of hair. last time i got a blood test to see if i have a thyroid problem but it came out normal and they took 1 vial of blood, how many vials of blood do they need to diagnose a thyroid problem?answers 1:*losing lots of hair*answers 2:Small lump on the side of the neck can be a lymph node enlargement, thyroid nodule, goitre, sebaceous cyst, lymphoma etc. The most common cause is lymph node enlargement and it is usually painful in infection caused by virus and bacteria like sore throat, tonsillitis, dental problems etc. Tiredness and fatigue can be a post viral symptom or a thyroid problem .You might have to undergo a blood test, thyroid function test if your doctor feels it to be thyroid swelling, CT scan of the lump...answers 3:ask the doctor that tested you for the thyroid problem in the first place. h! es a doctor, he'd know

how to get into construction or landscaping?

Neely Youngblut: Grab a phone book and start making phone calls. I did that and got my start in the electrical trade. I now own my own company. Also, try the public schools. They always need grunt laborers for the grounds.

Shamika Schools: Jobs are somewhat scarce right now, so you will have to look harder and longer to get one.Look up the construction and landscaping companies in town that do the type of work you want to do. Send them a resume. Call them and ask if they are hiring and how to apply. If they have an office, show up during business hours and ask if they are hiring and if you can fill out an application.Certainly, using a current employee for an introduction may get you a job....Show more

Friday, 21 August 2020

Comment peindre derrière une toilette

Comment peindre derrière une toilette

p>L’un des endroits les plus faciles à oublier pour peindre dans la salle de bain est derrière les toilettes. Souvent, beaucoup de fois, beaucoup ne se donnent pas la peine, car cela semble être une tâche gênante et ennuyeuse. Cependant, si vous utilisez les bons outils, peindre derrière la toilette peut être aussi facile que de peindre toute autre surface.

Tremper le mini-rouleau dans la peinture. Remplissez un bac roulant avec votre peinture présélectionnée, puis plongez votre mini-rouleau dans la peinture. Assurez-vous que le rouleau ne coule pas de peinture. Pour assurer un minimum de débordement, le mini-rouleau fonctionne mieux lorsqu’il s’agit de travailler avec de petites couches.

Glissez le mini-rouleau derrière la toilette à l’angle le plus pratique. Idéalement, essayez de glisser le mini-rouleau derrière le rése! rvoir de la toilette par le haut et de travailler vers le bas. Cependant, selon la façon dont votre toilette est fixée au mur, cela n’est pas toujours possible.

Lâchez la peinture derrière les toilettes. En saisissant le pinceau de peinture par le cintre, abaissez le tissu sous la cuvette de la toilette par le haut et regardez vers le bas.

Achetez un mini-rouleau. Un mini-rouleau est une petite brosse roulante spécialement conçue pour les endroits difficiles d’accès. Essayez d’utiliser un rouleau de 1,9 cm de large (⁄4) pour le placer derrière la plupart des toilettes.

Commencez à peindre avec des mouvements de va-et-vient prudents. Avec votre mini-rouleau légèrement enduit, commencez à peindre le mur derrière la toilette en faisant des mouvements de va-et-vient. Soyez méthodique si possible, en commençant par le bas vers le haut et en travaillant de bas en haut.

Commencez à peindre d’un côté à l’autre pour appliquer un! e couche complète. En balayant d’un côté à l’autre, ut! ilisez le chiffon pour peindre derrière la toilette. Commencez par le haut et descendez jusqu’en bas pour vous faire une idée de la longueur de la trace de peinture.

Enlevez le dessus de votre toilette et recouvrez-le d’un sac poubelle. Maintenant que vous avez votre rouleau, soulevez le dessus du réservoir de la toilette et placez-le à l’extérieur de la pièce. Couvrez ensuite le dessus du réservoir de la toilette avec un sac poubelle.

Portez de vieux vêtements qui ne vous dérangent pas de vous salir. Quand vous peignez, il y a de fortes chances que vous finissiez par vous mettre un peu de peinture aussi. Avant de commencer à peindre, portez des vêtements déjà sales ou vieux que vous n’avez pas peur d’être marqués de façon permanente.

Retirez le sac poubelle et remettez le couvercle. Après une autre heure d’attente pour s’assurer que la dernière couche de peinture est sèche, retirez le sac poubelle des toilettes. Ensuite, r! emettez le couvercle des toilettes.

Attendre 6-8 heures avant d’appliquer une autre couche. Étant donné que la première couche est légère, vous aurez besoin d’appliquer une autre couche pour avoir une couleur complète sur le mur. Attendre au moins 6 à 8 heures que la peinture soit complètement sèche, puis répéter le processus de peinture une fois de plus.

Faire glisser un coup de pinceau avec un chiffon, du carton, du ruban adhésif et un cintre. Fixez un petit chiffon à un morceau de carton carré de 3 pouces (7,6 cm) à l’aide du ruban adhésif et assurez-vous qu’il est solidement fixé au dessus. Ensuite, fixez avec du ruban adhésif l’ensemble de la peinture sur le crochet d’un cintre à vêtements.

Posez une feuille de plastique protectrice sur le sol. Lorsque vous peignez un mur, il y a de fortes chances qu’une partie de la peinture coule sur le sol. Pour éviter de tacher votre plancher, posez une grande feuille de plastiqu! e sur le plancher et derrière la toilette pour éviter tout déverseme! nt accidentel.

Enlevez tout le plastique et remontez la toilette. Jetez le plastique par terre dans la poubelle avec le sac poubelle qui recouvre le réservoir. Ensuite, soulevez doucement le couvercle sur la cuvette de la toilette une fois de plus.

Tremper le tampon de peinture dans une légère couche de peinture. L’extrémité en tissu de la brosse à peinture sera votre pinceau. Comme le mini-rouleau, vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre d’appliquer une grosse quantité de peinture sur un coup de pinceau. Assurez-vous qu’il s’agit d’une couche légère avant de commencer à peindre.

Attendre 6-8 heures avant de réappliquer une autre couche. Assurez-vous d’attendre une heure complète pour que la couche de peinture précédente soit complètement sèche. Vous pouvez savoir si la peinture est sèche en tamponnant doucement votre doigt sur le revêtement. Si une peinture s’enlève avec votre doigt, c’est qu’elle n’est pas encore sèche.

Garder la pièce au frais pour éviter d’abîmer la peinture. L’épaisseur et la viscosité d’une peinture peuvent changer à des températures plus élevées, alors évitez d’entreposer la peinture près d’une source de chaleur. Lorsque vous peignez la pièce, essayez de la garder au frais pour éviter d’endommager la peinture.

Ouvrez plusieurs fenêtres pour la ventilation. Ne peignez jamais dans une pièce où il n’y a pas d’air frais. La peinture peut dégager des fumées toxiques, surtout dans une pièce confinée. L’inhalation de fumées toxiques peut entraîner une vision double ou même une perte de conscience en l’absence d’air frais.

Are shops open in London this easter?

Foster Padgette: Yup the shops are open, don't know about Sundays tho!

Jade Ohno: particular, they only approximately definitely would be, yet a number of the smaller chain shops might in basic terms be opener shorter hours. a fashion of having a clue is that if the save opens for shorter hours on a Sunday, that's going to be open for those hours on financial corporation trip trips besides. happy procuring =)

Raelene Cunnick: Easter Sunday is always a bit "hit and miss" with regards to opening, some open-some don't.

Dan Seen: By law all shops over 3,000 sq feet in size must close on Easter Sunday, these include garden centres, larger supermarkets and large DIY type shops. It is entirely up to the owners of the smaller shops if they wish to open or not...most do!http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/detail...

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Looking for a DIY gardening blog/site!!?

Spencer Heidtbrink: There is one site called Gardenweb.com . It has a bunch of information regarding gardening etc... might give you some more ideas. All the members on there are gardeners of all types of experience, so don't be shy if you have questions etc... they are there to share information and showoff some of their projects as well. Good luck and hope this is something you're looking for.

Rose Krouse: If you just bought a home and you have no budget for a expert landscaper you just come to the right area https://tr.im/xxFKB so that you find out how to deal with landscaping even if is your 1st expertise due to the fact is constantly a 1st for every thing. Ideas4landscaping is a digital downloadable collection of 300 stage-by-stage guides, themes and video tutorials and consists of above 7250 large resolution pictures for those persons who are searching for inspiration and tips to enhance their landscaping demands. The package comes as a Pc CD ROM as well.Ful! l with pictures and simple diagrams, this program will make you seem to be like an professional in this world of landscaping in front of your pals and family members....Show more

Felicitas Phildor: CHAINSAW! After hurricane Gustav hit us (im from BR LA) I became a huge fan of the chainsaw! so much fun... i feell like i should be in a horror movie for trees or something. followed by riding lawnmower, tractor, 4 wheeler

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

How do I know if I need to hire a general contractor and/or designer for a kitchen/living room remodel?

