Thursday, 14 November 2019

Do hair vitamins make hair grow?

answers1: yes, some vitamins help to grow hair.
answers2: Yes It helps in hair growth quickly.
answers3: yes they do help you grow your hair. It is actually Hair
Skin and Nails Vitamins by ItWorks that allows my hair to be the
fullest and the longest as it as ever been. The best thing about it is
that I have been using them for only a month and a half. I've always
been stuck to a certain hair length. Not anymore :) If you're
interested contact me - judy.offrey@yahoo.ca
answers4: Yes they keep hair strong smd promotes growth and helps hair
from falling out.
answers5: Yes Hairfintiy does
answers6: Depending
answers7: Yes. Supplements like silica have been shown in double-blind
clinical trails (real science, not pseudoscience) to increase hair
growth rates, and increase the hair per cubic inch on the scalp. You
can get supplements with silica, however, the studies had the people
take silica tablets three times a day with meals. Normal supplements
will only "increase" the growth rate of your hair if it was hindered
in the first place by malnutrition. Taking supplements like
multivitamins only really helps your body achieve it's prime growth
rate that it is capable of when it's healthiest, slow hair growth
rates are seen when your body's prime rate is slowed. (Search for
silica study on PubMed) <br>
Silica, and the hot oil hair inversion technique are the only things
I've seen statistically work in making your hair grow faster than it's
optimum growth rate. The latter sounds a bit hippy'ish, and I had
brushed it off as hokum before. However, the results are the results,
and it seems to work. I guess that the stimulation from the massage +
inversion, and the added conditioning from the oils helps your hair
grow faster. <br>
The other thing I can advise, is to stop using normal shampoo on your
hair. Normal shampoo destroys your hair. You can buy cream rinses like
Wen, but Herbal Essences sells a cream conditioner in their new naked
line. There are also a bunch of different versions you can buy from
Sally's hair care. Getting rid of the shampoo will help reduce your
hair breakage, and drying which will allow you to grow + keep your
longer hair strands.
answers8: Yes It helps in hair growth
answers9: Accept yourself as you are. Why take anything created by
humans to destroy or add to what you already have? <br>
People always find a "con" for the things they do and regret it later.
Take for example plastic surgeries. Thats self explanatory. <br>
Let your hair grow naturally and try to maintain the texture to avoid breakage.
answers10: Not all vitamins make your hair grow. You want to look for
vitamins/pills that will help increase your keratin production because
that is the basic unit of the hair. Be careful not to take too much
because keratin is also released through skin and nails so when
increasing keratin production make sure you keep your pores clean and

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