Maye Delk: Yes you should hire an Interior Designer ASID if you want your remodel to look special. You can also figure it all out yourself and save money but obviously it will not look as nice. As for the kitchen, hire a Kitchen Designer CKD. But..DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT go to Home Depot or Lowes. They do not employ kitchen designers but mearly move a floor person to cabinet sales and give them a 3 day training course on how to use CAD. You will be cheated out of endless design possibilities because they don't know about them to tell you about them. Those big box stores also charge full list price. You would not pay full list price/MSRP/sticker price for your new car so why pay it for cabinets. This goes for most items in their stores. Instead go to your local kitchen showroom and pick one who who offers 35 to 50% off list price. Most small showrooms do. If not then keep looking A General Contractor will hire all the trades people who charge the GC and the GC tacks more mone! y on top of that. Lots of middle men you would be paying there. Instead an Interior Designer will be your GC for either an hourly fee or a fixed fee based on a % of the job. And they are far far far more skilled then any GC....Show more

Janean Guz: An honest one. There are many crooks in the home repair building trade. Talk to relatives, friends and neighbors who have had work done to find contractors who have done honest work. If you get three names, have them come in and give an estimate. There is often a clause in a building contract covering unexpected problems or unforeseen additional work. Get that covered in the contract. But - crooked contractors use the 'unforeseen additional work' clause to add big bucks to the final bill. So, you need to really check out contractors but, with all that you can still end up on the short end of the stick - so, find a friend who is sharp and have him or her help you evaluate the contractors. Two heads are better than one, as th! e old saying goes. Good luck, you'll need it. When I used to b! e in the trade, at least half of the contractors in the yellow pages were crooks. I finally made more money consulting for home owners....Show more

Keneth Mailhot: I think you should do your interior designing by yourself and save money. You can get creative by getting inspiration from sites such as:http://www.hgtv.com/decorating/index.htmlhttp://www.interiordezine.comIf you want to save money, you can buy your cabinets online and have them shipped to your house. Ready to assemble cabinets will cost less to be installed. Many contractors work in partnership with major home improvement stores so they're reputable. If your house is old or the layout is special you may want to invest in specialists so that everything gets done right. Good luck on your remodeling and kitchen design!...Show more

Caterina Yeargan: Whew! That's a big list. I think you need to figure out your priorities and budget. Then call contractors for estimates. Try going on to Service Magic.com o! r a similar site. They get you in contact with reputable, licensed and insured people to do the jobs you need. Then get at least three estimates. Good contractors are honest and helpful, and understanding if you are budget conscious. You will learn a lot! Once you have gone through this process, you may have a better idea of what you are capable of doing yourself, and what is better to hire out. In my humble experience, electrical and plumbing must be hired out. Unless you know what you are doing leave it to the professional.Flooring from Lowe's or HD is a good idea, and will probably be your cheapest choice- with great results. They can remove the tile and carpet, but will charge you labor- You could probably do it. But remember your time, the right tools you will have to buy, clean up etc!!Painting isn't fun but with a little advice from the hardware store paint guy and a few evenings you can easily repaint yourself and save a lot of money, professional painters are not! cheep.Get a professional to redo your kitchen. Its the heart of the ho! me and can make or break your place. It would be a shame to screw it up- ikea has great kitchen cabinets etc- lots of design mags showing ikea kitchens, Plus they will help you design and install. As will lowes and home depot... and of course outside contractors.As far as a designer goes, if you can afford one- go for it. Most places will let you know what there fee is up front. Just find a place call and ask- if its in your budget go for it. If not go to Borders and buy some design mags, flip though and pull out what you like, then stick those in a binder and refer to it when you are decideing on things like cabinets and floor color.Good Luck- and have fun, plus take a lot of before pictures!...Show more

How much powder sugar do I add to a can of frosting to make it thick enough to decorate with?

Luke Kosch: Canned frosting is already thick enough to decorate. I'd worry about the taste... I always add 1 tsp vanilla and few tsp of cocoa powder to it. Stir well.

Misty Vagle: none it is alreadt thick enough, but sometimes it is too thick, so i sometimes add just a couples drops of milk, tothin it a little bit, good luck!!

Boris Hadsall: A can of frosting is ready to use as it comes out of the can...

Elli Esaw: I most of the time simply make the frosting recipe at the again of the powdered sugar bag. It has butter, powered sugar and just a little little bit of milk. Sorry I wouldn't have the detailed recipe however I'm certain you'll discover it lovely handy on Google or some thing. One piece of recommendation at the frosting that acquired delicate....If your apartment is to sizzling it would destroy a ultimate frosting recipe. If it sits in a frosting bag to lengthy or if you're utilising the frosting bag your fingers can warmth up the frosting wit! hin. Just placed again within the fridge and crank up the air for a at the same time! I have even purchased vanilla flavoring that is not going to show your frosting brown. You must purchase it within the cake redecorating segment and I feel Wilton makes a well one. Hope that is helping!...Show more

Monday, 17 August 2020

Cómo hacer cofres del tesoro en RuneScape

Cómo hacer cofres del tesoro en RuneScape

Reúne los objetos necesarios para hacer el cofre del tesoro que quieras:

Reconozca lo que viene en cada cofre del tesoro. Cuanto más avanzado sea un cofre del tesoro, más recompensas del sendero del tesoro puede contener.

Visite su casa. Introduzca su casa en el «Modo Construir».

Alcanza un cierto nivel de habilidad en la construcción para crear el tipo de cofre del tesoro que deseas.

Haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón en el espacio «fantasma» designado para el cofre del tesoro.

Elija el cofre del tesoro apropiado en el menú para construir.

Why does my toilet overflow when I do laundry?

Enriqueta Steffen: when I first moved in, the toilet would bubble when I did laundry and then the bath tub got filled with sludge stuff too and wouldn't drain so a plumber came and snaked the drain, so I think the problem started before I even moved in

Branden Round: drain is clogged. maybe the vent is full of ice or leaves.

Rick Duchane: this will happen when the drain pipe has a blockage at the y connection which diverts the flow back thru the toilet ........also check vent pipe that its clear of debri....

Randal Deyarmond: complicated point. browse in search engines like google. this may help!

Horace Escue: Unfortunately he still may blame you …and you might be at fault …I don’t know what has been tossed in the toilet.But as far as the laundry/toilet issue ….you have a blockage down stream, probably not far from the toilet …The laundry waste line is upstream from the toilet, and when the water from the laundry hit the blockage…… it! took the easiest path of relief which unfortunately for you was the toilet...Show more

Iris Shawcroft: its pretty obvious that the drain is clogged somewhere beyond the toilet pipe

Sunday, 16 August 2020

Comment changer le nom d

Comment changer le nom d

Tapez sur ☰. C’est dans le coin en haut à gauche.

Tapez sur Paramètres. C’est en bas du menu.

Ouvrez l’application Alexa. Sur votre téléphone Android ou iOS, ouvrez l’application mobile Alexa et connectez-vous à votre compte Amazon. C’est l’application bleu clair avec le contour blanc d’une bulle de parole.

Tapez sur le menu déroulant « Alexa Device wake word » et sélectionnez un mot. Sélectionnez un nouveau mot de réveil parmi les options suivantes :

Appuyez sur l’appareil Alexa dont vous souhaitez modifier le nom. Appuyez sur l’appareil pour lequel vous souhaitez modifier le mot de réveil en haut de la page Paramètres.

Faites défiler vers le bas et appuyez sur Wake Word. Cette entrée affichera également votre mot de réveil actuel.

Tapez sur Enregistrer. C’est le gros bouton bleu.

Clean carburetor on r6?

Thurman Buege: Which one?It either has four of them or is fuel-injected.Name the Year.

Ronny Dorge: Depending on the year, it might not even have them. Please say what year it is....

Patricia Dornbos: Pick one:http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=clean%...

Peter Lapoint: problematic situation. look into with the search engines. it could help!

Saturday, 15 August 2020

Cómo mantener sus dientes sanos y fuertes

Cómo mantener sus dientes sanos y fuertes

Reduzca la cantidad de alimentos pegajosos que consume. Es más probable que dejen películas azucaradas que provocarán caries entre los dientes. Los ejemplos incluyen

Reduzca su consumo de alcohol. El alcohol desgasta la capa protectora del esmalte de sus dientes. El consumo prolongado de grandes cantidades puede provocar caries y deshidratación de los tejidos, lo que hace que el tejido de la boca sea más débil y más vulnerable a las agresiones bacterianas.

Proteja sus dientes contra las caries usando una pasta dental con flúor. El flúor fortalece la capa de esmalte en sus dientes, haciéndolos menos vulnerables a las caries. Idealmente, la pasta de dientes debe contener de 1,350 a 1,500 ppm de fluoruro. Esto es seguro para los niños siempre y cuando un adulto los supervise para asegurarse! de que no lo coman.

Raspe las bacterias de la lengua con un raspador o cepillándola. La aspereza de su lengua atrapa partículas de comida y bacterias, que pueden contribuir a la formación de caries.

Acuda al dentista si nota síntomas que sugieran que está teniendo problemas con sus dientes. En las primeras etapas, puede que no duela, así que puede ser tentador posponer la visita al dentista. Pero una vez que el problema es más grave, será más difícil de tratar. Programe una limpieza y un examen dental si lo tiene:

Beba más agua. El agua ayudará a evitar que los alimentos se atasquen en los dientes.

Mastique chicle sin azúcar después de comer. La goma de mascar hará que la saliva fluya, lo que ayudará a descomponer los restos de comida.

No fume. Fumar manchará sus dientes de amarillo, le dará mal aliento, y lo hará más propenso a contraer enfermedad de las encías y cáncer de boca.

Cepille durante al menos dos minutos! . Haga esto en la mañana y en la noche antes de irse a dormir! . Lo más importante para mantener una buena higiene bucal es adoptar la técnica correcta de cepillado. Pídale a su dentista o higienista que le enseñe cómo usar correctamente el cepillo de dientes y cómo aplicarlo en sus encías y dientes.

Coma frutas y verduras crudas y crujientes. Estos alimentos le ayudarán a limpiar sus dientes mientras los come. Y son buenos para ti! Las opciones incluyen

Usa enjuague bucal. Usted puede reducir la cantidad de bacterias que flotan alrededor de su boca enjuagándose con un enjuague bucal antibacteriano o una solución salina. Si usa un enjuague bucal, busque uno que contenga fluoruro.

Encuentre atención odontológica asequible. El cuidado dental puede ser costoso y muchos planes de seguro médico pueden no cubrirlo. Usted puede buscar cuidado dental de bajo costo por:

Reduzca su consumo de azúcar. Cuando las bacterias en su boca descomponen los azúcares, producen ácidos que disuelven la capa protectora ! del esmalte en sus dientes. Esto hace que sus dientes sean más vulnerables a las caries. Usted puede limitar su consumo de azúcar por medio de:

Evite las bebidas que manchan sus dientes. Los siguientes alimentos son causas muy comunes de dientes amarillos y poco saludables:

Discuta las opciones de tratamiento con su dentista. Si tiene dolor en los dientes o en la boca, es posible que necesite tratamiento:

Obtenga una limpieza dental profesional. Es mejor hacerse una limpieza dental y hacerse un examen cada seis meses. Los niños deben comenzar a ver al dentista tan pronto como empiecen a tener dientes de leche. Su dentista o higienista lo hará:

Evite que se produzcan caries entre los dientes utilizando hilo dental. El uso del hilo dental eliminará las partículas de alimentos, la placa y las bacterias que podrían estar escondidas entre los dientes donde las cerdas del cepillo no pueden alcanzarlas.

Limite la cantidad de alimentos y bebidas! altamente ácidas que consume. El ácido puede disolver el esmalte de ! sus dientes y hacerlos más vulnerables a las caries. Las comidas y bebidas altamente ácidas incluyen:

Hable con su dentista acerca de los tratamientos protectores para sus dientes. Dos de los más comunes y efectivos son el barniz de fluoruro y los selladores de fisuras. Ambos son adecuados para adultos y niños.

Is smoking on the hookah a health precaution?

Clementina Collelo: I'm not sure, but if u do anything to excess it can be bad for u

Lavelle Viveiros: It depends mainly on the tobacco that you use, but it is not as dangerous or addictive as smoking a cigarette.

Norris Rosener: Most smoking is unhealthy. Don't do it regularly.VIVA LA RAZA!

Asley Quickle: Depends what you are smoking through it, a bit of hashish should do no harm as long as you have no mental health issues, but I would not recommend opium or anything like that as you soon can become addicted if you are not careful

Friday, 14 August 2020

Comment mettre à jour Kodi sur PC ou Mac

Comment mettre à jour Kodi sur PC ou Mac

Fermez Kodi s’il est en cours d’exécution. Vous pouvez le faire en cliquant sur le bouton Template:Windows:power près du coin supérieur gauche de Kodi, puis en cliquant sur Exit.

Double-cliquez sur le fichier d’installation que vous venez de télécharger. Il doit se trouver dans le dossier Téléchargements ou sur votre bureau.

Faites défiler vers le bas et cliquez sur MacOS. C’est la première grosse pomme grise dans la liste des options. Une fenêtre de téléchargement apparaît.

Cliquez sur INSTALLER (32 bits) ou INSTALLER (64 bits). L’option qui s’affiche varie en fonction de votre ordinateur.

Rendez-vous sur https://kodi.tv/download dans un navigateur Web. Vous pouvez utiliser n’importe quel navigateur Web sur votre ordinateur, comme Edge ou Firefox, pour installer Kodi.

Faites glisser l’icône Kodi dans le dossier Appli! cations. C’est l’icône du diamant bleu. Un message de confirmation s’affiche.

Cliquez sur INSTALLER (32 bits) ou INSTALLER (64 bits). L’option qui s’affiche varie en fonction de votre ordinateur.

Double-cliquez sur le fichier.exe que vous venez de télécharger. Ceci ouvre l’installateur Kodi.

Assurez-vous que vous pouvez télécharger des applications tierces sous macOS. Voici comment faire :

Tapez kodi dans la barre de recherche. C’est dans le coin supérieur droit du magasin. Une liste de résultats apparaîtra.

Tapez store dans la barre de recherche. Il se trouve généralement dans le coin inférieur gauche de l’écran. Une liste de résultats de recherche apparaîtra.

Double-cliquez sur l’icône Kodi. Ceci ouvre la nouvelle version de Kodi.

Sélectionnez un emplacement de téléchargement et cliquez sur Enregistrer. Le dernier programme d’installation sera téléchargé sur votre ordinateur.

Cliquez ! sur Remplacer. Ceci indique au programme d’installation d’! écraser la version actuelle, qui démarrera immédiatement.

Cliquez sur Mettre à jour. Si une mise à jour est disponible, vous verrez ce bouton à côté du logo Kodi en haut de la page. Cliquez sur ce bouton pour mettre à jour l’application à la dernière version.

Cliquez sur Kodi. C’est l’icône du diamant bleu qui devrait être en haut de la liste.

Faites défiler vers le bas et cliquez sur le logo Windows bleu. On dirait que

Suivez les instructions à l’écran pour installer la dernière version de Kodi. Ceci remplacera la version actuelle de Kodi par la dernière version.

Rendez-vous sur https://kodi.tv/download dans un navigateur Web. Vous pouvez utiliser n’importe quel navigateur Web sur votre Mac, y compris Safari ou Chrome, pour obtenir la dernière version de Kodi.

Cliquez sur Microsoft Store. C’est l’icône bleue avec un sac à provisions blanc à l’intérieur. Ceci ouvre le magasin.

Fermez Kodi s’i! l est en cours d’exécution. Vous pouvez le faire en cliquant sur le bouton

when does cervical mucus change after ovulation?

Rivka Killmer: Hi Merifa! I am so excited that you and your husband are working toward (or already are) you becoming pregnant!!!!! I talked to my daughter, Stephanie, and she let me borrow her "Maternity & Women's Health Care" (sixth edition) book. If you want, call your local library and ask if they have one at their branch. It will probably be in the Reference Section of the library. On pages 1176-1177 there is a very through and wonderful explanation of cervical mucus testing starting the day right after your last menstrual flow day. There is also an explanation that reveals the fact that all "egg-white consistency mucus duration" differs from woman to woman. The article explains that testing your mucus' consistency several times a day (right after last flow day) for about three days or until the mucus had transformed into liquid form. There is a great deal of interesting information about testing methods, etc. Hope you can find a copy of the book mentioned. ! It sure is a wonderful one. Hope you can afford to purchase one--it's great!------Tillie...Show more

Lynn Mctier: Hi from personal experience mine changes pretty much straight away which wen you are ttc can be very disappointing. fingers crossed for you- but like you said only time will tell. good luck

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

i want to connect optical to rca?

Hilde Heskett: That converter only works with Stereo optical signals called "PCM/LPCM". If your HDTV has an option to output PCM via the optical port it will work.Read the reviews under that converter to see the issues. Check your TV audio options.

Morris Olexy: Here is an adapter:http://www.amazon.com/SANOXY%C2%AE-AGPtek-Digital-...

Comment faire une enveloppe cadeau

Comment faire une enveloppe cadeau

Coupez le long des lignes diagonales. Collez les rabats obtenus sur le papier cartonné. Couper la partie ronde en « dents » de 1 centimètre (0.4 po) de large avant le collage. Attention à ne pas couper le papier cartonné !

Mettez votre chèque-cadeau ou votre argent à l’intérieur.

Tracer les lignes qui sont dessinées en rose à l’aide de ciseaux. Vous pouvez d’abord tracer les lignes si vous voulez, mais ce n’est pas vraiment nécessaire.

Finissez l’intérieur de l’enveloppe avec un morceau de papier de couleur. Assorti ou contrasté, comme vous voulez.

Dessinez le contour à l’aide d’un crayon.

Utilisez une règle pour dessiner 2 centimètres (0.8 po) /0.8″ à l’extérieur du contour. Dessiner à l’extérieur de la partie ronde : Tracez d’abord une lign! e pointillée, puis reliez les points.

Posez l’enveloppe que vous venez de découper sur le côté blanc d’un morceau d’emballage cadeau.

Dessinez le contour à l’aide d’un crayon. (Dans cet exemple, un marqueur noir a été utilisé pour plus de clarté).

Retirez l’enveloppe.

Collez l’enveloppe à l’intérieur de l’emballage cadeau. Veillez à le coller à l’intérieur de la ligne intérieure !

Retirez l’enveloppe.

C’est fait ! Donnez-le (ou envoyez-le) à l’heureux destinataire !

Découpez la forme. Il devrait ressembler à cette image.

Posez l’enveloppe ouverte et à plat sur le papier cartonné.

Découpez l’enveloppe le long de la ligne noire.

Décorez l’extérieur de votre enveloppe avec des autocollants, une étiquette, un nÅ"ud ou tout autre objet de votre choix.

Why would a mental health office tell a suicidal person to come back in a month?

Delora Struzzi: These are the people who have terrible home lives. For some reason, these people tend to hurt people to make themselves feel better. I know this sounds funny, but they are probably jealous of you. They do this to you because you won't fight back. I suggest you learn some self defense. Whatever you do, don't let what these people do to you change who you are. I know someone that was picked on a lot and he turned into the biggest hothead ever. Now people don't even want to be around him. Anger management has done him a lot of good....Show more

Derrick Cacioppo: because they don't think you are suicidal

Erin Arron: That hospital needs to be sued! If you are suicidal then you need to get help. Talk to someone in your family NOW!! Or a best friend.

Sunshine Holets: Well, i was just about to kill myself a few hours ago, and then i just ended up on itunes and stuff. I got loads of songs.My theory is that music is food for the soul.Lou! d, Vulgar, heavy metal seems to fulfill me! It must do 'cos i feel fine now, after listening to lyrics such as (do a monster voice) "I will kill you and your dreams tonight..." Fecking fabulously hilarious...Type in 'slayer' into video.google.com and play the song. It might cheer you up- whether you like heavy metal or not, it is funny, trust me.

Andrew Sinatra: Sure u can. :)Also, wrong address. U need a Saviour, not a doctor.

Mandy Mustaro: Their rationale is that people who threaten suicide rarely do it, especially people who keep threatening it. Someone who has presented at the hospital three times threatening suicide would be seen as a low risk. However, this recurrent presentation should be seen for what it is: a cry for help.

Erin Arron: Try somewhere else? Call a hotline and get some help? Why do you leave it up to only one place to help you? http://www.dbsalliance.org/info/suicide.html?gclid...http://suicidehotlines.com/national.htmlhttp://www.sui! cidepreventionlifeline.org/...Show more

May Stands: Well! , the world definitely can't make you happy, because the world doesn't care about you. People can't make you happy, because they are imperfect, and will always disappoint you. What does that leave? God. God's promise for better day's ahead and His love is all that makes me happy. God loves you! Nothing can touch you as long as you are in God's hand!Psalms 43:5 "Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed withing me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my Lord."God Bless, and feel better....Show more

Rodolfo Merel: out of trying to hurt someone else? let's say you are the only person they do this to, its almost a constant, as in there is no letting up. Whenever they see you they will use any opportunity to try to do this?

Horace Escue: She is scared an on my own interior. She needs help from a professional, no count number how scared she is. you'd be doing the right element via taking her to an section which will relive her of her! suffering. I hated my father and mom for taking me to a therapist, yet i'm so satisfied now! It replaced my existence. As her father, the most loving action you could do is supply her the help she needs. You adult men are in my prayers.

Sheldon Lally: Essentially, you need to meet certain criteria to be admitted. You would have to show clincal signs of intent to harm yourself or others and/or be in the act of harming yourself. Unfortunately, hospitals have procedures, and if you don't meet them, you're not going to be admitted. Do remember, many depressed people make gestures of suicide as a way to cry out for help or alert someone to their problems and don't actually mean it as a life ending act. Tell someone close who *knows* you that you are very upset and that you want help. Tell someone who *can* help, like a therapist. You wouldn't be telling people what was going on if you didn't want them to help....Show more

Lillie Yarde: My husband attempted suicide b! y o.d. on pills and vodka. After being discharged from the hospital he ! was sent to the mental health hospital. We begged for him to be able to stay, but they let him out after about 8 hours. He died 1 year later by his .own hand. Please try and get some help. Suicide has devastated my family and it will devastate yours.

Vernon Martorana: Look around and see if there are any other places that can get you in. If not then play it safe. Surround yourself with friends and family. When you find the strength get rid of things that could possibly hurt you. Attempt to stay busy. Staying busy helps more than anything on this earth. Don't put yourself in situations that require you to be alone. Find a close friend or realitve and tell them the truth about what is going on see if they can stay with you and see you through this.There is always a reason to continue fighting. In the past two months I lost my job because I discovered I had heart problems. The doctor's can't figure out what is wrong with me and if they don't fix it then my days ! are simply limited anyway. They put me on paxil for anxiety in hopes that would fix it. It did the exact opposite and within a week I went from being mostly happy and functional to being suicidal and listing the different ways to harm myself. I knew something wasn't right so I went to my doctor and the next few weeks were very difficult but I got through them.I hope you'll find another place that will get you in. If not then please just stay around people. Force your thoughts elsewhere. Start a journal of your hopes and dreams and try to come up with different ways to make them come true. The pain can be great but remember it is an emotion. Emotions change every single day. Don't allow yourself to believe this won't pass. It will. Just hang in there....Show more

Florencia Manolakis: Probably to see it you are for real or not.

Solomon Belback: what kind of things contribute to a happy, successful life? WHAT MAKES PEOPLE HAPPY?Im really depressed right ! now. thanks for any answers. ='(

Toshiko Reimers: welps....the th! ing is that people don't know what to say to make things better cuz they know that u realli can't help a person by words...welps they are rong...to kno that one day what u want might come true think about the people who was there for u to encurage u to go on....and how they are far off worse then u cuz u are not there....don't do it cuz u think of urself don't do it cuz u think of others....

Nikki Sypult: Patrick, I've been where you are. I had no money so had to go to a clinic, and they had a months-long waiting list. I found a therapy group but they were useless. I finally realized that no one else was going to help me...if I was going to survive, I would have to help myself. And I did. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. It is devastating to the ones left behind, who bear the burden of guilt and loss. You are stronger than you think. Forget about depending on others - get an appointment when you can, and meanwhile, choose life. I wish you well!.! ..Show more

Kellie Waycott: Well, I've been a mental health professional for 20+ years before I retired, and I can't remember telling anyone that, but then, I ran an outpatient clinic, and so I might recommend hospitalization, but not every time. There are a lot of reasons an inpatient facility might tell you to "come back in a month", but I won't detail them for you now because it would take a dissertation length paper to tell you in enough detail to help you understand. My recommendation to you, therefore, is to follow their instructions, as crazy as they may seem. There are very clinically valid reasons that time and space prohibit my detailing here. Just follow their prescription. You'll do better than you think. God Bless you....Show more

Alexander Villas: Find something you love to do and do it often and with people you love.

Mark Hovanes: I know the feeling. I work FAR better on my own but if required to work with someone else, I bite the b! ullet and pretend to enjoy it out of respect for the other person. Pus! h yourself to get out of your comfort zone - it makes you a better "you" and you might even end up making a friend out of the deal. Good luck!

Eva Lichlyter: same reason why when u have a baby they send u home in a day 1/2, or u have surgery your out the same day,,,, cause no one gives a sh it about anyone anymore. this world is crazy. they give me the run around about health insur 4 my kids, hello I am an american., pay taxes every year.

Reyes Brunell: stuff my piehole with food,thats why im a slim 525lb

Doreatha Kjellsen: Well, if you were to do something, they could be sued for malpractice.

Betsey Copp: Please don't hurt your self. think of your family and your friends. Sometimes mental health offices are slow. if you are feeling troubled get to your nearist hospital, they can observe your behavior and recommend the right treatments for you. sometimes when i fel depressed i read my favorte poem maybe it will help you. One night I had a drea! m. I dreamed I was walking along the beach with God and across the sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand. One belonged to me and the other to God. When the last scene of my life flashed before us I looked back at the footprints in the sand. I noticed that many times along the path of my life there was only one set of footprints. I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in my life. This really bothered me and I questioned God about it. "God, you said that once I decided to open my heart to you, you would walk with me all the way. But I noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there was only one set of footprints. I don't understand why, in times when I needed you most, you should leave me." Then God replied, "My precious, precious child. I love you and I would never, ever leave you during your times of trial and suffering. When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then ! that I carried you!"I hope this poem lifted your spirits as it lifts mi! ne. peace be with you and i pray you find the help you need....Show more

Anton Waln: to give you something to look forward to!

Pam Rampadarat: wow, sorry to hear that, this must be a bad hospital. So it's better to stay away from them anyways. Is there any other general physician in your area? Just call some Doctors office and tell them it's an emergency. Regular Doctors can prescribe medication which helps and advise you on next steps.Well - besides- killing yourself is a pretty extreme step and I imagine the most difficult thing to do. So...why don't you try other scary things first, which perhaps are easier? Like....if you are truly antisocial perhaps what scares you the most are other people. You could try to play with that fear and go out, go dancing in a club. And if nobody wants to dance with you then dance with yourself and with your life. Hey - it's worth a try. The worst what can happen is that you don't like it. Anyways - never give up never surrend! er !(from "Galalxy Quest" - a cool movie). Sending you my best wishes!...Show more

Serita Hefferon: Go to a different hospital or mental health center. The one you've been seeing is probably too understaffed or undertrained to work with you effectively.Better yet, contact a private psychiatrist and tell him/her that you need help quickly because you're having suicidal thoughts.

Sena Highman: It sounds stupid I know, but I get really uncomfortable, because I'm always the last one to find someone or I dont find anyone at all. Plus I work faaaaar better alone people just irritate me. I've been having anxiety about this for a month school hasn't even started. Btw I'm in college!! What do you think?

Monica Voltin: Get back to the basics. Over thinking too much about things can't be a good thing, I do it plenty myself. You could try to develop a closer relationship with God somehow. But there are tools at our disposal if we chose to find and use them. Check out ! some of Wayne dyers books where he talks a lot about finding happiness.!

Darcie Peraha: Go to the emergency room at your local hospital.

Bob Pucella: I would rather work alone too. I would just rather get things done on my own and not have to rely on others for stuff like that. Especially if your graded as a group. But don't drop out becuase of it. Just stick with it.

James Langmyer: Try calling your local suicide hotline instead of the hospital.

Roselee Mczeal: Thought control is the highest form of prayer, therefore think only on good things and righteousness. Dwell not in negativity and darkness. And even in moments when things look bleak-especially in those moments. See only perfection, express only gratefulness and then imagine only what manifestation of perfection you choose next. Whatever, you choose to change, First change your perspective. Then get a new thought. One that will change whatever....

Jen Maday: Well.... my dear...That's very easy, honey...Just watch some documentaries on TV about the suf! fering children in the "Third-world-countries", how they're struggling to get..."a hand full of rice"...-the poor kids in Africa, who are nothing but "skin & bones"....straving to death...the MILLIONS of AIDS victims....-shall I go on listing all the "zillions" of underpriviledged children in the world....-suffering- day by day ??? When I see all the misery & distress in the world....Ibecome real HUMBLE ...-and- ..."count my blessings". You'll be amazed, how thankful one gets, when he/she compares his/her life with the suffering all over the world !!!Another "cure" for the way you may feel at present is....when you take a look inside a mental institution...-or- at a hospital ward for the terminally ill cancer patients....-and- then...you learn to appreciate : your HEALTH !!! You see, honey, your HEALTH is the most precious good !!! And once you've got your health, you can accomplish...ANYTHING you put your mind on !!! That alone should make you happy & content !!! Just be t! hankful for what you've got ! There are a "zillion" of underpriviledged! , who would love to "trade" with you, believe you me, baby !!And... I am sure, there are many people, who love & care for you...This fact alone should make you grateful & content, so that there is NO reason in the world, you should feel depressed about...as long as you have people, who care about you !!!Wishing you all the bets for the future with much contentment ! Greetings from Germany with all my loive & care... Annette***

Felipa Nosis: Well, my idea of a happy life is living in simplicity. Not a lot of t.v. or computer. Mostly reading, listening to music (any), sitting next to a lake with your pet (any kind, for me a dog), living in a nice quite town with friendly people, peacefully writing my stories to sell. That's my idea of a happy life for myself.To get over depression, I take my ipod, plug it into the radio and blast the music to feel better. OR... I take a nap, because when you wake up, you feel refreshed (that's good for if you're mad).

Hye Caulley! : I had to go to councilling after my partner took his own life and I had a few different ones. They all said the same thing to me, when I said I had no clue that this was going to happen they all said people that talk about it dont do it, if someone is going to do it, know one will know until it is too late, so they dont take people that talk about it seriously. This is a text book reaction and I'm sure it doesnt apply to all cases, but it may explain why they have told you to come back, cause according to text book, you are talking about it, so you will still be here in a month.......Show more

Zelma Casebier: Patrick the best advice I can give you is that you may need to find a church.You may not believe in God but he believes in you. Not to offend you. Just a little advice. I don't attend church regularly. But I know that when I go I feel at peace. Peace is what you need. Also find you a support group. Hospitals can only take you so far. Stay strong !

Fermin ! Tara: Hell im very very nearly constantly chuffed. From working through! out song practice to wonderful out with my pals after wards. eating a Smoothie ( Gotta delight in the little issues too :P) ending my homework enjoying video games Waking up Going to mattress Going skating finding a advised photograph making cyber web content going to college wonderful out with pals after college getting something above a "B" on an task that's lots recently hell i will save going and going, existence is basically reliable all around to those fortunate adequate to work out it around them

Nedra Oltz: They do it everywhere... A local man was turned away from a clinic saying that he didn't feel right and that something really bad is going to happen. He was turned away and killed 2 women the next day. I would go from town to town around you and find a clinic that will help you... you don't need medicine to keep from being suicidal... they probably think you are "seeking drugs."

Rickey Vrieze: what city do you live in I don't want to go there

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Comment calculer la valeur attendue de l’information sur l’échantillon (EVSI)

Comment calculer la valeur attendue de l’information sur l’échantillon (EVSI)

Calculez la valeur monétaire prévue (VME) de chaque mesure de rechange. Notez qui est la valeur EMV* (valeur la plus élevée).

Déterminer les probabilités de probabilité. Il se peut qu’on vous les remette ou que vous ayez besoin de les calculer. Si vous avez besoin de les calculer, regardez le type d’expérience en cours car cela vous permettra de savoir comment calculer les probabilités. Est-ce une expérience binomiale ? Ou une expérience de Poisson ?

Calculez les probabilités postérieures. Vous pouvez utiliser un arbre de décision, mais il est moins long de construire un diagramme avec les rubriques suivantes pour chaque résultat d’expérience (Ik) :

Trouver la VME de chaque action alternative en utilisant les probabilités postérieures. No! tez quelle est la plus grande valeur (EMV’).

Calculer EVSI. Utilisez la formule EVSI = EMV’ â€" EMV*.

amanda bynes mental health issues?

Donnell Mollo: that is largely at the same time as someone in a intense position in washington is touched by technique of a psychological well being challenge that any progression is made interior the container of psychological well being. It replaced into no longer that some time previous that the mentally sick were saved in terrible circumstances, in the back of bars, given marvel cures with out anesthesia and there replaced into no public sympathy. no longer until eventually the kennedys grew to develop into popular in politics did issues replace. i sense they'd a mentally retarded friend. After that circumstances more suitable and the mentally sick were given treatment, and treated extra humanely. i know for a incontrovertible reality that hillary has helped many hospitals in ny state, and visited many hospitals more beneficial than once. Even president Bush said as her a good opponent because of her skills, expertise, and expertise. I honestly were in the back of hil! lary from the start. The extra you learn about her, the extra inspired you develop into inclusive of her....Show more

Kate Baune: From the little I've read, sounds more like alcohol and/or drug abuse issues to me.But if you want to listen to the opinions of neighbours and gym members, who all must have full mental health knowledge, you go ahead.

Monday, 10 August 2020

Comment faire pour obtenir un garçon à sortir avec vous alors qu

Comment faire pour obtenir un garçon à sortir avec vous alors qu

Quand il arrive, suivez votre histoire et dites-lui que vous préférez oublier l’autre et continuer votre vie. Demande-lui un câlin. Regarder des DVD qu’il aime bien. Faites semblant d’en profiter.

Trouvez un homme qui est dans une relation, qui vous attire vraiment. Il est possible de voler un petit ami qui ne vous attire pas, mais si le vol du petit ami est commis pour vous venger d’une fille que vous n’aimez pas, soyez averti, ça va se retourner contre vous !

Organisez une sortie. Ne vous en tenez pas à l’aspect naturel. Montrer un « petit » décolleté. À ce stade, sa relation avec sa petite amie devrait être irrémédiablement endommagée. Soyez honnête au sujet de vos sentiments, s’il ne partage pas les siens à ce stade, partagez-les, puis par! tez. Il peut même suivre s’il ne s’énerve pas et ne se fâche pas contre lui.

Trouve un autre gars. N’importe qui. Ton béguin commence à te voir d’une nouvelle façon, et ça va le rendre jaloux. Continuez à lui dire combien vous êtes heureux. Maintenant, quand il se plaint de ses problèmes relationnels, rassurez-le en lui disant qu’il y a mieux dehors, et qu’elle est peut-être trop bien entretenue. Il devrait être au point de basculement de sa relation.

Quand il parle de sa petite amie, restez positif à son sujet. En général, cependant, prenez note de tout ce qu’il mentionne à son sujet qu’il n’aime pas et essayez de ne pas être comme elle. Sympathisez avec lui lorsqu’il est contrarié et rappelez-lui que vous serez toujours là lorsqu’il aura besoin de vous.

Largue l’homme avec qui tu sors. Si vous ne le faites pas, vous pourriez vous faire prendre, car vous mentez. Dites-lui, ainsi qu’au petit ami que vous volez, ! que votre homme n’était pas celui que vous pensiez. Tenez-v! ous-en à cette histoire et refusez d’élaborer. Quoi que vous fassiez, essayez de ne pas changer votre histoire.

Etablissez une sorte de contact avec le garçon, si c’est possible. Il peut s’agir de n’importe quoi, d’aide aux devoirs ou au travail, de bavardage au téléphone, de conseils sur quelque chose, etc. Faites-en quelque chose où il vous aidera, mais où il n’aura pas à faire tout ce qu’il peut pour le faire. Si c’est un inconvénient majeur, il peut dire non.

S’il les partage, laissez-le lui donner le rythme de rompre avec elle, mais sachez qu’il se joue peut-être de vous pour voir comment vous allez réagir. Faites preuve de prudence.

Continuez à converser avec lui. Soyez prêt à l’écouter se plaindre de tous ses problèmes, en particulier de ses problèmes relationnels.

Remerciez-le pour tout ce qu’il a fait pour vous, même si cela ne vous aide pas vraiment. Complimentez-le sur la façon dont cela a été b! ien fait. Dites-lui que s’il a besoin de quoi que ce soit, vous êtes là pour lui.

Une fois qu’il a mis fin à sa relation avec elle, vous pouvez vraiment passer à autre chose ensemble, mais souvenez-vous que s’il la quittait, il pourrait vous quitter. Essayez de ne pas ressembler à son ex, et quoi que vous fassiez, ne lui montrez pas les torts qu’il a subis.

Chaque fois que vous lui parlez, gardez la conversation légère et laissez-le faire presque tout ce qu’il dit. Montre-lui à quel point tu aimes écouter.

Quelle que soit la qualité qu’il mentionne qu’il n’aime pas en elle, c’est le contraire. S’il pense qu’elle fait trop d’achats, dis-lui que tu détestes faire du shopping. S’il est contrarié qu’elle n’aime pas regarder le football, demande-lui de venir à un match avec toi. S’il pense qu’elle est trop tendue, faites des farces enfantines avec lui. Mais ne vous changez pas trop parce qu’il devrait toujours vo! us aimer pour ce que vous êtes et ce que vous n’êtes pas. S’il va! quitter sa petite amie pour vous, alors il devrait la quitter pour une bonne raison plutôt que pour une fausse personnalité. Occupez-vous de ses passe-temps.

Téléphonez au petit ami que vous volez. Dis-lui que tout est en désordre avec ton homme, et que tu pourrais vraiment l’utiliser maintenant. Demande-lui de venir. Vous avez votre look chaud mais naturel.

Quand les choses commenceront à aller mieux, allez encore plus loin dans la relation et voyez où vous finirez.

Ne couche pas avec lui. Embrassez-le, mais coucher avec lui serait contre-productif à ce stade.

Allez au salon de coiffure et demandez une éruption d’apparence naturelle. Vos cheveux seront brillants, mais n’ayez pas l’air trop coiffés. Faites-vous maquiller professionnellement, faites-vous faire les ongles et tout ce que vous devez faire pour avoir l’air naturel. Trouvez la tenue décontractée la plus flatteuse possible. Faites faire toute votre épilation à la ci! re et essayez d’utiliser Nivea pour enlever toute peau sèche. Rendez votre peau aussi douce et délicieuse que possible.

Sortez vos tenues les plus sexy. Il commencera à vous voir sous un autre jour. Pourtant, ne vous engagez pas sérieusement dans le flirt avec lui à ce stade. Essayez de lui laisser quelques indices, mais ne soyez pas évident avec lui, cela pourrait nuire à vos chances qu’il la quitte, car il ne vous verra plus comme un défi. Ne portez rien de trop court, soyez classe et ne montrez pas trop de peau.

where can i get a bowl for a vibrating rock polisher?

Freddy Shutler: so many sites to get equipment- try key word search rock hound

Erin Arron: Shouldn't this be in men's health? Well I'd try hunkwear.com or one of those sites. Good luck with your ..um.."vibrating rock polisher"

Ronnie Barcus: Vibrating rock polisher is another name for ''fleshlight'', right? Can't you just keep it in a sock drawer like everyone else?

Sunday, 9 August 2020

Comment nourrir un perroquet du Sénégal

Comment nourrir un perroquet du Sénégal

p>L’alimentation de votre perroquet du Sénégal est cruciale pour le garder en bonne santé. Nourrissez votre perroquet du Sénégal avec des aliments en granulés et des produits frais. Offrez aussi des graines et des collations. Fournir à votre perroquet du Sénégal une variété d’aliments lui assurera une alimentation équilibrée. Enfin, n’oubliez pas d’offrir de l’eau propre à votre animal chaque jour.

Offrez à votre oiseau une variété d’aliments. Comme les gens, les perroquets sénégalais vont se lasser de manger la même chose tous les jours. Au lieu de cela, offrez-leur des aliments différents chaque jour. Cela les aidera à maintenir leur intérêt pour l’expérience culinaire et leur fournira toutes les vitamines et minéraux dont ils ont besoin.

Ajouter des supplé! ments si nécessaire. Votre oiseau ne devrait pas avoir besoin de gravier, de gravier ou de suppléments alimentaires ajoutés à ses repas. Cependant, si votre vétérinaire suggère que votre oiseau a besoin de tels suppléments, il vous en recommandera un approprié et vous informera de la fréquence à laquelle vous devez l’administrer.

Parlez-en à votre vétérinaire. Seul votre vétérinaire possède l’expertise et les connaissances nécessaires pour savoir ce qui est le mieux pour votre perroquet du Sénégal. Lors de vos examens réguliers, votre vétérinaire vous posera des questions sur l’alimentation et les habitudes alimentaires de votre oiseau. Informez votre vétérinaire de tout changement dans ses habitudes alimentaires ou dans votre programme d’alimentation. Votre vétérinaire saura vous guider à travers toutes les questions nutritionnelles nécessaires concernant votre perroquet du Sénégal.

Rendre l’eau disponible. Gardez un bol! d’eau fraîche et propre à portée de la main en tout temp! s. Si l’eau du robinet contient du sel ou beaucoup de minéraux, votre oiseau pourrait ne pas l’aimer. Dans ce cas, donnez plutôt de l’eau distillée à votre oiseau.

Lavez la nourriture et la vaisselle de votre oiseau tous les jours. A la fin de chaque journée, retirez les aliments et l’eau que votre perroquet du Sénégal n’a pas consommés. Lavez soigneusement les deux plats avec de l’eau chaude et du savon. Cela préviendra l’accumulation bactérienne et les maladies.

Ne donnez pas de boissons caféinées à votre perroquet. La caféine provoque une augmentation du rythme cardiaque de votre perroquet du Sénégal, ce qui peut entraîner une hyperventilation. L’hyperventilation, à son tour, peut causer des convulsions et la mort de votre oiseau.

Offrez à vos oiseaux des fruits et légumes. Avant de servir vos fruits ou légumes du perroquet du Sénégal, lavez-les soigneusement et coupez-les en petits morceaux. Certains des fruits et! légumes préférés des perroquets du Sénégal incluent :

Donnez à manger à votre oiseau. En plus de la nourriture fournie pour sa subsistance et sa nutrition, votre oiseau appréciera sûrement une collation occasionnelle nourrie à la main. Quelques noix ou amandes font une bonne collation, mais ne nourrissez pas votre animal plus qu’un couple, car les noix ont une teneur élevée en gras. Votre perroquet du Sénégal appréciera peut-être aussi les morceaux de fruits séchés (raisins secs, croustilles de banane et canneberges séchées), les fèves de soja et une poignée de gruau d’avoine.

Donnez des graines à votre oiseau. Les perroquets du Sénégal aiment manger une variété de graines, mais ont tendance à favoriser les graines d’arachide et de tournesol. Parce que les graines d’arachide et de tournesol sont riches en matières grasses, les graines devraient constituer la plus petite partie de l’alimentation de votre perroquet du SénÃ! ©gal et ne représentent pas plus de 5% de son apport calorique total.

Nourrissez votre perroquet 1 à 2 cuillères à soupe de granulés par jour. Une cuillère à soupe ou deux fournira à votre perroquet du Sénégal tous les granulés dont il a besoin pour la journée. Vous pouvez offrir ces boulettes le matin et permettre à votre perroquet de les grignoter tout au long de la journée. Les granulés devraient constituer 80 % de l’alimentation de votre perroquet.

Ne laissez pas votre oiseau manger du chocolat. Le chocolat contient des composés chimiques qui peuvent causer à votre perroquet du Sénégal des problèmes cardiaques, une dépression, des dommages au foie et des convulsions. Pour garder votre perroquet en bonne santé, gardez le chocolat loin de lui.

Tenez les coquillages à l’écart de votre perroquet du Sénégal. Les coquillages peuvent être toxiques pour les perroquets du Sénégal. Ne nourrissez pas votre perroquet de mollusques et crustacés, y compris les crevettes, le homard, le crabe ou l’écr! evisse.

Donnez à votre oiseau des granulés alimentaires. Les boulettes devraient être la principale source du profil nutritionnel de votre oiseau. Les diètes en granulés peuvent être achetées dans votre animalerie locale et sont adaptées aux différentes étapes de la vie de votre perroquet du Sénégal.

Prévoyez 1 à 2 cuillères à soupe de fruits et légumes par jour. En plus des granulés, votre perroquet du Sénégal a besoin de produits frais. Les fruits et légumes devraient constituer 20 % de l’alimentation de votre perroquet. Les fruits et légumes que vous fournissez devraient varier. Les produits frais rendront l’expérience culinaire de votre perroquet plus agréable et ajouteront des vitamines et des minéraux importants.

Ne permettez pas à votre oiseau de boire de l’alcool. L’alcool, même en petites quantités, peut rapidement conduire à une intoxication alcoolique chez les perroquets du Sénégal. Pour éviter ce triste s! ort, ne servez pas d’alcool à votre animal et retirez l’alcool de ! tout endroit où votre oiseau vole ou joue.

Ne nourrissez pas votre oiseau avec de l’avocat. L’avocat contient une huile qui lixivie une toxine dans le fruit. Gardez l’avocat et le guacamole loin de votre perroquet du Sénégal pour le protéger.

Why did over 20 generals speak out against Bush with much applause from the dems?

Hipolito Rightmire: Don't question the Messiah.... he is a Military Genius, among other things.

Nona Lentini: All the fuss blaming the banks for being pushed into lowering lending standards.Blame the dead beat fools who borrowed money for a house they knew that they could not afford.Blame the dead beats not the lenders.Than blame the government for if they like in all things business, keep out of it things would have been fine.

Kirk Coolbeth: WELL...COME ON...that was Bush...that made it OK!

Patrica Loertscher: I spent $16 a piece to replace them in my kitchen chandelier, and less then 6 months the third one has just started flashing.Anyone else? These things are supposed to last 20k hours.

Lynn Hollars: Why would anybody be surprised that Obama hangs with ghetto thugs who idolize cop-killing ghetto thugs (two diff cop killers, for the record). Obama and this ****** went to the same Rev Wright “church” for decades. This jerk is Obama’s brothe! r. Classless lowlife scum. You can tell a man’s character by the company he keeps. Thats Obama.

Dan Seen: Michelle Obama cozying up to yet another hateful ghetto thug. Nothing new in it though.

Ty Kirton: What part of retied don't you understand if they made those comments while still serving they would have been on the carpet too

Booker Moros: I will still stick with BOA. $5 a month is not really gonna hurt me. And its a hassle closing and creating bank accounts. Plus BOA is very close to my house so its convenient for me.

Andre Winegar: You probably need to check your wiring or call in an electrician.

Tom Romer: LEDs are just diodes....they will only "flash" if the power to them is being switched on and off...You have a worn wire in your ceiling that is heating up and cooling down as current passes through it and that is making/breaking contact to the light fitting...it will be easy to find...it will look all burned with the light switched! off, and you will see it arcing with the power switched on.Yo! u should fix it before it causes a fire and burns your home down....(If you take your three "failed" LED light-bulbs to someone else's house you will find that there is nothing wrong with them at all...)The odds of an LED light-bulb failing before 15,000 hours are remote....the odds of THREE of them failing for the same customer are pretty close to zero.Get your wiring fixed. Your insurance may not cover a claim if you have a fire and they find out you KNEW (or should have known) you have suspect wiring......Show more

Cletus Makler: @SadMitt, they strobe in other outlets.

Ron Keliipio:

Forest Duttinger: ImaNotCanadian.Was born and raised in the U.S. Educated in the U.S. and abroad.~~...Show more

Randolph Lozoya: No, and we have been using them since they were first on the market.

Marvella Benward: If it saves me money, then it is probably a good idea.It also serves to give notice to the banks that they lose when continuing to take advantage o! f their account holders.

Tosha Tawney: Well the liberal side is anything against Bush.The thing about not being able to criticize civilian leadership: It's stupid. It really is. I understand "Chain of Command" and not being able to badmouth officers/ anybody above you in the military, but when it comes to *civilian* politicians who are leading the military... That's where it needs to end. That's where the military should be able to be open and talk all they want about them. Those politicians need to be held to a standard by the people and by the military....Show more

Stormy Beliard: Dems don't care about the country, it's all about politics with them.Apparently, 0bama admin officials are not thought highly of by our generals:http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/artic...

Ezekiel Kadner: The dems hypocrisy between Bush and Obama is highly delusional and embarrassing to watch.

Von Houskeeper: If you're not happy with your bank, find another one.! The magic of free markets and competition.

Galen Gowers: Democr! ats are ANTI-American.http://pajamasmedia.com/rogerkimball/2009/03/07/a-...The military LOVE GWB and they hold Obama the coward in contempt!Here we have an illuminating contrast: the United States Marines greeting President George W. Bush on Labor Day versus the Marines greeting President Obama at Camp Lejeune last week. Wild enthusiasm for “our Commander in Chief” vs. a restrained and skeptical politeness, what a newscaster described as the “mostly you would have to say tepid response.” What should we make of that?...Show more

Len Bormes: BA was a lousy personal bank years ago. Left then. I got a good credit union where I know the people.

Somer Distilo: Iraqis are people too you know-and there are still car-bombs going off.http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/ml_iraqhttp://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jun/20/iraq-c...http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleea...So long as these things happen the war isn't over and it certainly isn't won....Show more

Somer Distilo: I have never had an account with a mega bank. I use local/state banks and credit unions.

Jeff Frizzell: Its all cheap. They lie.

Inez Relihan: Wow! The definition of mission accomplished keeps changing!Now it's American troop safety. The safest place is New Zealand. Maybe they will invade there next.So if it's won, why isn't it over?

Arnulfo Seegars: Actually, that's capitalism as it should be. You vote with your pocket book... Don't like BOA's business practices, go somewhere else.

Lady Laflin: I used to kinda like this guy as an actor/musician until I found out about all the hate and bigotry he spews, and the fact that he's a member of "Rev." Wright's "church."

Carolin Southers: I heard it was like a normal outdoor market in Indiana in the summertime -- SOUNDS LOVELY!

Aron Ramu: Those were retired Generals, not those currently in the Service. If General McCrystal wishes to resign his commission he will be free to ! speak to any reporters he wants. While on active duty he has a responsi! bility to respect the chain of command. Also, as anyone with a brain understands your comparison to Chicago is ridiculous. There are 2.8 Million residents in Chicago plus tourists commuters, etc. Crime rates are reported in proportion to the population. If ten killings took place out of a population of 1 million and five killings took place out of a population of 20 who has the higher crime rate, the town with ten killing or the town with five killings?...Show more

Cortez Badolato: but white deaths in chicargo is less than the coalition casulaties

Lissette Semon: YES! If enough of their customers close accounts and move them to small local banks and credit unions, the giant greedy corporations will get the message.An action like that, accomplished by a significant number of customers will hit them where it hurts the most; right in their wallet!MOVE YOUR ACCOUNTS FROM THE LARGE BANKS TO LOCAL BANKS AND CREDIT UNIONS!Remember,It is THEY who DEPEND ON US, not we! who depend on them. It is the customer who is the lifeblood of the corporation. Even if the socialistic government should bail them out _again_ it will not help if the accounts are not there.Don't forget the politicos, they are as deeply involved with the banks as are the corporate executives and as a result, they have come to think of themselves as royalty.The politicians have come to believe that they are our masters rather than our servants.They are out of control.It's time to vote ALL of them out of office.We need to have a 'REMOVE INCUMBENT' option on the ballot....Show more

Cody Shimko: Also close your visa acount, Macys account ..... They're all big corporation. is that what you mean?

Leann Villalta: We won nothing, men were lost for nothing no one wins a war they just die or survive it.

Clinton Quant: Lol...really we won? Don't roll out your "Mission Accomplished" banner just yet...Oh, and being realistic about the Iraq war was not directly criti! cizing Bush.

Carter Edstrom: IDK how to be offended....the child-! like rhymes,or the threats...here is some of his poetry...its just BAD... A Letter to the Law Dem boy wanna talk… [indistinguishable] Whatcha gon do if ya got one gun? I sing a song for the hero unsung with faces on the mural of the revolution No looking back cos’ in back is what’s done Tell the preacher, God got more than one son Tell the law, my Uzi weighs a ton I walk like a warrior, from them I won’t run On the streets, they try to beat us like a drum In Cincinnati, another brother hung A guinea won’t see the sun with his family stung They want us to hold justice but you handed me none The same they did to Kobe and Michael Jackson make them the main attraction Turn around and attack them Black gem in the rough You’re rugged enough Use your mind and nine-power, get the government touch Them boys chat-chat on how him pop gun I got the black strap to make the cops run They watching me, I! ’m watching them Them dick boys got a lock of cock in them My people on the block got a lot of pok* in them and when we roll together we be rocking them to sleep No time for that, because there’s things to be done Stay true to what I do so the youth dream come from project building Seeing a fiend being hung With that happening, why they messing with Saddam? Burn a Bush cos’ for peace he no push no button Killing over oil and grease no weapons of destruction How can we follow a leader when this a corrupt one The government’s a g-unit and they might buck young black people Black people In the urban area one I hold up a peace sign, but I carry a gun. Peace, ya’ll.”Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/05/09/burn-a-bush-mich......Show more

Lon Pennington: Most fifth graders have better grammar than that.

Kandi Lough: By what criteria do you claim that we "won" in Iraq?

Lucien Hellerman: And he's m! aking more money in a month than you make in a year.Doesn't it incense ! you? That a semi-illiterate Black guy is making much more money you'll ever make, and is loved by many people while not even your mother likes you?

Saturday, 8 August 2020

Comment acheter une voiture dans les Sims 2

Comment acheter une voiture dans les Sims 2

Choisissez une voiture à acheter et placez-la dans l’allée.

Si vous voulez avoir un garage pour la voiture, vous pouvez en créer un maintenant.

Entrez en mode achat.

Allez à la maison où vous voulez avoir une voiture.

Choisissez l’allée que vous voulez, et placez-la. Les entrées de garage ont une grande superficie au sol et il se peut que vous ayez besoin de déplacer des objets pour pouvoir les loger.

Ouvrez la section de l’allée.

Exécutez le jeu.

Cliquez sur les 3 cercles (Divers) et cliquez sur l’icône de la voiture.

Achetez et installez le pack d’extension Sims 2 : Nightlife si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait. Alternativement, vous pouvez télécharger l’ensemble Driveway et Garage sur le site Web Sims 2, qui vous permet d’utiliser des voitures tant que vous avez une exte! nsion après Nightlife (n’importe laquelle sauf l’université).

Friday, 7 August 2020

How are the Road conditions over the grapevine?

Ramon Dahlheimer: Call the toll-free 24 hour Caltrans Highway Information hot line at 1-800-427-7623. It will give you the most up to date road conditions for any highway in the state.

Gaynell Pizzaro: http://www.dot.ca.gov/cgi-bin/roads.cgi

Comment résoudre les équations trigonométriques

Comment résoudre les équations trigonométriques

Apprenez les approches pour résoudre les équations de trigonométrie.

Savoir comment résoudre les équations de base des trigonométries.

Tracer les arcs de la solution sur le cercle de l’unité de trigonométrie.

Trouvez les arcs dont les fonctions trigonométriques sont connues.

Apprenez les propriétés périodiques des fonctions des trigonomètres.

Résoudre des types spéciaux d’équations de trigonométrie.

Apprenez les transformations utilisées pour résoudre les équations de trigonométrie.

Connaître le concept de résolution.

Thursday, 6 August 2020

What is the difference between a sufficient condition and a necessary condition?

Verdie Wollen: very interesting question

Virgilio Echter: I think it is not justified to assume that all life must require the conditions that support OUR life here on earth. We just don't know enough about it, or have looked in enough places. Like, virtually none other. Further we don't know whether the big bang was necessary. Perhaps a Lesser Bang would have done the trick - or a Big Squeeze - or something else altogether. This is all so above our pay grade, we look silly even talking about it, imho. But I always appreciate when someone contrasts necessary with sufficient. Those are two great concepts and the ability to differentiate bteween them is sharp....Show more

Monroe Rainey: A mathematician encounters this on a daily basis. Supposeyou have a hypothesis H and you get a conclusion C.Restating this we have H implies C which means thatwhenever you have H, then C necessarily follows. Then Cis called a necessary condition for H. This is clear enoughbut m! athematicians always want more. They ask: Is the conclusion C actually a sufficiently strong image of H sothat C in some sense contains the complete H and notjust part of H? In other words, is C sufficient to get aconclusion H? If so, then C is a sufficient condition for H.To recap: If H implies C then C is necessary for H and H is sufficient for C. It's just an english language description ofwhat's going on. Another way is " H is strong enough "to get C. I'll give you an example after this idea: It's quitepossible and advantageous for C to be both a necessary and sufficient condition for H. This makes C and H equalstrength or in some sense logically equivalent. Thus ifC is both necessary and sufficient for H then H is both necessary and sufficient for C, they "contain" each other.Example: If a number is divisible by 4(call this H), then it is divisible by 2 (call this C). H implies C but C is not strong enough to imply H for example 6 is divisible by 2 but not by 4! Therefore C is necessary for H but not sufficient for H.Exampl! e: In Euclidean geometry, a triangle has equal sides (call this H) if and only if the triangle has equal angles (call this C). This meansH if C: H is necessary for C since C implies HH only if C: C is necessary for H since H implies CH if and only if C: H and C imply each other and are bothnecessary and sufficient conditions for each other...Show more

Clay Lipira: Technically:1. Philosophy and ConditionsAn ambition of twentieth-century philosophy was to analyse and refine the definitions of significant terms â€" and the concepts expressed by them â€" in the hope of casting light on the tricky problems of, for example, truth, morality knowledge and existence that lay beyond the reach of scientific resolution. Central to this goal was specifying at least in part the conditions to be met for correct application of terms, or under which certain phenomena could truly be said to be present. Even now, philosophy's unique contribution to interdisciplinary studies of consciou! sness, the evolution of intelligence, the meaning of altruism, the nature of moral obligation, the scope of justice, the concept of pain, the theory of perception and so on still relies on its capacity to bring high degrees of conceptual exactness and rigour to arguments in these areas. If memory is a capacity for tracking our own past experiences and witnessings then a necessary condition for Penelope remembering giving a lecture is that it occurred in the past. Contrariwise, that Penelope now remembers the lecture is sufficient for inferring that it was given in the past. What, then, is a necessary (or a sufficient) condition? This article shows that complete precision in answering this question is itself elusive. Although we can use the notion of necessary condition in defining what it is for something to be a sufficient condition (and vice versa), there is no straightforward way to give a precise and comprehensive account of the meaning of the term "necessary (or suffic! ient) condition" itself. Wittgenstein's warnings against premature theo! rising and overgeneralising, and his insight that many everyday terms pick out families, should mandate caution over expecting a complete and unambiguous specification of what constitutes a necessary, or a sufficient, condition. Specifically:1.) If I opened the door, I used the key. 2.) If you touch me, I'll scream While in the case of the door, using the key was necessary for opening it, no parallel claim seems to work for (2): in the natural reading of this statement, my screaming is not necessary for your touching me. McCawley claims that the "if"-clause in a standard English statement gives the condition â€" whether epistemic, temporal or causal â€" for the truth of the "then"-clause. The natural interpretation of (2) is that my screaming depends on your touching me. To take my screaming as a necessary condition for your touching me seems to get the dependencies back to front. Confused? Good. My work here is done....I linked the complete article from Stanford on the sub! ject below.......Show more

Stanton Degregorio: thanks for all the answers!

Ninfa Aronica: this link also covers necessary conditions and gives a few exampleshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sufficient_condition

Filiberto Amauty: Necessary And Sufficient Conditions Math

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Why is the flu called a disease?

Danyell Rowback: There is no difference really. A disease is something that is caused by an external source related to a virus, bacteria, or fungus.

Kris Bozelle: A disease is caused by a virus, among other things like bacteria.

Wilburn Denice: The flu is an endemic and their is a primarily virulent stress which motives influenza. In I feel 1918, there was once an international large epidemic of influenza and scientist speculate it was once unfold through birds. Viruses are constantly replacing, and the hen flu issues scientists and others, in view that the immune approach of so much persons do not admire it in any respect.

Phil Kuarez: There are two broad categories of disease: infectious and non-infectious. The flu is an example of an infectious disease. Cancer is an example of a non-infectious disease. Infectious diseases are caused by some kind of microbial agent - in the case of the flu this microbial agent is a virus. Another example of an infe! ctious disease caused by a virus would be HIV.

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

standard fitness test?

Marquetta Gimm: If you go to www.iwantsixpackabs.com you will find a calculater somewhere after u sign up (it's free!) and click on calculater and you can either calculate your body fat, calories etc... and it will tell you if your in good shape!!

Charis Deguzman: yeah child im 16 5'7 and weigh 120 pounds girl you good

Mel Crapo: aaand im 5'1"

Darnell Cutliff: Look up your BMI- and make sure your waiste is below 34-

Marielle Hedeiros: That all depends on what "par" you want to be up to. If you go to www.presidentschallenge.org, you can find a BMI (body mass index) and there are some other tools there that can help you out. There are also basic military fitness tests that include a 3 mile run, 2 mins of sit-ups, and a hanging arm flex (put yourself in the pull-up position and hold your chin above the bar for as long as you can). Again, it all will depend on what you want to be in shape for. Hope this helps....Show more

Shawnna Kusky: they coul! d, yet you may would desire to handle all comparable themes. working example, standards substitute with age besides. you additionally can call for that persons be examined oftentimes. So if somebody passes the try on the age of 18, they'd desire to would desire to bypass it lower back at 30. many people does no longer carry out on a similar point, and does no longer be "extra wholesome for duty." i do no longer see how any of this takes jobs opportunities faraway from every physique. It in simple terms creates them. the army is all volunteer and prepared subsequently to settle for every physique who passes. Do you have evidence that adult adult males are being became away because of the fact women persons are in the protection tension? i be attentive to you do no longer, yet i presumed i could ask....Show more

Barton Sease: That depends on how tall you are.

Sherita Gallati: Look up body mass index pleasego to http://nhlbisupport.com/bmi/or die

Gregg Hagge:! running is always good, it doesnt hurt like wieght lifting or! stuff like that

Renato Abatiell: Well, comparing to me you are in great shape. You should probably ask your PE teacher if they know of a website with info.

Why do I get bad breath?  

Why do I get bad breath?  

answers 0:I drinks lots of water, I rinse my mouth all the time. But why is my mum saying that I have bad breath, I mean, my friends in school hardly drink any water and they're all right. I'm really disturbed by knowing that something I don't have much control over is taking over me. People still talk to me though, but I don't like having to hold my breath and know that they don't feel like telling me about this. Can anyone tell me what I can do?answers 1:Bad breath is caused by Anaerobic (oxygen hating) Sulfur Producing, helpful bacteria, which normally live at back portion of tongue. These bacteria are normal inhabitant of mouth. They help for digesting proteins.Proteins are made up of Amino Acids and two of them (Cysteine and Methionine) are full of sulfur. Hydrogen Sulfide, Methyl Mercaptan, and other odor producing and “foul-tasting” compounds, which are referred to as ! volatile sulfur compounds, are released due to proteins break down by these helpful bacteria.Different factors cause bad breath, you can find them at: http://www.danidaily.com/health-and-fitness/bad-br......answers 2:Yes, we can give you a better understanding about bad breath. Most bad breath is caused by bacteria on the tongue. This can often be seen as "white stuff" on the tongue, especially on the back of the tongue. Mints, gum, mouthwash, toothpaste will cover up bad breath for a short time, however, they do not cure bad breath. To get rid of bad breath you must get rid of the cause of bad breath, the bacteria. This is done by cleaning the tongue with a tongue cleaner. I use OraBrush tongue cleaner because it is both a brush and a scraper. I have used it for five months and it really works great....answers 3:Do you brush your tongue? Your tongue is the bad cause of holding bacteria. Brush your teeth with toothpaste that has maximum protection for cavities. Use e! ither a tough toothbrush or tongue scraper for your tongue, an! d also, FLOSS! Them germs in between your teeth cannot escape with a toothbrush and needs to be removed by dental floss which also has powdered toothpaste on, and lasty, LISTERINE! You can't beat listerine mouthwash, your mouth will be feeling fresh in NO time, make sure you do this twice daily, visit your Dentist every 6 months for a check-up, and chew sugar-free chewing gum whenever you can....answers 4:Always brush your teeth after you eat, and floss alsoanswers 5:Make sure that you brush and floss daily!Your brush should be against the gums at a 45 degree angle. Strokes should be gentle in tooth wide increments. Brush each side and the top. Don’t forget to brush your tongue.Use a length of floss 16 to 18 inches in length. Wrap the floss around each of your middle fingers. Slip the floss between your teeth. Form a u shape against the side of one tooth. Beginning at the gum line, use a gentle rubbing motion to remove the particles of food. Repeat with each adjacent toot! h remembering to take up the slack so that you are using a clean section of floss for each tooth.Hope this helps-Michael...answers 6:Why don't you try brushing your teeth and using mouthwash?